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I hate all this pink gear


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The only people if effects, other than the millions of people the cause helps year in and year out, are the people who believe rooting for men in pink somehow calls into question their own prejudices and biases.


What PREJUDICES and BIASES??? Pink is a WOMANS color, and that's why it is used for WOMENS apparel! You are the one coming up with this inane prejudices and biases argument...

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Maybe next year everyone should wear lime green apparel to REALLY make everything look hideous. There is raising awareness, and then there is going to an extreme with the visuals. Purple is much easier on the eyes than bright radioactive pink.

So you propose to raise awareness on a cause by creating a color scheme that blends in so well people wouldn't even notice it. Got it. Brilliant insight.


I take it you work in advertising.


What PREJUDICES and BIASES??? Pink is a WOMANS color, and that's why it is used for WOMENS apparel! You are the one coming up with this inane prejudices and biases argument...

Got it. So no where in history has a man ever worn pink? And if a man dares to wear pink he must be gay, right?


Come on, be honest. That's what's behind this. You feel that if you root for a man wearing pink someone might think you're gay. Right?

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What PREJUDICES and BIASES??? Pink is a WOMANS color, and that's why it is used for WOMENS apparel! You are the one coming up with this inane prejudices and biases argument...

The original question was directed at a specific poster, not yourself. It might help you to read the original post and the response.


But I have one for you...what should I do with my pink shirts?

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Did we all step in the way-back machine and end up back in the 50s? Your problem is the color isn't "manly" enough? You feel funny rooting for men who wear pink? Why? Does the color in some way sap them of their talent, strength and speed?


Or is it really something more to do with your own issues?


If not agreeing with the NFL's policy of wearing pink in their uniforms for ONE-QUARTER of their games leads you to believe that I am uncomfortable in my sexuality, then so be it. But I ask you this- could you picture the Raiders in the 1970's wearing pink? Could you picture Jack Lambert with no teeth wearing pink? It's absurd. One game is more than enough. I ask you to re-read my original post before you judge me. Oh yeah, I also flew home to Buffalo in June to run the Susan Komen 5K for my aunt.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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I know this is politically incorrect, but is the NFL's pink breast cancer awareness campaign out of control?


Let me preface this by saying I, like many of you, have had people close to me affected by the disease. Let me also preface it by saying I know what tremendous good the foundation behind the campaign has done for breast cancer.


But I've also had people close to me affected by other types of cancer.


Way too much pink. Pink gloves. Pink socks. Pink hats. Pink websites. Pink coins. Pink in the stands. Even pink shoes. Do they really have to be so in your face? All. Month. Long.


I'd rather the NFL just donate a larger chunk of profits to the cause.


Your post is not politically incorrect and the campaign is out of control.

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Apparently you do since you missed the point. The point isn't whether or not pink is a woman's color. The point is whether or not wearing pink has any effect whatsoever on the players' ability to perform on the field.


It doesn't.


The only people if effects, other than the millions of people the cause helps year in and year out, are the people who believe rooting for men in pink somehow calls into question their own masculinity.


That's because pink is a feminine color. What don't you understand? And football is a tough, macho, masculine sport.(Well, it was before Goodell took over) Why do you think that anyone with that opinion has some deep underlying issues regarding their own masculinity?


When was the last time you say a bridesmade where hunter green, or navy blue, or black? Would it make them less of a woman? No, but it would look pretty tacky.


The NFL could raise just as much awareness with a big pink ribbon on the field, or a logo on the TV screen, or in any of the relentless commercial breaks. Players wearing pink worked okay at first, now it is just cliche.

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So you propose to raise awareness on a cause by creating a color scheme that blends in so well people wouldn't even notice it. Got it. Brilliant insight.


I take it you work in advertising.



Got it. So no where in history has a man ever worn pink? And if a man dares to wear pink he must be gay, right?


Come on, be honest. That's what's behind this. You feel that if you root for a man wearing pink someone might think you're gay. Right?


Panties in a bunch? You are the only one who has said such a thing. You are the one with THAT issue. You are the one implying that anyone who disagrees with you is a homophobe.

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If not agreeing with the NFL's policy of wearing pink in their uniforms for ONE-QUARTER of their games leads you to believe that I am uncomfortable in my sexuality, then so be it. But I ask you this- could you picture the Raiders in the 1970's wearing pink? Could you picture Jack Lambert with no teeth wearing pink? It's absurd. One game is more than enough. I ask you to re-read my original post before you judge me. Oh yeah, I also flew home to Buffalo in June to run the Susan Komen 5K for my aunt.

When your stated reason for disagreeing with it is because "guys yelling at each other in pink doesn't work", then absolutely. It's a silly, ignorant and short sided view of the larger issue.


Breast cancer, along with prostate and colon cancers, are diseases that can be stopped with early detection. Early detection requires people not only being aware of the issue, but being comfortable enough talking about those very private issues in sensitive areas of our bodies, to go to their doctors and get check ups. The entire point of the campaign is to stand out. NOT blend in.


The NFL has embraced this as is their right. The color scheme has NO impact on how the game is played. It doesn't make the men less tough, slower or weaker. It doesn't have any impact on the game itself at all EXCEPT for promoting discussions like this one. Which, again, is the entire point of the campaign.


But let's stop that because the 1970s Raiders wouldn't wear pink. There's no such thing as progress in your world, eh? Maybe we should keep all the sports exactly how they started off. Why stop with uniforms? Why not go back to the days of segregation? I mean the 1935 Yankees never played with a black player. They would have thought it absurd.


You're making a ridiculous argument that has absolutely no bearing on the sport itself. Instead, you've taken something that is positive and want to eliminate it because it makes YOU uncomfortable to root for dudes in pink.


That's a YOU problem.

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What about lupus? Muscular Distrophy? Autism?


You can say that about any form of disease, really... I'm more angry at the fact that decades after discovering more and more about cancer, we seem to be handcuffed by it even today despite the billions of dollars being spent on finding a cure...

Lupus? Is it lupus?

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Panties in a bunch? You are the only one who has said such a thing. You are the one with THAT issue. You are the one implying that anyone who disagrees with you is a homophobe.

I'm not implying it.


And you're making a generalization. I'm merely asking the specific people who seem to have an issue with this as to why they have an issue with it. It has no impact on anything whatsoever in regards to the games themselves. It only impacts the viewers. Which makes it a valid question.


Some on here have said it's the color that's the problem. Specifically because it's a woman's color. And we all know, only real men play football. Because it's a tough sport. For tough men. And tough men don't wear pink.


You fill in the blanks.

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I'm not implying it.


And you're making a generalization. I'm merely asking the specific people who seem to have an issue with this as to why they have an issue with it. It has no impact on anything whatsoever in regards to the games themselves. It only impacts the viewers. Which makes it a valid question.


Some on here have said it's the color that's the problem. Specifically because it's a woman's color. And we all know, only real men play football. Because it's a tough sport. For tough men. And tough men don't wear pink.


You fill in the blanks.

Recall the thread about a couple of football players drinking "umbrella drinks" by the pool in Vegas a couple of months ago? I think the same guys who thought that was too "feminine" are the same ones who don't like the pink gear.


Sounds like a pattern to me.

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I'm not implying it.


And you're making a generalization. I'm merely asking the specific people who seem to have an issue with this as to why they have an issue with it. It has no impact on anything whatsoever in regards to the games themselves. It only impacts the viewers. Which makes it a valid question.


It hurts my eyes.


But as I said in the other thread on this (mods: why hasn't this one been closed with the usual disclaimer?), pouring lemon juice on a paper cut hurts, too. I prefer to avoid either, but I don't go out of my way to B word about either one.


And as for the Kormen foundation...I have an inherent distrust of any charity that so aggressively markets themselves, and an inherent cynicism that refuses to believe that "inspiring" forty mile walks will somehow cure breast cancer.

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That's because pink is a feminine color. What don't you understand? And football is a tough, macho, masculine sport.(Well, it was before Goodell took over) Why do you think that anyone with that opinion has some deep underlying issues regarding their own masculinity?


When was the last time you say a bridesmade where hunter green, or navy blue, or black? Would it make them less of a woman? No, but it would look pretty tacky.


The NFL could raise just as much awareness with a big pink ribbon on the field, or a logo on the TV screen, or in any of the relentless commercial breaks. Players wearing pink worked okay at first, now it is just cliche.


Retracting my argument, and sticking to just my opinion. LOL. Pink is my favorite flavor.

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