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Anyone catch the Fergie Dr. Pepper commercial?


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I was making a revolting joke.




It was a long time ago when they took it out... I forget the reason why?


This the reason from Wiki:


"The period (fullstop) after "Dr" was discarded for stylistic and legibility reasons in the 1950s. Dr Pepper's logo was redesigned and the text in this new logo was slanted. The period made "Dr." look like "Di:". After some debate, the period was removed for good (it had been used off and on in previous logos), as it would also help remove any medical connotation with the product."




On another note... Wow... Dr Pepper is really old... I think it is one of the first soft drinks??

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It was a long time ago when they took it out... I forget the reason why?


This the reason from Wiki:


"The period (fullstop) after "Dr" was discarded for stylistic and legibility reasons in the 1950s. Dr Pepper's logo was redesigned and the text in this new logo was slanted. The period made "Dr." look like "Di:". After some debate, the period was removed for good (it had been used off and on in previous logos), as it would also help remove any medical connotation with the product."




On another note... Wow... Dr Pepper is really old... I think it is one of the first soft drinks??



Old people hate it! People my parents age (mid 70's) all say it tastes like this medicine they all used to have to take when they were little...

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