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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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Obama comes out and admits the truth... on Kimmel.


I often wonder if these guys actually know WE ARE JOKING most of the time here.


Like the existence of GOD, WRT UFO's we will believe it when we see it!!!

very humorous clip. to paraphrase - They won't let me say anything!

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He has to do stuff like that. I don't like how they all leave it like it is some sort of open question instead of discussing the simple math. I know it is over some people's heads but most people would understand it.


Anyway, I guess there could be some element of people that would freak out when realizing we are alone in the universe, and others would freak out if he lied and said there are in fact aliens, so leaving it all a mystery is seen as the right way to go. i disagree because I think the initial freakout would subside and people would realize that the universe is ours for the taking. We are still a long way from getting there but we have time.


Anyway, there is a deeper explanation about the lack of radio signals and other things that NOBODY wants to hear. I have only been starting with the basics here hoping some would figure it out. So far, bupkus. Spoiler alert: It does not involve aliens existing in our universe.

Here's the explanation you don't wanna hear.


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Dude math has no middle ground.



"The calculations show that billions of the stars in the Milky Way will have one to three planets in the habitable zone, where there is the potential for liquid water and where life could exist,"



From the same article: "The search for a planet capable of hosting life remains an academic pursuit – there is no solar system close enough for mankind to reach it unless we develop time travel"



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From the same article: "The search for a planet capable of hosting life remains an academic pursuit – there is no solar system close enough for mankind to reach it unless we develop time travel"



or your space ship is well stocked for a trip of thousands of years and you have a strong gene pool, or maybe even a cryo sleep

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From the same article: "The search for a planet capable of hosting life remains an academic pursuit – there is no solar system close enough for mankind to reach it unless we develop time travel"





Time travel has also mathematically been proven to be impossible.

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Didn't know where else to put this, so I'll stick it here... for sci-fi junkies out there this flick (still in production) is original and looks really amazing. This is a concept trailer (meaning it's not necessarily from the movie itself)


Looks slick. A couple years away I would think?

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1+1=11 enough with the math.


Math does not solve everything.


What is the math equation to validate the existance of hummanity


yes I'm trolling


1=1 validates humanity existing.....sorta. You're not ready for the real math or the real answer on that one. You're far from ready actually.


The fact that the Kentucky Derby winner does not pay $2.10 every year proves time travel is not possible.

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Extremely long and tedious, but if you're really interested here is an interesting talk about the topic.





That is interesting in the same way that watching paint dry on a blade of grass while it grows is interesting. That guy is an absolute dope trying to sound smart. Listening to Beerboy talk about the ramifications of alfalfa infections in the digestive tract of antelopes is captivating compared to him. And we all know how boring that can be.


Hint: He is trying to get laid.


It must be working for him if he keeps up that schtick but he clearly does not understand math.


If anyone is waiting for a basic structure for the answers to all of these bogus questions, let me know and I can provide them. Some of you are more ready than others.

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The fact that the Kentucky Derby winner does not pay $2.10 every year proves time travel is not possible.


Obviously. No horse is that stupid. If time travel existed, then the same horse would keep flying back in time and making more money. He (or she) would also likely hire other horses to mule kick competitors.


Hence, the odds would be widely varied depending on which year said horse travelled to.... and which horses got the "Tonya Harding" treatment. Mr. Ed would have also won several Triple Crowns by now as well. Just saying.

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