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Unbelievable story out of Arizona....


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What's worse, people doing drugs, or bodies in the street? Our nation needs to ask itself that question.


Bodies in the street are more than likely the result of someone doing, buying, or selling drugs.

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Bodies in the street are more than likely the result of someone doing, buying, or selling drugs.

or an asinine draconian drug policy. How come there are not bodies shot dead in the street in Amsterdam?

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I can think of a lot reasons why he grabbed a weapon with nothing to hide. One of them is: "His castle/empire is under assault." What better reason than that!


Another is "Petit family killings in Bristol, Connecticut."


I understand that SWAT has a purpose. But these situations can get really bad, really quick when there's mutual misunderstanding. AT THE VERY LEAST, they need to be 100% sure they have the right target. Even if they had gotten the correct house, to be using it for relatively low-level crap like that....

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Interesting, the laws are to blame.


When a Government declares a "War on Drugs" it directly means a "War on Our Own People". And it immediately becomes an us vs them problem. So far the government has FAILED to stop the production of these illegal drugs, they have FAILED to stop the importation of these illegal drugs, and they have FAILED to stop the distribution of these illegal drugs. All on epic levels given the amount of resources they have poured into the "War".


Their way isn't working, and since they have failed to stop the drugs at the higher levels, they attack their own people. The only thing they can do to show they are winning "some small battles" is to go after it's own citizens who are not even harming anyone. You have thousands of people serving long jail sentences (or dead) for growing a harmless plant. You have police agencies killing their own citizens because it's the only battle they CAN actually win.


The government has taken brave police men and women who want to protect and serve us citizens, and are using them as pawns to harass, attack, and kill the people instead.


The whole thing is back-asswards.

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When a Government declares a "War on Drugs" it directly means a "War on Our Own People". And it immediately becomes an us vs them problem. So far the government has FAILED to stop the production of these illegal drugs, they have FAILED to stop the importation of these illegal drugs, and they have FAILED to stop the distribution of these illegal drugs. All on epic levels given the amount of resources they have poured into the "War".


Their way isn't working, and since they have failed to stop the drugs at the higher levels, they attack their own people. The only thing they can do to show they are winning "some small battles" is to go after it's own citizens who are not even harming anyone. You have thousands of people serving long jail sentences (or dead) for growing a harmless plant. You have police agencies killing their own citizens because it's the only battle they CAN actually win.


The government has taken brave police men and women who want to protect and serve us citizens, and are using them as pawns to harass, attack, and kill the people instead.


The whole thing is back-asswards.


You are so right. Everyone should smoke pot. If only they would we'd be such a productive and enlightened society.

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You are so right. Everyone should smoke pot. If only they would we'd be such a productive and enlightened society.

I hope your rage against potheads is part of your shtick. I don't think people should smoke pot, but I also don't think people should watch The Bachelor. Both stunt emotional development and can be detrimental to brain function, but that doesn't mean they need to be banned throughout the land.

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I hope your rage against potheads is part of your shtick. I don't think people should smoke pot, but I also don't think people should watch The Bachelor. Both stunt emotional development and can be detrimental to brain function, but that doesn't mean they need to be banned throughout the land.


Dont even bother to respond to the troll. Any way you slice it (schtick or serious, gimmick of regular poster or not), it's posting is pitiful and not funny.

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It's kind of an inside joke. You should hang around PPP more often.


never. the two times i popped in there this year, it was worse than i had even remembered.






Video of the raid from outside Guerena's front door. You get about 10 seconds of siren, and you cant really hear them yelling anything when they are at the front door, and that is from about 15 feet away. How they expect anyone inside, or in the back of the house, to have heard them identify themselves as police officers is beyond me...




Edited by DrDareustein
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I hope your rage against potheads is part of your shtick. I don't think people should smoke pot, but I also don't think people should watch The Bachelor. Both stunt emotional development and can be detrimental to brain function, but that doesn't mean they need to be banned throughout the land.

I have never said anything stating my opinion about the legality of pot, pot vs. alcohol, etc which should offend anyone. The problem is that the pot heads place pot with such a high priority in their lives that any perceived affront to their precious weed is taken as some sort of judgement. I guess this is part of the paranoia. Many pot heads would give up their family before they say a bad word about pot. Many do. I find it sad.


Part of this tragedy appears to be because of errors on the part of the police. At least that is what is being reported in the pot laced media. It could well be true. Part of it is also apparently because of the pot problem we have in our country. None of the pot heads can acknowledge that at all. They don't even have the guts to say this guy is collateral damage in their quest to toke up.


They can't even see that when Osama BL started toking up his terror plots became dumb like lighting underwear. I am glad Osama started smoking but not so happy it is happening to fellow citizens.

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Part of this tragedy appears to be because of errors on the part of the police. At least that is what is being reported in the pot laced media. It could well be true. Part of it is also apparently because of the pot problem we have in our country. None of the pot heads can acknowledge that at all. They don't even have the guts to say this guy is collateral damage in their quest to toke up.

I'm not sure how serious you are, but they see him as collateral damage in the quest to keep them from toking up.

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