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I just started and finished watching Breaking Bad

The Poojer

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Why would you wait till it's finished?


I like going through these shows in marathons without having to wait for the next episode.


I wish i would have waited for breaking bad.

Edited by meazza
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Watched the first 3 seasons of Boardwalk Empire I really have enjoyed it so far. IMO on par or better than the Sopranos.While overwhelming (you are introduced to over 30 characters in the 1st season) I really like the complex plot and onslaught of characters and it is really rewarding watching each season for a 2nd time.


Now I am catching up with Mad Men. Started season 1 yesterday (like 7 episodes in) and I felt letdown and underwhelmed so far. I am not "getting" the hype with this show although it seems to be getting a bit better after episode 5.


To me thus far Breaking Bad and Boardwalk are far superior shows...I will stick with it and hope it gets better.


I got through four or five eps of MadMen a while back, but I couldn't get into it either. I didn't really feel compelled to keep going with it.

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I got through four or five eps of MadMen a while back, but I couldn't get into it either. I didn't really feel compelled to keep going with it.


In the latter part to end of season 1 it has gotten better I'll admit. The acting and writing is just alright IMO. If I was waiting every week to watch a single episode I don't think I would have sticked with this show.

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In the latter part to end of season 1 it has gotten better I'll admit. The acting and writing is just alright IMO. If I was waiting every week to watch a single episode I don't think I would have sticked with this show.


Heck yeah, the whole idea of binge-watching shows is a blast...I'ts really only been the last few years that I've been watching more TV, so I had the chance to binge on 24, Sopranos, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Lost, and of course House of Cards when Netflix released it all at once. I find it exponentially more enjoyable to have entire seasons to feast on at my own pace. There are times when I almost consider not watching a show I'm interested in when it comes on each week, just so I can delay my gratification and enjoy it all at once when it's over. Binge marathons are the best!

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I got through four or five eps of MadMen a while back, but I couldn't get into it either. I didn't really feel compelled to keep going with it.

I rank Mad Men, and Boardwalk Empire as, far and away, my two favorite current shows, in that order...Breaking Bad was #1. That said, I hate to say it, Mad Men is one of those shows, I think, that people just love, or, just don't care about it. It is far, far, different than any of the rest. I just don't think, if you didn't like the first five, you are going to like it much more after that. It is not an "action" show at all...but a great hour of adult television, IMO. I will say, I was really disappointed by the most recent season...I am confident it will rebound for the last season. As for Boardwalk Empire, it is kind of a slow builder, I think it benefits from binge watching. Particularly in the first season, the first half really is sort of building a canvas for the show...tons of characters, and, seemingly, lots of pointless scenes...yet, many of those "pointless" scenes become much more relevant later on, some even in the second season. I like this, but, if you are watching these week by week, you really can forget a lot. There are other shows, like "Dexter" or "The Walking Dead", IMO, which would be hurt by binge watching... they have too many holes and weaknesses, I don't think I could sit through 3 or 4 without becoming conscious of how much time I am wasting on them...an hour a week is more doable... :lol:

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I rank Mad Men, and Boardwalk Empire as, far and away, my two favorite current shows, in that order...Breaking Bad was #1. That said, I hate to say it, Mad Men is one of those shows, I think, that people just love, or, just don't care about it. It is far, far, different than any of the rest. I just don't think, if you didn't like the first five, you are going to like it much more after that. It is not an "action" show at all...but a great hour of adult television, IMO. I will say, I was really disappointed by the most recent season...I am confident it will rebound for the last season. As for Boardwalk Empire, it is kind of a slow builder, I think it benefits from binge watching. Particularly in the first season, the first half really is sort of building a canvas for the show...tons of characters, and, seemingly, lots of pointless scenes...yet, many of those "pointless" scenes become much more relevant later on, some even in the second season. I like this, but, if you are watching these week by week, you really can forget a lot. There are other shows, like "Dexter" or "The Walking Dead", IMO, which would be hurt by binge watching... they have too many holes and weaknesses, I don't think I could sit through 3 or 4 without becoming conscious of how much time I am wasting on them...an hour a week is more doable... :lol:

I think Boardwalk is far superior to breaking bad because this really happened. These people really existed. It's not a straight historical account but gives you a real insight into the life of a bootlegger in 1920. I had no idea Al Capone had a brother named Frank till I saw it on the show, and when I looked it up yes he was gunned down as depicted. Like the attention to detail also. When the KKK sprays lead at Chalky's they use a 1917 Browning belt feed machine gun. Period correct, and cool.


Then Al and Chalky use the same gun on Masseria's crew and Al get's a big grin on his face and says "I needed that." Just good stuff.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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That said, I hate to say it, Mad Men is one of those shows, I think, that people just love, or, just don't care about it. It is far, far, different than any of the rest. I just don't think, if you didn't like the first five, you are going to like it much more after that. It is not an "action" show at all...but a great hour of adult television, IMO.


Agreed -- you're not going to get a Walt hijacking the train scene in Mad Men. But seeing the arc of Lane's character over three seasons and culminating as it did was stunningly good stuff. You have to want to understand the characters and motivations to really appreciate Mad Men.

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Then Al and Chalky use the same gun on Masseria's crew and Al get's a big grin on his face and says "I needed that." Just good stuff.


Dude I love the Capone character. And the guy playing him is great at doing a mix of budding criminal mastermind with dumb brute street thug


Boardwalk Empire is centered around Atlantic City and Steve Buscemi was cast as the star. Throwing in Capone, Rothstein, Luciano, and Lansky was done to set the time period.


But you notice they are doing a lot more Chicago story lines this season?

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I got through four or five eps of MadMen a while back, but I couldn't get into it either. I didn't really feel compelled to keep going with it.


I know we're talking about subjectivity but "The Suitcase" from the 4th Season of "Mad Men" might be as close to perfect television as I've ever seen. Having said that (Curb reference), I can understand if you don't like the show. :D

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Dude I love the Capone character. And the guy playing him is great at doing a mix of budding criminal mastermind with dumb brute street thug


Boardwalk Empire is centered around Atlantic City and Steve Buscemi was cast as the star. Throwing in Capone, Rothstein, Luciano, and Lansky was done to set the time period.


But you notice they are doing a lot more Chicago story lines this season?

Poor episode today. No Capone, Lansky, Luciano, Rothstein, Masseria, nothing. One of my favorite's is Masseria. He just looks perfect for a Italian Mafia boss.
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my issue with boardwalk empire, and i have been advised to pick it back up, is that it seems very contrived. Seems like a cross between The Godfather epic and Hello Dolly, and Hello Dolly is more prominent. It just seemed as though they were trying TOO hard to make you believe it was a period piece. I know that sounds weird because it is a period piece, but i cannot get past the feeling i am watching a broadway musical in most of the crowd scenes, specifically.

This is Atlantic city circa 1920's. Party town [as it is today.] Don't expect men in bib overalls and women in sack dresses.
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Poor episode today. No Capone, Lansky, Luciano, Rothstein, Masseria, nothing. One of my favorite's is Masseria. He just looks perfect for a Italian Mafia boss.


Whoa...a lot happened tonight...looks like next week has lots of Chicago action. Eli and the FBI is going to be major...

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Whoa...a lot happened tonight...looks like next week has lots of Chicago action. Eli and the FBI is going to be major...


More of a table setting episode. Eli has a decision to make. Chalky and Narcisse are getting ready for war. Nucky just wants to sit back and take care of business but that won't happen.


Previews for next week look like big doings in Chicago between Mueller and O'Bannion

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More of a table setting episode. Eli has a decision to make. Chalky and Narcisse are getting ready for war. Nucky just wants to sit back and take care of business but that won't happen.


Previews for next week look like big doings in Chicago between Mueller and O'Bannion


I kind of got the vibe that Eli had already made his decision.

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