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Fairley Certain

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Here are my thoughts as parts are addressed in different threads... i combined them into one.


As we all know and are surprised at those that did not know, all of the coaches & GMs are putting up smoke screens about who is good or not, who is rising and who is falling, etc.. I would hypothesize that some coaches and GMs let their staff feed the sports media "inside information" that may not be entirely true on who they like and don't and why certain players should rise and fall. i think the Bills read why Maybin should rise last year and we got Buffalo-ed. You see and hear - unidentified sources, sources close to the war room - all of the time. I would further hypothesize that some teams (Dallas comes to mind) would even collaborate with certain media types (Kiper comes to mind) to help spread false news about players to ensure they rise / fall on draft day.


With that idea germinating in my mind, I began to wonder what has Nick Fairley done to warrant the beating his stock has taken since the end of the season? He has done nothing wrong...he performed well at the combine....he did nothing but make plays all year long....many more than Marcell Dareus. So why the drop off? His weight, I don't think so. Some say he lacks motivation. Some say one year wonder. I say bull. This guy is a big nasty and we have not had his type on our team in a long long time. Many say he can be the most dominating defensive player in the draft. I say take him at three. Fairley, Williams, Carrington rotate outside, Fairley and Troupe rotate inside and this will make a very good line. Fairley and improvement from Troupe and Carrington will improve our linebackers immensely. I say it is all smoke about Fairley just to scare teams away. Don't listen to it, watch the tape, he is a beast. And then hope that Taylor falls to round 2.....now that would be a monster line. Even Maybin could make plays with that line in front of him...well maybe.

Edited by jumbalaya
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When do the Bills get in on this conspiracy so we get the players we should instead of being duped into Maybin, Spiller and such.


I watched Fairely and Dareus last year and Dareus is the better player. I was more surprised that Fairly was rated higher than him after the season and expected a role reversal after all the tape was watched and so it is.

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2 thoughts.


First, in the 3 hole, I dont see why the Bills would need to go through all that bother. A super good player is sure to fall to them. Since they arent just one player away from the Super Bowl, they shouldnt be too concerned over which super good player they get. As long as its not a running back, wide receiver, or cornerback.


They should be more concerned with figuring out who is super good.


Second, I love fairley on film, but I want more "grown ass men" on my team, not big kids who are instant millionaires. When I see interviews, that is what I look for. Last year it was clear that Suh was a grown ass man, even in college. Same with Orakpo. Same with Ngata. To me, the 2 primary factors in bust potential are intelligence and maturity. Like Marv said, if all else is equal, take the smarter player, because smart players get better faster.

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The 3 things that stick out and two are actual fact is:

his weight IS too small to be a DT in a 3/4, his college career is based on one actual year.


The only thing that is even remotely close to being a false is his view of being unmotivated. And ine can clearly state that it is not actual fact he is not, but way too many rumors say he is.

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2 thoughts.


First, in the 3 hole, I dont see why the Bills would need to go through all that bother. A super good player is sure to fall to them. Since they arent just one player away from the Super Bowl, they shouldnt be too concerned over which super good player they get. As long as its not a running back, wide receiver, or cornerback.


They should be more concerned with figuring out who is super good.


Second, I love fairley on film, but I want more "grown ass men" on my team, not big kids who are instant millionaires. When I see interviews, that is what I look for. Last year it was clear that Suh was a grown ass man, even in college. Same with Orakpo. Same with Ngata. To me, the 2 primary factors in bust potential are intelligence and maturity. Like Marv said, if all else is equal, take the smarter player, because smart players get better faster.

See: Cam Jordan.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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When do the Bills get in on this conspiracy so we get the players we should instead of being duped into Maybin, Spiller and such.


I watched Fairely and Dareus last year and Dareus is the better player. I was more surprised that Fairly was rated higher than him after the season and expected a role reversal after all the tape was watched and so it is.

I don't think we were duped on Spiller BB...Maybin maybe, but not Spiller. The tape doesn't lie. I still think he'll bust out.

And Scrappy...we're goin' D this yr...I can feel it...to honor Wanny if nothing else.

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I'm of a mindset that the Bills want offense, so this will not work.

What is the thought process behind this? Nix and Gailey have both said many times they are looking to improve the D and this draft is deep on DL and LB.

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The OP has a good point. Fairley's weight was a LITTLE lower at the combine than everyone expected and rthat seemed to have started a downward loop that has knocked him down about 10 spots in the draft. No talk of him anymore at three.

On a personal level, the thing that jumped out at me about him is that when he seemed to make plays, it was because he was totally unblocked, somebody missing an assignment.

I always favored Bowers but his injury has not healed sufficiently to flash his speed at his pro day. I think he is a beast though and if the Drs give it the ok, i would still take him. I would be ok with Fairley too or even Gabbert. I don't want Newton or Von miller.

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When do the Bills get in on this conspiracy so we get the players we should instead of being duped into Maybin, Spiller and such.


I watched Fairely and Dareus last year and Dareus is the better player. I was more surprised that Fairly was rated higher than him after the season and expected a role reversal after all the tape was watched and so it is.


This is what I don't get. I watched both Alabama and Auburn a lot last year and I don't ever remember being blown away by Dareus. Sure, he is the more versatile of the two and fits the 3-4 better but we do, and will continue to, play a lot of 4-3 fronts as well. That being said, when I watched Auburn it was clear to me in almost every game that Nick Fairley, not Cam Newton, was the most dominate player on Auburn (and maybe in the enitre country). The guy changed games last year and DOMINATED the best conference in football, Dareus....not so much. I'd take Fairley over Dareus without hesitation.

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Last year before the draft Chan stated that he wanted a scat-back then many were shocked that we drafted spiller. This year he said we need to get bigger, meaner and nastier on the DL, sounds like he is describing Fairley to me.

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When do the Bills get in on this conspiracy so we get the players we should instead of being duped into Maybin, Spiller and such.


I watched Fairely and Dareus last year and Dareus is the better player. I was more surprised that Fairly was rated higher than him after the season and expected a role reversal after all the tape was watched and so it is.

I watched them too, and Fairley is a better player, imo


How in the heck do you know?

ALl 3 could be total busts. All 3 could be future HOFers. Nobody knows.


He doesn't. He doesn't know jack.


Last year before the draft Chan stated that he wanted a scat-back then many were shocked that we drafted spiller. This year he said we need to get bigger, meaner and nastier on the DL, sounds like he is describing Fairley to me.


He has said LOTS of things. Lots of QB talk as well. Sounds to me like we may draft, Dareus, Fairley, bowers, Jordan, miller, Quinn, gabbert or newton.

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Fairley was extremely disruptive all season. He is tall (6’4’’) and has long arms (34 3/4'”) and is 290-300lbs. That’s ideal size for a 5 tech. I feel like he has a lot of room to grow into his body too. He also has elite feet for a D Lineman (so does Dareus FWIF). I am confident enough in his athleticism that he could play LDE in a 4-3 too (with Troupe and KW inside). I love his mean streak. He has been my favorite since November. The 1 year wonder stuff doesn’t bother me either. Per Colman he only played DL for his SR yr in HS (was an OT before) and went to JuCo for his freshman year. He played a lot his first year at Auburn, and from what I have heard from Tiger fans is that he should have played a lot more than he did that season. It is not rare for it to just “click” for a player and have him come out of nowhere, especially in SEC football. I see Fairley as a perennial all-pro type lineman and if I had the 1st overall pick I would select him without thinking twice. He dominated 2 and 3 blockers on each and every snap. He also showed incredible agility and play recognition in that championship game and Imo was the MVP of the game.

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Fairley was extremely disruptive all season. He is tall (6’4’’) and has long arms (34 3/4'”) and is 290-300lbs. That’s ideal size for a 5 tech. I feel like he has a lot of room to grow into his body too. He also has elite feet for a D Lineman (so does Dareus FWIF). I am confident enough in his athleticism that he could play LDE in a 4-3 too (with Troupe and KW inside). I love his mean streak. He has been my favorite since November. The 1 year wonder stuff doesn’t bother me either. Per Colman he only played DL for his SR yr in HS (was an OT before) and went to JuCo for his freshman year. He played a lot his first year at Auburn, and from what I have heard from Tiger fans is that he should have played a lot more than he did that season. It is not rare for it to just “click” for a player and have him come out of nowhere, especially in SEC football. I see Fairley as a perennial all-pro type lineman and if I had the 1st overall pick I would select him without thinking twice. He dominated 2 and 3 blockers on each and every snap. He also showed incredible agility and play recognition in that championship game and Imo was the MVP of the game.

I agree with everything you said in this post. I think Fairley will turn out to be a beast. Im just confused. I don't understand how you can love fairley and hate miller so much. I realize they play different positions, but both of their games are predicated on speed, athleticism and explosion off the snap. If you look at fairley, he doesn't have much if any muscle tone, he's tall and lanky. I feel that he will have to blow by olineman to be effective. He doesnt have great strength and if a lineman gets a hold of him, it could be trouble, especially vs the run. I know he has great lateral quickness, but so does miller.


I'm not trying to debate whether or not he will be a good player, only trying to see why you like him so much and hate on miller so much. Again, i know they play different positions, but their football strengths are identical. Speed, explosion and lateral quickness.

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When do the Bills get in on this conspiracy so we get the players we should instead of being duped into Maybin, Spiller and such.


I watched Fairely and Dareus last year and Dareus is the better player. I was more surprised that Fairly was rated higher than him after the season and expected a role reversal after all the tape was watched and so it is.

I agree but Dareus will be taken by Denver.

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