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Renting a movie tonight


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Thank you for clearing my name. Was it your girlfriend that leaves love notes for you on Facebook all the time? :lol:


lol, there's like six girls who leave me notes all the time on FB :devil:

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I really enjoy comedies. Rented "Dinner for Scmhucks". Almost turned it off halfway through.. Any good suggestions?


Comedies: Tropic Thunder, Burn After Reading, Up in the Air (not technically a comedy but still very good), Hott Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead,


Drama/Suspense: Let the Right one In (the original Swedish version); Revanche (Austrian movie, warning: slow but very satisfying), The Town (or Gone Baby Gone which is even better), Moon


Action: District 9, Kick Ass, Iron Man 2 (marginally)

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Just watched "Frozen" and "Exam" on Netflix. We thought both were pretty good. Frozen is basically "Open Water" on skis and "Exam" is a "can u figure out the ending" sort of movie.


I just watched Exam too...thought it was pretty good, but it sort of lost me about 2/3 in, but I did like the very end.

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  • 9 months later...

Digging this thread back up because I was updating my Netflix queue tonight.


Tonight I watched "Rampage" which dev/null/ recommended in another thread.


And?? Was his recommendation worth a flying fart or no?


I'll throw out a suggestion for "Triage". It's a Colin Farrell film I saw a week or two ago. Good flick.


Looks like "Limitless" was just added this week. It was one of the better popcorn flicks from the last year, IMO.

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The Next Three Days was somewhat entertaining, if a bit unrealistic....but hey, it's the movies!


Also, Faces in the Crowd was okay (Mila Jovovich)


Queen: Making of a Night at the Opera was awesome.


Card Subject to Change was good if you're a fan of the behind the scenes wrasslin biz


Buck was a very good documentary about the guy that the film The Horse Whisperer was based on.


Trollhunter was a low budget film about eradicating trolls in Norway

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Buck was a very good documentary about the guy that the film The Horse Whisperer was based on.

They made a documentary about the guy from the worst movie in the history of cinema...? :blink: Where's the "gun to my head" smiley when you need it?

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Looks like "Limitless" was just added this week. It was one of the better popcorn flicks from the last year, IMO.


Limitless petered out after a promising beginning. Source Code on the other and, was terrific and a great followup to Moon by Duncan Jones. We need more such creativity in the SciFi/Action genre

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Buck was a very good documentary about the guy that the film The Horse Whisperer was based on.


I don't want to get banned by SDS but I have to say The Horse Whisperer sucked and Jennifer Love Hewitt is a horrible actress. It is somewhat interesting to know that it was based on a dude not a chick. Weird that they would change it up but sex sells I guess.

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They made a documentary about the guy from the worst movie in the history of cinema...? :blink: Where's the "gun to my head" smiley when you need it?


I've never seen Horse Whisperer, so had no interest in seeing this. But the reviews were off the charts so I gave it a shot. It was actually really interesting. I still have no interest in seeing Horse Whisperer, though :)


When they get done in Norway, they should stop by to eradicate the trolls in TSW



The TBD Shout Box on Sundays would be a great place for them to start, too!


Limitless petered out after a promising beginning. Source Code on the other and, was terrific and a great followup to Moon by Duncan Jones. We need more such creativity in the SciFi/Action genre


Definitely agree about Source Code and Duncan Jones. Moon has become one of my favorite sci-fi films of all time and I enjoyed Source Code, too. I need to see Souce Code again, though, cause I thought there were a few times when you may need to call "horse-hockey". It held my interest from beginning to end. Limitless wasn't as good as either film, I agree. I was entertained by it, though.


I don't want to get banned by SDS but I have to say The Horse Whisperer sucked and Jennifer Love Hewitt is a horrible actress. It is somewhat interesting to know that it was based on a dude not a chick. Weird that they would change it up but sex sells I guess.


Is Scott a big Horse Whisperer guy?

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