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18 Years Ago Today


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This just reminds me how far removed we are from our "glory years." That and the fact that I am getting older.


It shows me just how much slower NFL players were back then.. some of those guys look like they're in slo-motion.

Edited by Quester74
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No, I don't agree the comeback game against Houston represented the greatest day in Buffalo Bills history. It's sort of sad & pathetic being a life long Bills fan, but to me, the greatest day in any franchise has to include winning a Championship....being the winner the very last game of that sport's season.


So as the Buffalo Bills franchise goes, there have only been two Championships won on the last day of the league's season, and that was way back in 1964 and 1965, as members of the AFL. I was too young to remember watching either of those games, so as a participating fan, the greatest moment in Buffalo Bills history, for me,

was of course the 51-3 blowout of the Raiders in the AFC Championship game January 1991, representing the Bills' first trip to the Super Bowl.


Your game, if I were to rank it myself, would be the 7th best all time game:

1) 1st AFL Championship win against San Diego in Buffalo 1964.

2) 2nd AFL Championship win against San Diego in San Diego 1965.

3) 1st AFC Championship win against Oakland in Buffalo 1991.

4) 2nd AFC Championship win against Denver in Buffalo 1992.

5) 3rd AFC Championship win against Miami in Miami 1993.

6) 4th AFC Championship win against Kansas City in Buffalo 1994.

7) Wild Card comeback win over Houston in Buffalo 1993.


Now I realize that comeback was the greatest comeback in NFL history. I realize Frank Reich played the entire game for injured Jimbo, and that Kenneth Davis played most of the game for injured Thurman. I even realize that Biscuit Bennett was out for that one too.


But for me, it's about winning Championships. At least games 3 - 6 were AFC Championship wins, and to date, those Buffalo Bills teams are still the only ones to win 4 consecutive Conference Championships and play in 4 consecutive SB's in the SB era of the NFL. With the current state of FA and the salary cap, and who knows what the brand new collective bargaining agreement will do for even more parity in the NFL, those Bills may end up being the only team to ever play in 4 consecutive SB's. So that's why those Championship game wins are more impressive to me then the comeback game.

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watched that game at casa di pizza or whatever that place is called on elmwood. best sunday afternoon ever. i honestly never stopped thinking we had a shot. houston was probably the only team in the league that could have given up that lead because they ran the run and shoot and couldn't run the clock down.

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This just reminds me how far removed we are from our "glory years." That and the fact that I am getting older.

I was there.

I met OJ Simpson in the corridor at halftime that day. He was a sideline correspondant for NBC.

He was nice, and took tim eto stop and talk. Shook my hand as well as my buddies


The stadium looks full, but I tell you half the people left at halftime.

Ive never yelled and screamed that much in my life.

It was the ultimate adrenaline rush and sports high I have ever experienced.

It was awesome.

Cant believe it was 18 years ago.

We are due.

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Was Houston kicking an on-side kick after the Pick-6 early in the 3rd?? I knew we scored quickly with Kenny Davis, but didn't remember why we were at midfield to start..


If they did try to kick into a front-line Bill and recover the ricochet, then F- Them! That's really rubbing it in!! They deserved to lose after that!

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Was Houston kicking an on-side kick after the Pick-6 early in the 3rd?? I knew we scored quickly with Kenny Davis, but didn't remember why we were at midfield to start..


If they did try to kick into a front-line Bill and recover the ricochet, then F- Them! That's really rubbing it in!! They deserved to lose after that!



No, the kicker stumbled and hit an up man with the kick. It was dumb luck, which is what one needs to turn the momentum sometimes. A bit like Reich throwing a pass right through the hands of Eddie Robinson that somehow gets through un-tipped to Metzelaars on the same drive.


What is fascinating is that one cannot blame the run-and-shoot for the Oilers choke. Things just went the Bills' way. After the pick-6, the bills score two consecutive TDs (onside kick in between), and the Oilers have two drives that end with a pick and a 3-and-out. After the Bills pull within 35-31, the Oilers then mount a very long time-consuming drive that ends with a messed up figgie try. More dumb luck, but I'll take it.


It was a helluva game.

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