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What's the knock on Palin?

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You know there are plenty of conservatives and Republicans (myself very much included) that think she is a dolt and unfit for the office of POTUS. You don't have to be a liberal or Democrat to hold that opinion.


Don't tell that to several people posting in this thread. If you don't like Palin, you're a liberal.

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There's plenty to criticize about Palin, and you pick the one thing for which she can't be criticized. She's a great public speaker. You may not like the speech, which wouldn't surprise anyone here, but she is outstanding in front of a mic.


Unfortunately, being a great speaker means nothing without substance, and is in no way a single reason to vote for someone, as is evidenced by the current dolt-in-chief, whose pathway to the presidency began with a singularly outstanding speech that he has since pissed all over with his inability to lead.



Go figure we disagree. I do not think she is that great of a speaker.. again coached well. Has nothing to do with the content of the speeches either. Like you said, there is plenty to criticize her about.


I do like this website though: http://wtfhassarahpalindonesofar.com/24/

Edited by pBills
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Go figure we disagree. I do not think she is that great of a speaker.. again coached well. Has nothing to do with the content of the speeches either. Like you said, there is plenty to criticize her about.


I do like this website though: http://wtfhassarahpalindonesofar.com/24/


Sadly, most of those are made up or grossly exaggerated. Not that I mind hyperbole, or comedy, or whatever, but in this case the truth is far more entertaining.

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Don't tell that to several people posting in this thread. If you don't like Palin, you're a liberal.

Just curious, which "several" people characterized you as a liberal?



I do like this website though: http://wtfhassarahpalindonesofar.com/24/

Of course you like that website, it is precisely the sort of stuff that peaks your interest.

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Just curious, which "several" people characterized you as a liberal?



Of course you like that website, it is precisely the sort of stuff that peaks your interest.


Actually it's "pique."


It seems like "peak" makes sense there but the expression is the former.

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Yes, I made fun of George Bush. Dear god who didn't? He sucked as a public speaker, always acted as though he had a nervous tick and yes, got us into Iraq when we didn't need to be there. His Presidency as a whole was one of the worst ever. Many will say the same thing about Obama's as well. Unless the economy comes around and jobs pick up.


Did both Presidents do some good while in office? YES. Did I ever say anything about conspiracies with Bush. No. Did I ever go after his character? No. Hell talk about character assassinations and vilifying... dear lord. Some people still believe Obama's not an American. Some people say he's a Nazi, out to put people threw death panels, just a mere community organizer - not good enough, he doesn't care about small business - jobs - or the economy as a whole, doesn't care about senior citizens and my favorite is that in 18 months everything wrong with this country is Obama's fault. Probably the dumbest and most closed minded statement from the right EVER. All in all, I for one can see the good both Presidents have done and the bad. Can you or will you believe and continue to spew nonsense?


Finally... sit there and say I'm childish, I need to grow up, learn something... me and my ilk, blah, blah, blah... just shows who the childish one is. You.

I didn't see you posting any "hey now, that's a blatantly ridiculous criticism of Bush" posts, so spare me.


And of course, you, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, hide behind they "yeah but we are only joking" excuse. "We can lie, and make up any blatant crap we want, be taken seriously if we end up being accurate, but hide behind 'comedy' if we end up being wrong". It's an immature double standard, so yeah, you do need to grow up. The "I was only joking" excuse is middle school, at best.

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There's plenty to criticize about Palin, and you pick the one thing for which she can't be criticized. She's a great public speaker. You may not like the speech, which wouldn't surprise anyone here, but she is outstanding in front of a mic.


Unfortunately, being a great speaker means nothing without substance, and is in no way a single reason to vote for someone, as is evidenced by the current dolt-in-chief, whose pathway to the presidency began with a singularly outstanding speech that he has since pissed all over with his inability to lead.

What? Did you forget about the double standard? It's hysterical that ANY Democrat would dare to be talking about communication skills vs. substance, given Obama's embarrassing performance up to this point. The sheer hypocrisy of it is astounding.


Obama still has time to get his act together, and I think he certainly has the ability. I don't think he is a complete buffoon, yet. He better start doing real work properly, and getting results. He needs to show us, and stop telling us. His recent efforts at "communicating" have made things worse for him, and the country. He needs to take on one small thing, get it right, let his results do the talking, then build off of that.


Meanwhile, Palin is doing a fine job of playing Obama, etc in 2005-6, and therefore, I don't want to hear any whining.

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:lol: Your transformation to the Dark Side is almost complete. Now kill OCinBuffalo, and take his place at my side...

Too funny.


Noooo...there is ...good..in you. I .... feel ... it.


If I am Darth Vader, then that's directed at me:

"You have no idea of the power of dark side....or conner's stupidity...or pBills hypocrisy. Any of these ancient evils can account for pages of wasted productivity during work hours."


Also, if I am Darth Vader, does that make Magox...Yoda? :lol: If so, does that make GG, TPS and ..lybob the other members of the Jedi council?


And, how the F does DC_Tom get to be the Emperor? Why isn't his "turn on you like a mother-in-law" ass Lando Calrissian? :nana:


And, I nominate LaBillz as Han Solo, 1billsfan as Chewy, and Buftex as Princess Leia.


Say something breathtakingly stupid, get hammered for it, then retract with "I wasn't serious, can't you fact-hating idiots recognize sarcasm?"


Well, goddamn if THAT tactic doesn't seem familiar... :lol:

What? You mean the John Stewart/Bill Maher/pBills, "I'm just kidding, unless I turn out to be right, therefore I always have an excuse for being intellectually dishonest" tactic? :rolleyes:

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Let me be the first to nominate the poster formerly known as VABills as R2-D2. No one can understand him but he's kind of well-liked.. He's diminutive (Translation for VABills: that means "short").

He's well-liked? And why formerly? And who are you?

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And, how the F does DC_Tom get to be the Emperor? Why isn't his "turn on you like a mother-in-law" ass Lando Calrissian? :nana:


Because, !@#$wit, if I'd posted "This deal is getting worse all the time" in response to Peace, it wouldn't have made any sense.


And, I nominate LaBillz as Han Solo, 1billsfan as Chewy, and Buftex as Princess Leia.


And conner as Chewbacca...doesn't rise above the level of unintelligible grunting, so nobody understands a thing he says, but he's always hovering in the background, ready to make noise. And probably smells like a wet dog, too.

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And conner as Chewbacca...doesn't rise above the level of unintelligible grunting, so nobody understands a thing he says, but he's always hovering in the background, ready to make noise. And probably smells like a wet dog, too.



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