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What's the knock on Palin?

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Very sensitive about your girl.


She was elected right?


Shortly after, she quit, right?


Now answer: Is that an admirable quality in an elected official?


By the way Wil. E. Coyote, she didn't quit her job "to pursue higher office" unless you mean she quit her job 4 years in advance of a presidential run, which would take some measure of eff-the-voters chutzpah.


As to your "When anyone else does it that's fine, when she does it she's the scum of the Earth?" argument, that's the conner thought process again. This thread's about Palin.

I'm through arguing with you. Your reading comprehension is ghastly, you make inferences that you pull directly from your ass, and all you really seem to know is how to repeat the same tired mantra that wasn't persuasive the first time, applies to all manner of other people who you seem to admire, and have proven yourself a mindless follower of the establishment left. Congratulations, you're a tool.

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I also highly doubt she quit because it was getting "too hot" for her. A woman who was a Republican VP candidate and is now stumping for Republicans and Tea Partiers found the governorship of AK too hot? Bull. She left for the money.


Honestly, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt on the heat driving her out. I thought the issue was that she was having to mount her own legal defense fund for all the lawsuits filed against her.


I'm through arguing with you. Your reading comprehension is ghastly, you make inferences that you pull directly from your ass, and all you really seem to know is how to repeat the same tired mantra that wasn't persuasive the first time, applies to all manner of other people who you seem to admire, and have proven yourself a mindless follower of the establishment left. Congratulations, you're a tool.


I've never voted for a Democrat in my life but keep going. You obviously have an active fantasy life.


Well, well, well. So it's ok to quit on the people who elected you to pursue higher office, but if you want to be a central figure in a movement that you feel is more consequential, important, and inline with what your voters want (and on what grounds do you refute any of that), while simultaneously pursuing your own self-interest, that's not good b/c a bunch of limp wristed libs who pretend they give a **** about anything other than the letter in parentheses next to your name get a leaky tampon over it.


So wait. When she quit in 2009, it was to be a central figure in a movement? I thought she quit because she didn't want to put Alaskans through the torture of being governed by a "lame duck governor." That's your girl's excuse at the time. Your worst enemy is your friend on this topic.


Who said it was "OK" to leave office to run for president? Not me.

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Would this be alleged "Trooper Gate" [cue jerking off emoticon]


But apparently we should suck the seed out of a guy who used his office to procure a sweetheart land deal from a slum lord in exchange for pushing favorable legislation through the state legislature.


But I admire your consistency. :thumbsup:



Actually I was talking about her alleged misuse of State funds. So under your logic if someone else does something unethical, it's ok for Sarah to do it too? Makes sense.


Bottom line again is that she may be great ( :rolleyes: ) for speaking engagements or a reality show ( :sick: ), but that's about it. Not Presidential material.

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Honestly, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt on the heat driving her out. I thought the issue was that she was having to mount her own legal defense fund for all the lawsuits filed against her.


She should have tried the Charlie Rangel "You're unfairly persecuting me because my lawyers all quit because I haven't paid them" defense.


Though it doesn't seem to be working too well for him...

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Again...you support a guy who abused his position of power to strong-arm senior corporate bondholders as a favor to unions. You might want to pick another point of contention - particularly if you're going to argue that "abuse of power" and "presidential material" are exclusive.



Yes, that HUGE favor done for unions. Give me a break. If they wanted to do a favor for the unions it would have been by pushing through the Employee Free Choice Act. That didn't happen.


So do you believe Palin is a good choice to be President of the United States? Could imagine her trying to work a deal with the Chinese or Saudi Arabia... dear god this country will be laughed at for years and years.

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So do you believe Palin is a good choice to be President of the United States? Could imagine her trying to work a deal with the Chinese or Saudi Arabia... dear god this country will be laughed at for years and years.


Ummm, yes the Unions have benefited tremendously, what planet are you living on?


Oh and I guess you haven't been keeping up lately. The irony of your comment is that you hypothesize on the embarrassment of what Palin could bring us, but in reality the Chinese are laughing and mocking at us today (literally). :doh::lol:

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I guess you haven't been keeping up lately. The irony of this comment is that you hypothesize on the embarrassment of what Palin could bring us, but in reality the Chinese are laughing at us today (literally). :doh::lol:



Hell they have been laughing at us for years. Not just today. Do you honestly think she would be a good person to have as President?

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Hell they have been laughing at us for years. Not just today. Do you honestly think she would be a good person to have as President?

Not to this degree. Let's be real here Pbills, it has been amateur hour at the white house going on 18 months now, and the world is mocking our president. He has lost almost all credibility which is why he has failed to deliver on every global initiative he has attempted. I have never seen our country lose so much stature as what we are seeing today.


Oh and you ask me do I believe she would be a good president? I'd say no, but definitely not as bad as the job killing, over restrictive regulating, class warfare, divisive, polarizing, tax and spending, idealogical and thin-skinned president we have today. If I had a choice between the two, I'd MUCH rather have Palin over Obama. Why? simply because she wouldn't place nonsensical regulations on the market, she would attempt to lower taxes, she wouldn't go ahead with these divisive class warfare arguments, she would foment a better relationship with the business community and would actively work to reduce the deficit, whereas our current president placed ANdy Stern (ex SEIU Union BOSS) on the deficit reduction committee :wallbash: . I think that says how serious he is about reducing the national debt.

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Not to this degree. Let's be real here Pbills, it has been amateur hour at the white house going on 18 months now, and the world is mocking our president. He has lost almost all credibility which is why he has failed to deliver on every global initiative he has attempted. I have never seen our country lose so much stature as what we are seeing today.


Oh and you ask me do I believe she would be a good president? I'd say no, but definitely not as bad as the job killing, over restrictive regulating, class warfare, divisive, polarizing, tax and spending, idealogical and thin-skinned president we have today. If I had a choice between the two, I'd MUCH rather have Palin over Obama. Why? simply because she wouldn't place nonsensical regulations on the market, she would attempt to lower taxes, she wouldn't go ahead with these divisive class warfare arguments, she would foment a better relationship with the business community and would actively work to reduce the deficit, whereas our current president placed ANdy Stern (ex SEIU Union BOSS) on the deficit reduction committee :wallbash: . I think that says how serious he is about reducing the national debt.



I wouldn't go as far as you by calling it amateur hour. Yes, he has made mistakes like past Presidents and he hasn't been as strong of a leader as he should at times. I also believe that even though the mistakes he has made have not helped, our stature in the world hasn't been lost solely by him. None of our leaders have been very strong for years.


I do love how you can state all of those items above and truly believe he caused everything. Kind of funny to me. So since you believe Palin is better than Obama, do you think she can truly be a job creator? She would not get into class warfare (which let's face it that has been going on for years - she's not going to change anything)? She may lower taxes, but she won't cut spending... just a fact of life. Why is she going to be so great for the business community and deficit?


You being a smart person... I just don't understand why you would believe she could do all of that when she clearly couldn't handle being a candidate for VP or Governor of Alaska?

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I wouldn't go as far as you by calling it amateur hour. Yes, he has made mistakes like past Presidents and he hasn't been as strong of a leader as he should at times. I also believe that even though the mistakes he has made have not helped, our stature in the world hasn't been lost solely by him. None of our leaders have been very strong for years.


I do love how you can state all of those items above and truly believe he caused everything. Kind of funny to me. So since you believe Palin is better than Obama, do you think she can truly be a job creator? She would not get into class warfare (which let's face it that has been going on for years - she's not going to change anything)? She may lower taxes, but she won't cut spending... just a fact of life. Why is she going to be so great for the business community and deficit?


You being a smart person... I just don't understand why you would believe she could do all of that when she clearly couldn't handle being a candidate for VP or Governor of Alaska?

No, it's not all Obama's fault, I'd go as far as to say that most of the blame goes towards the US in general and how we consistently get ourselves in these sort of bubble economies, it's a rinse and repeat process, we create bubbles through cheap money, then the bubble bursts, then we create another bubble as a result of the bubble bursting through more cheap money then another bubble bursts. This won't stop until we stop the insanity. The problem is that our Treasury deparment endorses these failed policies, and that is where we lose even more credibility.


This reminds me of an article I read back a couple years ago.


``The U.S. financial system was regarded as a model, and we tried our best to copy whatever we could,'' said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China's central bank. ``Suddenly we find our teacher is not that excellent, so the next time when we're designing our financial system we will use our own mind more.''


``China's made it clear it won't listen to these snake-oil salesmen who come from Wall Street, even if they're wearing suits issued by the Treasury Department,'' he said. ``It's strengthened the hands of all the people who are very skeptical about financial liberalization in China.''


Think about that for a second. This was back in September of 2008, and look how they are treating us today. Obama is not mainly to blame, but they know he's an idealistic "rookie" that they can push around, and it's not just that, they are skeptical of his spending, they even weighed in casting a negative light on the presidents health insurance bill. To make things worse PBills, the president just the other day ENDORSED the Federal Reserve's QE policies. That is a BIG NO NO, the president should never weigh in on Federal Reserve policy, specially not endorse it. They are an independent body, and his endorsement borders on perceived collusion between Treasury and the Federal Reserve.


And I reject the notion that she wasn't able to handle the job of Governor of Alaska. As a matter of fact, her approval rating was the highest in the country as governor of Alaska at the time of her nomination. The reason why she left was because the legal bills were mounting, and she went after of the money, plus I'm sure she knew her popularity amongst 30% of the US population was sky high and that she could be better served for herself and her cause freeing herself as governor of Alaska.


Having said that, she shouldn't run for president. The fact that she quit, warrants justified criticism. I have said that many times on this board. She herself is too polarizing and she wouldn't be able to command the clout on the national level that we need. Someone like a Mitt Romney or Mitch Daniels would definitely be able to earn more respect than either one of them. She would be much better served helping Conservatives raise money and stumping for candidates in conservative districts. In that capacity, there is no one as influential as she is.


What our country needs is someone who understands the basic principles of job creation. Our president doesn't have the first clue, if he did, he wouldn't of created these nonsensical regulations, cap and trade, mandates to buy private insurance, demonizing all the job creators, propping up the Unions and screwing over bondholders and wealth distribution policies.

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What Magox just said.


Palin is saying a lot of the right stuff but she's unelectable. Independents (me) would rather cast a null vote than vote for her or Obama. Both are detestable in too many ways. Tongue-speaking creationist not-so-bright charismatic right-populist quitter vs. smart socialist egomaniacal charismatic left-populist. No thanks.

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No, it's not all Obama's fault, I'd go as far as to say that most of the blame goes towards the US in general and how we consistently get ourselves in these sort of bubble economies, it's a rinse and repeat process, we create bubbles through cheap money, then the bubble bursts, then we create another bubble as a result of the bubble bursting through more cheap money then another bubble bursts. This won't stop until we stop the insanity. The problem is that our Treasury deparment endorses these failed policies, and that is where we lose even more credibility.


This reminds me of an article I read back a couple years ago.




Think about that for a second. This was back in September of 2008, and look how they are treating us today. Obama is not mainly to blame, but they know he's an idealistic "rookie" that they can push around, and it's not just that, they are skeptical of his spending, they even weighed in casting a negative light on the presidents health insurance bill. To make things worse PBills, the president just the other day ENDORSED the Federal Reserve's QE policies. That is a BIG NO NO, the president should never weigh in on Federal Reserve policy, specially not endorse it. They are an independent body, and his endorsement borders on perceived collusion between Treasury and the Federal Reserve.


And I reject the notion that she wasn't able to handle the job of Governor of Alaska. As a matter of fact, her approval rating was the highest in the country as governor of Alaska at the time of her nomination. The reason why she left was because the legal bills were mounting, and she went after of the money, plus I'm sure she knew her popularity amongst 30% of the US population was sky high and that she could be better served for herself and her cause freeing herself as governor of Alaska.


Having said that, she shouldn't run for president. The fact that she quit, warrants justified criticism. I have said that many times on this board. She herself is too polarizing and she wouldn't be able to command the clout on the national level that we need. Someone like a Mitt Romney or Mitch Daniels would definitely be able to earn more respect than either one of them. She would be much better served helping Conservatives raise money and stumping for candidates in conservative districts. In that capacity, there is no one as influential as she is.


What our country needs is someone who understands the basic principles of job creation. Our president doesn't have the first clue, if he did, he wouldn't of created these nonsensical regulations, cap and trade, mandates to buy private insurance, demonizing all the job creators, propping up the Unions and screwing over bondholders and wealth distribution policies.



How has he propped up the unions? I also wouldn't say that Obama has demonized job creators. That is a bit over the top. Buying private insurance is bad... so should we not have to buy private car insurance? Just asking? :-)


I do agree with you wholeheartedly on Sarah Palin. Personally I think she gave up on her State for the limelight. Scary thing is that she truly believes that SHE can actually help fix this country. Even scarier is that people believe it to be true.

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How has he propped up the unions? I also wouldn't say that Obama has demonized job creators. That is a bit over the top. Buying private insurance is bad... so should we not have to buy private car insurance? Just asking? :-)


I do agree with you wholeheartedly on Sarah Palin. Personally I think she gave up on her State for the limelight. Scary thing is that she truly believes that SHE can actually help fix this country. Even scarier is that people believe it to be true.

He propped up unions by !@#$ing over the GM bondholders and giving the Unions a larger share of GM then they should of. He propped up the unions through the "jobs saved" portion of the "stimulus" funds that went to bailout state and local jobs that are ALL unionized. Those funds should have NOT gone to state and local governments, they were based on models of revenue growth pre Lehman (housing bubble). They had to trim down, and for the most part many of those jobs will be eliminated anyways, because those stimulus funds will be running out. I could find many more examples, but I think these two will do.


Also, he has demonized the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Who do you think they represent? Ummm, small businesses maybe? He has demonized banks, bondholders, health insurers, credit card companies and hedgefunds.


ANd I agree with you somewhat regarding Palin. Too bad we elected a president that was able to fool people into thinking that he could be different and create change we could all believe in. I'm thinking you were one of those who got duped :lol:

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How has he propped up the unions?

Was there no point while you were typing this question where you thought "Y'know, I think this might be a genuinely embarrassing question...but what the heck!"


Conner could stand next to your question just to make himself feel less embarrassing. THAT'S how embarrassing this question is.

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Yes, that HUGE favor done for unions. Give me a break. If they wanted to do a favor for the unions it would have been by pushing through the Employee Free Choice Act. That didn't happen.


They were given a large chunk of change that legally belonged to other people. Yes, I'd call that a huge favor.


So do you believe Palin is a good choice to be President of the United States?


Of course not.


Could imagine her trying to work a deal with the Chinese or Saudi Arabia... dear god this country will be laughed at for years and years.


No worse than the sitting president, or the last one.

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According to TLC, roughly 4.96 million people tuned in to watch the first episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska."


4.96 million viewers - That's like a week for MSNBC

Holy ****!! 4.96 million viewers ?? That's rather astonishing

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