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Jets are being investigated

Wayne Cubed

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Apparently the Jets are not only a$$holes, but a bunch of pigs too.


My link


These guys must be real stupid. It's called sexual harassment. Gotta love how Rex Ryan and the Jason Taylor(both married men) got in on the action.



Ehrm.... testosteron junkies having a flirting a bit... She didnt mind? What's the issue? Ooooooooow you are watching FOX 'we invent' News? Or is the NFL seriously delaying monday night football because of this non story?


She certainly does beat Peter Pan BTW... :DMy link

Edited by bladiebla
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Dear Wayne333, please stop reading articles by the headlines only (ok i understand how you got distracted), but read the quotes of her:


"In my perception, at no moment I felt neither attacked, nor that something rude was being done about me," she said, according to the newspaper.


But Sainz added that "at no time I even felt offended, much less in risk, or in danger of being in that place."


Everything else was made up to draw a crowd in order to sell commercials and/or advertorials...

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Everything else was made up to draw a crowd in order to sell commercials and/or advertorials...




Girl bills herself as 'sexiest reporter in town'. Girl shows up in skin tight jeans and half a shirt. Guys make a few sophmoric comments of appreciation. That was about the extent of it.


But suddenly it's a major scandal and cause for media obsession based on girl's "OMG, they looked at my ass!!!" post on twitter.



Good grief.

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Girl bills herself as 'sexiest reporter in town'. Girl shows up in skin tight jeans and half a shirt. Guys make a few sophmoric comments of appreciation. That was about the extent of it.


But suddenly it's a major scandal and cause for media obsession based on girl's "OMG, they looked at my ass!!!" post on twitter.



Good grief.

good truthful post KD

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This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous.


"Uncomfortable in the way that you know that you are in the focus," she said. "OK, it's not the best sensation. But not uncomfortable in the way that I feel danger or sexual aggressive. No."


Sainz added that she heard players say, "'Oh, look at that' and that kind of things that you know they are talking about you. But I never hear something sexual. I never hear something sexual. That part is important."


So the "victim" doesn't even feel victimized, but is being forced into the role by outside forces with an agenda. There's no story here and its a complete waste of everyone's time.

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Wow, so yeah I ejaculated about 1.5 seconds after clicking on that link. The Jets players should be absolved of any wrongdoing. Immediately.

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