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Mike and Mike....for real? worst team ever seen?


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Who really gives a warm crap what these media (or media-ish in the case of M&M) say? I stopped listening to them years ago.


I'm just happy football season is back-- it was a long offseason. I'm not expecting much from the Bills but I really don't need some jack-off pundit at ESPN to tell me that.

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got a text from a fellow backer here in Tn...listening to Mike and Mike making predictions for this week and of course picked Miami because the Bills are "the worst team they have ever seen"..


WTF? I don't care about all the negative articles and feel we'll shut some people up, but that is rediculous.....watch a friggen game..


I suffered through 2-14 twice in the 80's....this team isn't only not in the same zip code, it's the not in the same solar system...if we sucked that bad wouldn't we have hardly scored in pre-season, not had any defensive turnovers, lots of offensive turnovers and penalties??? I mean a horrible team would look, oh I don't know, HORRIBLE??????


Squish the fish...Go Bills!


I like the show but it was typical LAZY media analysis. We haven't done the right things in the off season and Edwards is still our QB so we must suck. Nobody is looking at the things we have improved on this team like coaching, talent level, utilization of unused play makers, hopefully health, strength and conditioning etc. If they bothered to take the time to analyze the things that we have improved they would see the potential for a team that was equal to the performance of last years team with a more exciting higher upside.


I used to complain about this sort of thing with good reason but eventually I learned you have to prove it on the field. If the Bills look good again, not that bogus 5 - 0 start against sub .500, non 3 - 4 defense teams 2 years ago, the "experts" will all be surprised and wonder where the Bills came from. If we don't we will have proved them right again.

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The Bills will finish ahead of the Jets this year. And the Dolphins. The only team I think is outright better in the division is probably the Pats*.


And Greenberg won't say a damn thing about it on the radio.


But we can all take solace in knowing that at home he will be crying in his little boy cereal over his precious Jets only being better than the Dolphins this year.


Just watch. Bills 33 - Dolphins 23 this weekend, and it won't be that close. Phins will get a late TD to pull within 10.

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got a text from a fellow backer here in Tn...listening to Mike and Mike making predictions for this week and of course picked Miami because the Bills are "the worst team they have ever seen"..


WTF? I don't care about all the negative articles and feel we'll shut some people up, but that is rediculous.....watch a friggen game..


I suffered through 2-14 twice in the 80's....this team isn't only not in the same zip code, it's the not in the same solar system...if we sucked that bad wouldn't we have hardly scored in pre-season, not had any defensive turnovers, lots of offensive turnovers and penalties??? I mean a horrible team would look, oh I don't know, HORRIBLE??????


Squish the fish...Go Bills!


These guys are a bunch of ass clowns!

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We do not have hardly any "name" players, this is why we have so many

"?" At , name the position, fact of the matter is we have a decent team that plays well at.times and would have won more games if not for poor game time decisions, gailey may not be the answer but he is way better hopefully this will translate into more wins

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The Bills have at least 5 huge questions in their front 7 on defense. But only 5.


Of the 11 players on offense, the RB position is good, they have a couple decent guards...ummm...the best WR would make another team an excellent #2 WR...umm...ummm...I've heard of the QB...ummm...ummm


As an outsider looking in, I wouldn't see much to look forward to. The high-flying Trent Edwards-led offense? The stalwart offensive line? The attacking D-line? The rough and tumble linebackers? The amazing WR duo? A TE who no linebacker can stop?


I am always optimistic in September and by December thinking WTF was I thinking in September.


I can't quit you Bills.

Sounds like you already have!

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Don't tune them out just yet. Listen Monday morning after the Bills SMOKE the Fish and then again Tuesday after the Jets get VIOLATED in their house by the Ravens. Greenberg makes no excuse for the fact that he is the BIGGEST panty-waste Jets homer in the history of homers! You can stop listening Wednesday b/c by then the crow feast will cease.



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The Bills have at least 5 huge questions in their front 7 on defense. But only 5.


Of the 11 players on offense, the RB position is good, they have a couple decent guards...ummm...the best WR would make another team an excellent #2 WR...umm...ummm...I've heard of the QB...ummm...ummm


As an outsider looking in, I wouldn't see much to look forward to. The high-flying Trent Edwards-led offense? The stalwart offensive line? The attacking D-line? The rough and tumble linebackers? The amazing WR duo? A TE who no linebacker can stop?


I am always optimistic in September and by December thinking WTF was I thinking in September.


I can't quit you Bills.


5 Huge question marks on front 7? who? dwan edwards is the most solid, and i think Poz and Adra Davis are both solid if not great in the middle. not question marks. NT maybe, but i think KW and TT will also be fine... not Jenkins' like run stuffers, but hold their own on most plays. even Stroud should be okay. the only huge ?'s should be the OLBs, Kelsay/Maybin and Torbor.


but anyways, do you think these "outsiders looking in" even look that far? i doubt it. we have no pro-bowlers, and we didn't draft a new QB like we were "supposed to", thus we suck worse than last year. ridiculous logic, but that's how these experts think.

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Big time corporate sports radio is less about actual analysis and more about riling people up and getting them talking. Mike and Mike's advertisers and producers are much happier if you're pissed off and talking about them instead of quietly agreeing or saying "meh."


The game is won and lost on the field. The rest is BS. There's football this weekend, friends. Let's all crack open a cold one, eat something unhealthy and enjoy.

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got a text from a fellow backer here in Tn...listening to Mike and Mike making predictions for this week and of course picked Miami because the Bills are "the worst team they have ever seen"..


WTF? I don't care about all the negative articles and feel we'll shut some people up, but that is rediculous.....watch a friggen game..


I suffered through 2-14 twice in the 80's....this team isn't only not in the same zip code, it's the not in the same solar system...if we sucked that bad wouldn't we have hardly scored in pre-season, not had any defensive turnovers, lots of offensive turnovers and penalties??? I mean a horrible team would look, oh I don't know, HORRIBLE??????


Squish the fish...Go Bills!

Greenburg is a tool and a jest fan.

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The Bills will finish ahead of the Jets this year. And the Dolphins. The only team I think is outright better in the division is probably the Pats*.


And Greenberg won't say a damn thing about it on the radio.


But we can all take solace in knowing that at home he will be crying in his little boy cereal over his precious Jets only being better than the Dolphins this year.


Just watch. Bills 33 - Dolphins 23 this weekend, and it won't be that close. Phins will get a late TD to pull within 10.

Love your thinking :thumbsup:

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The team's not much different than last season, and we still won 6 games.


We have 20 less people on IR right now, so that has to count for something.


We're hardly the worst in the league, let alone the worst ever.



Thank you, Fez. Right there. I mean right there you said it (well, wrote it).


Knock on wood that we don't have as bad an injury problem this year, but I seem to remember before Butler went down in week two this team putting up some points against the Patriots and Bucs.


...oh, and a defense with 28 pics last year doesn't hurt either.



EDIT: yeah, there were two defensive scores in there, but 57 points total were put up.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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It doesn't even have to be that extreme. Just a series of shorthand analyses that can be plugged in at regular intervals to make the commentators' jobs easier. At least until actual games provide material.


I'm pretty sure you're correct here. Still, it makes me wonder if my blind devotion to the Bills isn't allowing me to see this 'forest for the trees' that seemingly everyone else does.


Make no mistake, we really sucked azz a number of times last year -mainly due to injuries and witless playcalling.


We get bona fide assessments in 2 days.


Go Bills!

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Nah they would make some excuse. Some possibles:

1) Miami always starts slow.

2) Bad officiating.

3) The Miami players were poisoned with tainted chicken wings Saturday night.

4) Players too distracted with Bradys monster contract and wondering how much Manning will get now.


Anything other than they were wrong about the Bills. Here's to hoping they have to make such excuses.


Or they'll say, "It was a road game for the Fins", "They didn't really have game film to watch and prepare for", "Long and Marshall were nursing injuries and Crowder wasn't playing".


I was watching the NFL channel the other night and they were reviewing the AFC East. Not one mention about the Bills; like it was a three team division. Marriuchi, Dukes, Green, and Warner will be eating crow boys and girls.

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