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10 Reasons why the Obama Presidency is in meltdown

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a) This clown is not across the pond, he is in DC


b) He's a clown


c) He's a funny clown


Obama doesn't believe in American greatness! Oh no! :thumbsup:

You keep laughing, slappy.


We'll see how hysterical this is on Nov. 10th when the reality of the whipping you just took sets in. Can't wait until you start blaming everybody else but Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Moveon.org retards for the sound defeats in both houses.


I'm sure it will all be Rush Limbaugh's, and of course my, fault. :worthy:

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You keep laughing, slappy.


We'll see how hysterical this is on Nov. 10th when the reality of the whipping you just took sets in. Can't wait until you start blaming everybody else but Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Moveon.org retards for the sound defeats in both houses.


I'm sure it will all be Rush Limbaugh's, and of course my, fault. :thumbsup:

Go for it. The GOP will probably win the House. Happy days to them. We can have the tan man as speaker of the House. Is that going to make you happy?

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a) This clown is not across the pond, he is in DC


b) He's a clown


c) He's a funny clown


Obama doesn't believe in American greatness! Oh no! :thumbsup:


Dave, you owe it to yourself to look at the issues Obama, Pelosi and Reid have addressed in the past couple years and then take a close look at the solutions that have been signed into law. If you're objective, you're going to find a lot of ugliness pure and simple. Obama is being attacked on very solid ground. His solutions and those being put forth by the Democratic leadership are ass !@#$ing bull **** horrible. Obama's greatest accomplishment to date IMO is that he has awakened a large base of common sense voters. They won't vote for Obama and the like. That will go down as Obama's greatest contribution to our country and for that I thank him.

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You keep laughing, slappy.


We'll see how hysterical this is on Nov. 10th when the reality of the whipping you just took sets in. Can't wait until you start blaming everybody else but Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Moveon.org retards for the sound defeats in both houses.


I'm sure it will all be Rush Limbaugh's, and of course my, fault. :thumbsup:

I know I might be hoping for too much here but if all the stars align just right, the dems and this half wit pres we have will screw up so bad that their ship will be scuttled for a good decade. Enough time to get the US repaired and back on course. Of course the biggest obstacle to this is the Obama worshiping media twisting the general publics perception of the damage done. If they were reporting the truth up until this point this guy would have been ousted by now.

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a) This clown is not across the pond, he is in DC


b) He's a clown


c) He's a funny clown


Obama doesn't believe in American greatness! Oh no! :thumbsup:


I don't know if he's a clown...but I certainly take such an editorial less seriously from the Heritage Foundation.


And Obama believes in American greatness, but only as some sort of Zen koanic "In doing nothing, nothing is left undone" sense.

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The best possible outcome this November would be for the GOP to barely lose the house and senate so that incompeto can be booted out of office come 2012. If the house gets taken over by the GOP then you could still point the finger more effectively at them for the miserable economy.


The unemployment rate will still be above 7.5% by Nov 2012.

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Sorry, but I am not falling for this, as I so stupidly did with the "Bush Bad" stuff. President Obama is one guy and can only do what the rest of the government will allow. He can't arbitrarily make things right on his own, just because he wants to. No President gets (or should get) that type of power.


We AREN'T a monarchy.

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