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Athlon Sports team outlook

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The Patriots didn't do much to help their roster. Adding Torry Holt and Alge Crumpler, both dinosaurs, won't do much in the face of Welker being limited, if he plays at all, for the first half of the year or longer and the loss of Ben Watson. The Jets messed with what works, and also added dinosaurs LT and JT, a poser like Cromartie, and they have several disgruntled players. The Dols added the biggest names, but the biggest names don't always help win games. The Bills can and will compete in the AFC East next year.


The Bills can and will compete in the AFC East next year. But, can they win!

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In a broader context though, things are not necessarily as dire.


The New England Patsies* have maneuvered very nicely to pick up extra draft picks but they haven't parlayed many of those picks into front line talent. With Pioli departed, it's in question as to whether the Patsies* will draft as well going forward.


Also, they've won nothing since Spygate.


Brady, Moss, Welker and a bunch of others are all showing their age. They are an old team with lots of players on the downside.


Belichick won nothing before Brady ascended as a top quarterback.


I don't think it's unrealistic to think that they might step down for a few years before possibly re-surging.


The New York Jests have well-documented logistical challenges regarding re-signing their core players with the Darelle Revis, Nick Mangold, D'Brickashaw Ferguson, and David Harris looking for new deals.


To make matters worse, the team has a recent history of messy player negotiations with former Pro Bowl guard Pete Kendall and guard Brandon Moore accusing the team of breaking promises to extend their contracts. Former players Leon Washington, Chris Baker and Laveranues Coles have made the same accusations.


They've also recently jettisoned big-time contributors to their recent success in Alan Faneca, Leon Washington, and Thomas Jones.


Even further muddying the situation is that the team has brought in lots of big-name players via trades and free agency: Braylon Edwards, Santonio Holmes, Antonio Cromartie, Jason Taylor, LaDanian Tomlinson, Brodney Pool, and Nick Folk.


This has led to accusations within the team that the Jets are spending money on outsiders, but not the guys they've drafted and developed (Revis, Mangold, Ferguson, Harris).


Also several Jests recent acquisitions are playing on expiring contracts: Braylon Edwards, Santonio Holmes, and Antonio Cromartie are all set to become free agents after this year.


Also, the jury is still out on Mark Sanchez. It's not a given that he'll ascend to the ranks of truly excellent quarterbacks.


Throw in the volatility of the New York media, and Rex Ryan's propensity for talking too much and I don't think it's a stretch to say that for the Jests, it's 2010 or bust.


They're very powerful on paper right now but it all could blow away very quickly for a team which has NEVER had a sustained stretch of excellence in their history.


I think the Miami Dolphags might be the Bills biggest challengers 2-3 years down the road. They have a proven architect in Bill Parcells and for the most part have appeared to be making solid moves to build the team, as opposed to the Redskins/Fantasy Football approach that the Jests are now employing.


But as a big Michigan fan and someone who has followed Chad Henne's career, I just don't see him becoming a top quarterback. Great measurables but there has always seemed to be something missing with the guy.

My point is that while our competitors in the AFC East appear to be leaving us behind, one can look ahead a short distance and see where the balance of power in the division could actually be shifting towards us.


My point is that while our competitors in the AFC East appear to be leaving us behind, one can look ahead a short distance and see where the balance of power in the division could actually be shifting towards us.


I am looking that short distance ahead and I can't see what your seeing. Are you sure the sun isn't in your eyes?

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My point is that while our competitors in the AFC East appear to be leaving us behind, one can look ahead a short distance and see where the balance of power in the division could actually be shifting towards us.


I am looking that short distance ahead and I can't see what your seeing. Are you sure the sun isn't in your eyes?


It's hard to see much from under a bridge. Go back to patsfan.cheat* Troll.

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My point is that while our competitors in the AFC East appear to be leaving us behind, one can look ahead a short distance and see where the balance of power in the division could actually be shifting towards us.


I am looking that short distance ahead and I can't see what your seeing. Are you sure the sun isn't in your eyes?

Nope. The sun shines on my life but it's not in my eyes. My glass is half full. Yours is half empty.


As RI Bills Fan implied, you've spent too much time under a bridge so your eyes are extremely light sensitive. Normal daylight blinds you.


In addition, your limited troll brain leaves you mentally myopic and your short, troll stature prevents you from seeing very far.


You'll see what I'm seeing in a few months.


In the meantime, this post if fairly allegorical for a troll. Don't try figuring it out. You'll give yourself a migraine.

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I want to see what a Bills offense looks like that doesn't play for field goals......


Herein lies the point, and well done, John. I know - KNOW - they're going to lose a lot more games than they win this upcoming season. But Sweet Jesus, please go down swinging. Enough of this 24-13 knee-down crap.


"My Baby's Got a Secret" - Madonna

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I'd agree with all the grades except O-line and Coaching. The Bills have quality guards in Wood and Levitre so a "D" seems too low. "C" maybe. Coaching should be a "B". Gailey is already a better coach than Jauron just in OTA's.


I will say this: No one EVER predicts the Bills will be good even when they are. Find an old Athlon or other pre-season mag from the late 80's/early 90's. You'd think they were grading the 2009 Bills and not the defending AFC Champs. Everyone loves to hate on the Bills no matter what.



Unfortunately there are 5 guys on the O-line, 6 if you include a blocking tight end. Two rookies that played a year and a half are the only positives on the line. Give Wood a C because he missed a lot of time and is one broken leg bone away from calling it a career, and Levitre a B+. Hang can be given a C- grade if you are gracious. Cornell Green is a D- and Bell is an F. We may have a blocking TE (in Matthews?) but he may not even make the team. Just cuz Gailey is better than Jauron does not mean he has earned anything more than a C. Given that the offense and defenses are all new schemes the coaches should not be higher than a C.

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Unfortunately there are 5 guys on the O-line, 6 if you include a blocking tight end. Two rookies that played a year and a half are the only positives on the line. Give Wood a C because he missed a lot of time and is one broken leg bone away from calling it a career, and Levitre a B+. Hang can be given a C- grade if you are gracious. Cornell Green is a D- and Bell is an F. We may have a blocking TE (in Matthews?) but he may not even make the team. Just cuz Gailey is better than Jauron does not mean he has earned anything more than a C. Given that the offense and defenses are all new schemes the coaches should not be higher than a C.

I like to look at it in terms of improvement over last year. I can't assign a grade until I see them play as a unit.


Wood (who will be fine and is in no more danger of re-breaking his leg, breaking his other leg, or suffering another injury than any other player in the NFL) and Levitre will be better in their 2nd years. Hangartner won't have to cover for rookie mistakes (there shouldn't be any rookies starting this year, unlike last year when up to 4 actual or essential [bell] rookies were starting) and he should be healthier (bad back) this year. Green will be better than what the Bills had there last year after Butler went down, and could turn into a decent player for them if he cuts down on the penalties. And Meredith will also be an upgrade over last year, when Bell was over-matched and under-prepared. And they all will benefit from a real NFL offensive scheme.

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Nope. The sun shines on my life but it's not in my eyes. My glass is half full. Yours is half empty.


As RI Bills Fan implied, you've spent too much time under a bridge so your eyes are extremely light sensitive. Normal daylight blinds you.


In addition, your limited troll brain leaves you mentally myopic and your short, troll stature prevents you from seeing very far.


You'll see what I'm seeing in a few months.


In the meantime, this post if fairly allegorical for a troll. Don't try figuring it out. You'll give yourself a migraine.


Thats where your wrong. My glass is overflowing and never gets empty...


Where the problem lies is the Buffalo Bills glass is more than 1/2 empty to be polite.


Your silly to compare the two...Sports is sports and life is life....

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Seems accurate to me. Those rankings are to be expected in the first year of a new coach and after a few years of drafting in the wrong areas.








Coaches C...seems harsh


QBs D...seems kind






O-line D


D-line C




DBs A-


Specials A

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While I agree with you, it's understandable that no one else is giving us any OL cred, following last years' debacle and no 'new' names there. What the pundits miss, IMO, is the 'NO offense' offensive strategy employed by Jauron.


Gailey has to prove himself for more than a C, and I regard Athlon as a great NFL assessment mag.


Go Bills!


The reason is that we are the only team that does not yet have a starting LT, which pundits often consider the most important position on the line. Additionally, Wood is coming from a career threatening injury and has a long ways to go before he gets on the field in pads. If you consider those two, this line gets a D and not a F only because of Levitre and the possibility of Wood coming back from the injury. I believe their assessment is pretty fair.

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The reason is that we are the only team that does not yet have a starting LT, which pundits often consider the most important position on the line. Additionally, Wood is coming from a career threatening injury and has a long ways to go before he gets on the field in pads. If you consider those two, this line gets a D and not a F only because of Levitre and the possibility of Wood coming back from the injury. I believe their assessment is pretty fair.

That's just flat-out wrong. His injury wasn't close to career-threatening, judging by the fact that just 7 months later, he was back on the practice field, albeit in a limited capacity. When all is said and done, it won't even be 2010-season threatening, barring any unforeseen setbacks.

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A- for the DBs? I'd say they're a solid A...3 starting caliber CBs in McGee, McKelvin, and Florence, solid backups in Corner and Youboty and at S we have Byrd, last year's true defensive rookie of the year, a solid but not spectacular Whitner, Bryan Scott is a force against the run..and George Wilson graded out to be the best S in the league against the pass last year...they're either an A or an A+


A- is right. We don't know what to expect from McKelvin. Byrd can't tackle. McGee and Florence are solid, but they're not shut down like Revis.

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I will say this: No one EVER predicts the Bills will be good even when they are. Find an old Athlon or other pre-season mag from the late 80's/early 90's. You'd think they were grading the 2009 Bills and not the defending AFC Champs. Everyone loves to hate on the Bills no matter what.





No statement i have come across on this board has ever been more true. If it were an SAT question it would read like this:


^^^that quote is to truth = water is to

a. wet

b. h20

c. Dick Jauron's skull contents

d. all of the above


can't even get that one wrong :thumbsup:

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Seems like everyone has given us low grades so far, and justly so since we've been, at best, one of the better bottom teams in the league on game day. This team should give us hope for the future, *if*, as the season progresses, our team grades go up. I'd rather see that than seeing inflated grades and a higher preseason ranking. Look at Miami a couple years back when they were 1-15 then jump to a "playoff caliber' team the following year. Who thought they'd go 10-6 the next year? With so many new factors affecting the team, I'd honestly be surprised if we didn't look sloppy and overwhelmed in the beginning of the season.

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