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So just found out my Fiance has been cheating on me

Stl Bills

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Better now than after the wedding.


Don't do anything stupid. Just kick her out and be done.




It might be hard to believe but she did you an actual favor. She could have waited until you had 2 kids. It would cost you 25% of your gross pay, and you would get see them when a judge says you can.


Down the road you will see this. For now, just totally cool out, lick your wounds, and don't do anything stupid because you will simply get arrested and ruin your life.

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No found out from other people and she denied denied denied until I finally had enough info to call her out on her own BS. Then she finally cracked, says she only kissed the dude...don't believe her and don't give a shiit, she made me look like a fool for long enough. Thats another thing she wasn't even good at sneaking around, so she was just out there making me look like an idiot. Luckily enough for me, some of her friends have enough respect for me that they didn't want me to be in a situation where I was actually married to this skank. I've put a roof over her head for the two years we've lived together and she hasn't paid a single bill the whole time (she was only were working part time while MY PARENTS put her through nursing school).


Sort of off topic but interesting none the less.


In NY state years ago a medical student was being put through medical school by his wife's working. They decided to get divorced and it wasn't a friendly divorce. The newly graduated doctor tried to screw his ex-wife over in court and the judge didn't like it. Since the woman put the guy through medical school the judge ruled that his ex-wife owned half of his medical degree. So now in a similar circumstance doctors have to pay half their salary in alimony. (This was told to me years ago by a doctor going through a divorce. I've never independently verified it.)

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Had a smoke afterword?



Among other things, yeah. That started a decade of intoxication almost every day. It took me a long time to work trough it, but when I made it to the other side, by the grace of God, I had a beautiful wife and a little girl that I wouldn't trade the world for.


All's well that ends well, and for the OP I would say that living right is the best revenge.

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Urban Legend


If any of you guys out there have ever thought you have balls, forget about it. This is a true story that just happened at a wedding at Clemson. A buddy of mine from my baseball team knows a guy that was at the wedding. This was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding at the reception, the groom got up on stage at the microphone to talk to the crowd. He said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and groom's families for coming. To thank everyone for coming and bring gifts and everything, he said he wanted to give everyone a gift from him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair was a manila envelope. He said that was his gift to everyone, and told them to open it. Inside the manila envelope was an 8x10 picture of his best man having sex with the bride. (He must have gotten suspicious of the two of them and hired a private detective to trail them.) After he stood there and watched people's reactions for a couple of minutes, he turned to the best man and said, " :) you." He turned to the bride and said, " :sick: you," and then said, "I'm outta here". He got the marriage annulled the next day


Since your wedding was already paid for this might have been the way to go.

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Among other things, yeah. That started a decade of intoxication almost every day. It took me a long time to work trough it, but when I made it to the other side, by the grace of God, I had a beautiful wife and a little girl that I wouldn't trade the world for.


All's well that ends well, and for the OP I would say that living right is the best revenge.

Good post :)

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appreciated a great deal your comment "All's well that ends well, and for the OP I would say that living right is the best revenge."


- in short it a normal reaction to being hurt of disappointed by another person, but in end it foolish to waste a moment of our precious time , best to move on in being the best people we can be and leave behind those who do not wish to do likewise.




Among other things, yeah. That started a decade of intoxication almost every day. It took me a long time to work trough it, but when I made it to the other side, by the grace of God, I had a beautiful wife and a little girl that I wouldn't trade the world for.


All's well that ends well, and for the OP I would say that living right is the best revenge.

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appreciated a great deal your comment "All's well that ends well, and for the OP I would say that living right is the best revenge."


- in short it a normal reaction to being hurt of disappointed by another person, but in end it foolish to waste a moment of our precious time , best to move on in being the best people we can be and leave behind those who do not wish to do likewise.


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At least you found out sooner rather than later.....btw, aren't you the same dude who banged his friend's girl because she had huge cans?


Takes one to know one, apparently. The truth is that all people - men and women - are only as loyal as their options.

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No found out from other people and she denied denied denied until I finally had enough info to call her out on her own BS. Then she finally cracked, says she only kissed the dude...don't believe her and don't give a shiit, she made me look like a fool for long enough. Thats another thing she wasn't even good at sneaking around, so she was just out there making me look like an idiot. Luckily enough for me, some of her friends have enough respect for me that they didn't want me to be in a situation where I was actually married to this skank. I've put a roof over her head for the two years we've lived together and she hasn't paid a single bill the whole time (she was only were working part time while MY PARENTS put her through nursing school).

my advice...don't take this to Judge Judy, she won't help you.


seriously...that sucks, like others have said, better now than later.

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my advice...don't take this to Judge Judy, she won't help you.


seriously...that sucks, like others have said, better now than later.


my advice...one fifth of spooju today, one pint of a jalap water dilution tomorrow. No GMPs applicable - like McNeil Labs, evidently....

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Takes one to know one, apparently. The truth is that all people - men and women - are only as loyal as their options.

Well since you know the story so well I guess you must know me. :) I ended up hooking up with my friends ex f-buddy who he hadn't been talking to for about 6 months and who he treated like crap. They were never really ever together. Right after that I met my fiance and settled down a lot (a lot changes between 25-27, or at least it did for me). I grew up a lot and settled down, thought I was starting a new chapter in my life. Guess it wasn't the case.

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