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There's drilling and then there's drilling....

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George Bush wanted to open up the leases in the Gulf of Mexico and promote drilling for oil = environmentally scaborous; an ecologically disastrous, ignorant, backward, mindless proposal by a Republican knuckle dragger.


Barak Obama wants to open up the leases in the Gulf of Mexico and promote drilling for oil = great idea, strategically appropriate in view of the middle east situation and 21st century needs; a wise movement of resources across the vast chessboard of resource availability by a shrewd Democrat well schooled in environmental issues.


As Colonel Sherman T. Potter would say, "Horse hockey!"


When doubt, hug Al Gore....

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Can someone explain why Obama won't allow the new drilling in Alaska but will allow it in the Gulf and Virginia? I don't mean to rationalize it yourself but can you find Obama's rationale for that? I can't find an explanation.


Let's see:


Drilling in the Gulf and off VA

No closing Gitmo

Hasn't pulled back one iota from Afghan or Iraq

No open government


Way to ignore your campaign promises O.

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Can someone explain why Obama won't allow the new drilling in Alaska but will allow it in the Gulf and Virginia? I don't mean to rationalize it yourself but can you find Obama's rationale for that? I can't find an explanation.


Let's see:


Drilling in the Gulf and off VA

No closing Gitmo

Hasn't pulled back one iota from Afghan or Iraq

No open government


Way to ignore your campaign promises O.

All that talk of "change," and it turns out he was referring to his mind. Who knew.

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All that talk of "change," and it turns out he was referring to his mind. Who knew.

When a Democrat proposes such...well - they mean well, after all. When a Republican does - it is smeared as "mean-spirited".


Gasoline has risen a dollar since Obama took office. Now this exploration, these fiat words. We often heard - for 8 years - about George W's "oil buddies". And he never pulled off off-shore drilling.


Yet not a peep about Obama's "oil buddies"...


It's inexorable...

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Can someone explain why Obama won't allow the new drilling in Alaska but will allow it in the Gulf and Virginia? I don't mean to rationalize it yourself but can you find Obama's rationale for that? I can't find an explanation.


Let's see:


Drilling in the Gulf and off VA

No closing Gitmo

Hasn't pulled back one iota from Afghan or Iraq

No open government


Way to ignore your campaign promises O.




"Proposed oil and gas leasing in Alaska's Bristol Bay will be canceled out of concern for protecting sensitive areas of the Outer Continental Shelf from environmental dangers."

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Virginia and Florida are swing states


If anybody thinks that Obama is truly facilitating drilling for more oil off our coasts, then I've got a Unicorn to sell you. Becoming even a tiny bit more energy independent is not part of his agenda. He talks moderate and acts socialistic. Every once in awhile he slips up and says something that he doesn't mean to say, or he's so far out of touch with the mainstream that he doesn't realize how his words will be taken.

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If anybody thinks that Obama is truly facilitating drilling for more oil off our coasts, then I've got a Unicorn to sell you. Becoming even a tiny bit more energy independent is not part of his agenda. He talks moderate and acts socialistic. Every once in awhile he slips up and says something that he doesn't mean to say, or he's so far out of touch with the mainstream that he doesn't realize how his words will be taken.



Talking points. Great job.

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Wanna hear something funny as h**l?


Today is Al Gore's Birthday!! :thumbsup:


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......

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3rdnlng should be proud to receive that compliment from a Master of Talking Points as yourself



Believe it or not. I don't go by talking points. I do love that though. Thank you always good for a laugh.


I'm not as Liberal as people believe.

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Talking points. Great job.


What % of posters on this board would you consider conservative? I happen to be the first one here to speak in this thread using my talking points derived from my opinions/observations re Obama. I don't need the Al Gores of this world to tell me what to think or say. I'm an independent thinker and form opinions not by party line but by using my brain and instincts. You, on the other hand, have proven time and time again that you aren't very bright nor thorough and get your nourishment from the sheep trough filled with Daily Kos Kool Aide.

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Talking points. Great job.

It may sound like talking points to you, but there's more truth to his statement than I think even you can deny. Obama is a walking contradiction, and his brief history as president suggests he's doing this for some other reason than because he thinks it's in our country's best interest. I hope I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it.

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What % of posters on this board would you consider conservative? I happen to be the first one here to speak in this thread using my talking points derived from my opinions/observations re Obama. I don't need the Al Gores of this world to tell me what to think or say. I'm an independent thinker and form opinions not by party line but by using my brain and instincts. You, on the other hand, have proven time and time again that you aren't very bright nor thorough and get your nourishment from the sheep trough filled with Daily Kos Kool Aide.



I am glad you don't need Al Gore. Very proud of you. :thumbsup: Yeah, an independent thinker. HAHAHAHA!!!

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It may sound like talking points to you, but there's more truth to his statement than I think even you can deny. Obama is a walking contradiction, and his brief history as president suggests he's doing this for some other reason than because he thinks it's in our country's best interest. I hope I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it.



May be a contradiction from his campaign well over a year ago. Like any good President, things change and so should their stance based on what's good for the country as a whole. I too agree with drilling.


Oh sorry 3rdning did you expect me to be like Al Gore and say no to drilling? Ooops!

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