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Jason Peters ripped for his poor play in Philly last year

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You're the only one who seems to fail to realize that most of the current players probably don't watch Peters play.

And that 12 coaches at best (4 divisional and 8 other, and voting ends with 3 games to go in the season) have seen him play in a given season.

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Pro Bowl voting is a farce. Votes are cast by the coaches, players, and fans with each faction accounting for 1/3 of the vote. GM, Scouts, FO secretaries, etc, have NO say. The problem is that fans can vote as often as they want for a player while the players and coaches can only vote once. When the fans' vote carries more weight than that of the players and coaches something is going to be skewed.




Um, you might want to re-read your post there. I don't think you quite understand how this all works. Your second sentence is right on, but after that ... well ...

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Um, you might want to re-read your post there. I don't think you quite understand how this all works. Your second sentence is right on, but after that ... well ...

Players, coaches, and fans each make up 1/3 of the total vote. However, the players and coaches can only vote once. A fan can vote over and over at the pro bowl website.

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So is that loser Eric Wood. He can't even play a full season and will likely miss all off season activities. We need to get rid of locker room cancers like this!!!! See...I can make up BS too and present it like it's a forgone conclusion.


Wow are you serious? He broke his leg on a play that could have happened to anybody. He was the best and hardest worker through all of camp among all of the rookies. He worked as hard as he could all year and he has only played one year. I'm embarassed to root for the same team that you do, please become a fan of another team. A cancer? We have had players that were a cancer before in buffalo but to say eric wood is is probably the most retarded statement I have heard on this forum in a long time. Please just dont say anything anymore.

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Wow are you serious? He broke his leg on a play that could have happened to anybody. He was the best and hardest worker through all of camp among all of the rookies. He worked as hard as he could all year and he has only played one year. I'm embarassed to root for the same team that you do, please become a fan of another team. A cancer? We have had players that were a cancer before in buffalo but to say eric wood is is probably the most retarded statement I have heard on this forum in a long time. Please just dont say anything anymore.

he was being sarcastic, read the last line of his post

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We will continue to disagree that Peters is over rated. His injury may or may not have something to do with his 2008 hold out. Honesty neither of us know the answer to that one. His groin surgery, however, was BEFORE the 2009 season. His hold out at the beginning of the 2009 season had nothing to do with this injury.


Sooo...basically we traded a now 3 time probowl LT for a gimpy unproven rookie Guard a TE who couldn't crack the starting lineup AND.....AND on top of that we have to spend the #9 pick this year to get a serviceable LT?


Simple yes or no question which guarantees you wont answer me ....but does that sound like a good deal to you??


think back...Peters was not a starter either..so you can't use the "couldn't crack the starting lineup" with nelson has a viable argument. It will take a couple years to know if we got two good players for JP....did you not watch them play last year?..they have some talent and a great upside. And we didnt trade for a "gimpy" guard. Wood was not injured when we drafted him. When Jp missed games at the end of last year due to injury, did Philly trade two draft picks for an oft injured , whiney LT? I would say yes to that question. And it's ridiculous to say his holdout had nothing to do with his injury. Do you rerally think he rehabed that injury the way he should have? I doubt it. We will see in time who got the good deal.

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LOL. Ya...Jason Peters who when in Buffalo, one of the smallest markets in the league, has fans in places like Seattle rallying the troops to come out in mass support to vote for him. ROFLOL. Riiiiiiiiight. What is more likely is that people like your self fill out those ballots to voice your displeasure of guys like Peters and also of course to support some other candidate possibly in places like Seattle.


And no I have never filled out a pro bowl ballot.



If you reread my statement my example was Jason Taylor, not Jason Peters. Since you've never even seen a probowl ballot, your opinion on how the actual voting goes is irrelevant. Since I have seen and voted on the pro bowl selections I will tell you this, there are a whole hell of alot of players that I didn't get to see play last year. And still more who I saw play one or two games. If they played against the Bills I would have there game Dvr'd which I could go back and look at. However, and I'm sure that many people follow the same formula, I based many of my position votes on past achievements, fantasy stats, or the body of work of a unit as a whole (i.e. 2nd best running o or 3rd best passing d). Therefore, I guy like Jason Peters can easily fall into a probowl consecutive years.

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I agree 100%. My apologies. You did say "assuming".


I know I bang it to death but that is why I personally put stock in pro bowl nominations. Evaluating talent is indeed sometimes very hard especially with positions like offensive linemen. Although there is probably no perfect method I most highly value the opinion of "current" players, coaches, GMs and possibly scouts who all determine who makes it to the pro bowl.


That's one place I seriously disagree with you. Too many players make the pro bowl based on how much publicity they get.

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Okay folks, I skipped through 7 pages to write this. Jason Peters is gone. He's an Eagle. No matter how good or how bad he is is past tense. All we can do now is look at going forward. I like that we addressed some needs last year and I "trust" that we will continue to do so this year. We have to address the Oline and Dine first and formost in this draft. If you have strong lines then the rest wil follow. Chans offense will be run first. And his defense will be predicated on stopping the run. Its football folks. The lines are where it starts.....

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Yeah that's it. Players stay away because we might criticize them. :wallbash:


Look, Peters is an okay LT but he was only marginally better than D.Bell. Then add to that how he quit on his team. Rule #1: You don't reward players who quit on you. Period.


Rule #2: If you break the bank on a player you better be damn sure he is going to play at an elite level. I know you think the NFL is played with monopoly money but $10+M /yr is like 9% of the salary cap...ON ONE PLAYER! If I pay someone that kind of money they better walk on water.


The Bills crime was not effectively replacing Peters, though they did get a great player in Wood. Meanwhile Philly just overspent on a player who gave up 7 sacks and came up really small at the end of the year. Peters will NEVER be worth elite money because he is all about himself. Those kinds of players never amount to jack squat. If it weren't for jock sniffers like you, no one would care about them.




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Oh look, another clueless poster when it comes to Brown....


Old timers may remember that I did a 2 year study of Reuben Brown, looking at every play -- and the number of penalties he had was actually VERY low; something like 0.4 per game, when other people on the OL had far more. I wish I still had that report, but I believe it was lost during one of the board crashes... :wallbash:


For his 1st few seasons maybe, certainly not after that. Not to mention his penchant for holding penalties. He's the textbook example of Pro Bowlers named year after year based on reputation, not the quality of his play.
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No, the point is that 1/3 of the votes come from players in the NFL, and the other 1/3 of votes come from coaches. If you're going to play the "Cross and Banks used to be great players," then how can you say Peters sucks?


By doing so, you're implying that the Eagles organization didn't look at any game film on him before trading.


You're assuming that all of the coaches just acted like fans and randomly picked him in.


You're deciding that all of the players don't care who gets into the Pro Bown, and they just pick the guys who have been there before.


the point is randy cross and carl banks are two former great articulate very intelligent former players.


when they speak you better listen because they know what they are talking about.


i would say in this instance what is your point because his point is quite obvious to me and you seem to be the one who is clueless.


to compare some unnamed radio talk show hosts and bills fans some how compare to cross and banks is absolutely ridiculous!

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Well good thing your vote only counts 33%, and the coaches and players voting count for 66% of the vote.


If you reread my statement my example was Jason Taylor, not Jason Peters. Since you've never even seen a probowl ballot, your opinion on how the actual voting goes is irrelevant. Since I have seen and voted on the pro bowl selections I will tell you this, there are a whole hell of alot of players that I didn't get to see play last year. And still more who I saw play one or two games. If they played against the Bills I would have there game Dvr'd which I could go back and look at. However, and I'm sure that many people follow the same formula, I based many of my position votes on past achievements, fantasy stats, or the body of work of a unit as a whole (i.e. 2nd best running o or 3rd best passing d). Therefore, I guy like Jason Peters can easily fall into a probowl consecutive years.
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So you're saying fans specifically stuffed the ballot box because Peters was on the great Buffalo Bills team.... :wallbash:


Players, coaches, and fans each make up 1/3 of the total vote. However, the players and coaches can only vote once. A fan can vote over and over at the pro bowl website.
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Oh look, another clueless poster when it comes to Brown....


Old timers may remember that I did a 2 year study of Reuben Brown, looking at every play -- and the number of penalties he had was actually VERY low; something like 0.4 per game, when other people on the OL had far more. I wish I still had that report, but I believe it was lost during one of the board crashes... :wallbash:

ya, I'd be interested in seeing that study, too bad its lost. My comment was less about the total number of penalties, but rather so many drive killer infractions. It seemed to me that Mr Brown committed penalties at crucial times, wiping out scoring opportunities in the process. Prove me wrong and I'll fall on my sword.


So you're saying fans specifically stuffed the ballot box because Peters was on the great Buffalo Bills team.... :wallbash:

read the thread... :wallbash:

Pro Bowl voting is a farce. Votes are cast by the coaches, players, and fans with each faction accounting for 1/3 of the vote. GM, Scouts, FO secretaries, etc, have NO say. The problem is that fans can vote as often as they want for a player while the players and coaches can only vote once. When the fans' vote carries more weight than that of the players and coaches something is going to be skewed.

K-9 lays out the way the Pro Bowl voting is counted. :wallbash:

Um, you might want to re-read your post there. I don't think you quite understand how this all works. Your second sentence is right on, but after that ... well ...

Thurman doesn't get it, and I respond, with an attempt to show him how fans can vote as often as they want.


I have no opinion whatsoever on how fan voting affected Jason Peters being named to the Pro Bowl.

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So you're saying fans specifically stuffed the ballot box because Peters was on the great Buffalo Bills team.... :wallbash:

Most fans realize that Pro Bowl voting is a complete joke and more akin to a popularity contest, much like a high school election, than any true measure of competence or achievement.


But don't take my word - better to heed a guy who has a better handle on all of this than any TSW poster, so here's (once again) what a former offensive lineman (who also played alongside FatBoy Peters) had to say about FatBoy's selection and the entire Pro Bowl voting process, particularly the players' vote...


Link - Russ Tucker SI Article



Like safeties and cornerbacks really have a good grasp on how an opposing offensive lineman plays, especially one on a team they don't face at all during the season, right? :wallbash:


(Well, maybe if you're former Jets safety Abram Elam blowing by FatBoy Peters as he waives you straight thru to JP Losman without so much as trying to lay a hand on you, maybe - just maybe, you're the one safety who knows Jason Peters sucks and often gives less than half-effort, preferring instead to just 'phone it in'.)



Fact is, Jason Peters is an ex-Bill, and an injury-prone lazy tub of goo with waning talent and a huge attitude problem who pulls a hammie running from his bed to the breakfast table, then takes a seat on the bench while dreaming about his next holdout and big raise. Glad he's gone, and glad someone else is paying his salary.



Memo to Buddy Nix/Chan Gailey - guys, if Andy Reid calls, DO NOT answer the phone, 'cause the Eagles are gonna try like hell to get even for trading them a $60 million tub of goo for 3 draft picks.





19 and 0 baby!!!!! :wallbash:

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Thurman doesn't get it, and I respond, with an attempt to show him how fans can vote as often as they want.


I have no opinion whatsoever on how fan voting affected Jason Peters being named to the Pro Bowl.

It doesn't matter how often fans vote if the overall fan vote counts for 33% of the total. The frequency of voting only affects how much of that 33% an individual vote counts for. That's what Thurman was pointing out.

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It doesn't matter how often fans vote if the overall fan vote counts for 33% of the total. The frequency of voting only affects how much of that 33% an individual vote counts for. That's what Thurman was pointing out.

are you really saying that if 200 fans vote 5 times each for a specific player and 1000 fans vote 1 time for a different player, that it couldn't possibly change who wins the 33% fan portion?

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are you really saying that if 200 fans vote 5 times each for a specific player and 1000 fans vote 1 time for a different player, that it couldn't possibly change who wins the 33% fan portion?

If that's the argument you want to have, find someone who's said that. Not sure why this is such a stumbling block, it doesn't matter if one fan votes 10,000 billion times, the fan vote will not count for more than 33% of the total vote. That's the entirety of the point. And unless you have some reason to think that the voting for Peters was different for some reason than other players, I find it pretty unlikely that's there some fan out there voting enough to capture the fan vote for him.

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