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It's funny because I have always mocked the obscure boundary with which "real life" and the "online world" are separated. We all watch the Bills, post our thoughts, mock trolls (while occasionally taking the bait when emotion or boredom dilute our senses) and then go on about our lives. We all have our Monikers that are as close to an alter ego as it gets, and we interact with other monikers who are doing the same thing, almost ignoring the real person that pilots the keyboard. Then the real world has the audacity to invade our cyber community, melting away the aliases and uncloaking us all as to who we really are.


I've never met John, I've never had the fortune to have a real conversation with him, I could pass him on the street and have no sense that Beerball and I just crossed paths. But at moments like this, our world is put into focus. I find myself checking this thread constantly for updates on a man I don't know personally, but whose absence would create a discernible void for all of us.


I guess that's just a long winded way of saying John, you are in my prayers, fight hard, be strong, and god bless.


Well said, I've never met Beerball, but over the past couple of days, I've been thinking of him often and wishing him well from 650 miles away.

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Jesus Christ, man...I just saw your entry in his guestbook. Have you ever heard of "brevity"? :beer::thumbsup:


Cliff notes version:


He's getting better...but keep praying or in your case being increasingly humorously cynical....it seems to be working....


Steely does get the BarryBrady or other surname award......


Get well Beerball.

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It's funny because I have always mocked the obscure boundary with which "real life" and the "online world" are separated. We all watch the Bills, post our thoughts, mock trolls (while occasionally taking the bait when emotion or boredom dilute our senses) and then go on about our lives. We all have our Monikers that are as close to an alter ego as it gets, and we interact with other monikers who are doing the same thing, almost ignoring the real person that pilots the keyboard. Then the real world has the audacity to invade our cyber community, melting away the aliases and uncloaking us all as to who we really are.


I've never met John, I've never had the fortune to have a real conversation with him, I could pass him on the street and have no sense that Beerball and I just crossed paths. But at moments like this, our world is put into focus. I find myself checking this thread constantly for updates on a man I don't know personally, but whose absence would create a discernible void for all of us.


I guess that's just a long winded way of saying John, you are in my prayers, fight hard, be strong, and god bless.


I have actually been thinking something very similar. It amazes me how much this impacts us all. Nice post.

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Having just read the caringbridge site for John, I can honestly say two things:


1. Steely, does the word verbose mean anything to you? (I keed, I keed)


2. You guys are some of the best people, I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Kudos to all of you. This isn't about being fellow Bills fans, this about caring about a friend and his family in a time of need. Good on all you. It was a wonderful way to start out my Saturday morning. :beer: to each and every one of you.

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Everyone stop ragging on Steely (his heart is in the right place) about this. It isn't appropriate IMO. This thread is about Beerball.


I hoenstly think that John knowing that Tom is ragging on Steely will lift his spirits, because it means the world order is still upside up and there's hope for a full recovery.

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I hoenstly think that John knowing that Tom is ragging on Steely will lift his spirits, because it means the world order is still upside up and there's hope for a full recovery.

+1 - I concur. Us, virtually choking the crap out of steel is very uplifting.

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New post from Roberta, and encouraging news:



Saturday, January 30, 2010 7:57 AM, CST


He's waking up! As the sedation is dialed back,he's more and more alert. He looked right at me with awareness and two tears came out. Although it broke my heart, I was so gladgladgla​d


Keep fighting 'sphere!!!


Well that's good news.


Now here's hoping to no permanent damage, or at least that it's strictly limited to forgetting about Chan Gailey.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010 6:07 PM, CST


Well, it's good news-bad news.


We had hoped that when the anesthesia was dialed down this morning that John would be responsive (able to follow simple commands) and calm. Although I saw him start to respond by turning toward my voice and opening his eyes, he wouldn't cooperate with the doctor doing the neuro check. No hand squeeze, no hold up two fingers. I told her he doesn't follow orders when he's well so huh, no surprise.


While being rolled to his side for "cleaning", he got really, really agitated by the trachea tube. How horrible it must be to be aware of it and have your hands restrained. He literally sat up in bed, tried to pull his arms out of the restraints, kicked his legs, and fought. His strength was impressive. Bad part is they had to dial up the anesthesia again and knock hom back out.


They've decided to let him rest until tomorrow morning and try it again. It's a Catch-22.....he's agitated about the tube but can't get it out until he's calm. Vitals continue to be good.


I really believe he not only loooked at me but KNEW it was me. I could see it in his eyes.


Random thoughts:


*Syracuse wins by 2 over pathetic Depaul? Dudn't look like #1 team to me. My guys need to play 40 minutes.

*I am advancing big-time in Facebook Mafia Wars since I need the distraction. I'll be level 300 by tomorrow.

*The ICU is so cold that I'm wearing John's ski parka in here

*The care team here is super excellent

*Diet Coke with lime and Diet Dr Pepper are the two best sodas going....unless you can get diet rootbeer.

*I gave in and had Liz bring me a few shots of Starbucks espresso :)


Thanks for all the prayers, good wishes, presents, and visits. We love you all.

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