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Mark McGwire admits using steroids

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I don't know what the big deal is... They weren't really banned back than as they are now. I can't see how it effects the record. What? We all know that football teams used them in the 1970's and 1980's... Are they gonna put an asterisk by the PITT Steelers of the 1970's?


Don't get me wrong... They were bad for using them.


I look at it like a spitball/doctored pitches and how they were legal at one time and how they are now banned.

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Actually, Jose Canseco probably deserves credit for breaking this story way before ESPN, the AP, or anyone else for that matter.




Dude took a ton of abuse when he first came out with those accusations, but it seems like he was pretty much spot on.

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Go Jose! Keep hammering these cheating MFers!


Not only is he hammering all these cheaters, they're making him richer and richer by the month with every confession of guilt. The over/under on how many Canseco books will sell in the days after Mac finally admitted his roid use has gotta be in the thousands. People are much more inclined to want to read a book full of dirt like that if it is continually proven to hold a hell of a lot of truth.

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Not only is he hammering all these cheaters, they're making him richer and richer by the month with every confession of guilt. The over/under on how many Canseco books will sell in the days after Mac finally admitted his roid use has gotta be in the thousands. People are much more inclined to want to read a book full of dirt like that if it is continually proven to hold a hell of a lot of truth.


I'd guess that the vast majority assumes that just about everyone was juicing. They're not going to learn anything new from Canseco at this point.

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