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Why do some people become retards while holding a cell phone?


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would you call her two days before her birthday to wish her a happy birthday??? goddamm...people who call to wish happy occasions early really ticks me off....... :unsure:


I did miss it. But can I still call my mom at 7:00am tomorrow just to wish her a happy new year?
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  • Taking calls in church
  • Use them in bathrooms
  • Blathering on while holding up others - such as in a checkout line where they can't count money because one hand is tied up with phone or they are simply distracted
  • Carrying on conversations in places where such conversation is clearly disruptive to others (movies, restaurants, etc.)
  • Texting while driving
  • Texting while walking or should I say stumbling around
  • Talking on them when flight attendant has clearly indicated they need to be powered down

While I whole heartedly agree with most of your post, I don't understand why talking on a cell phone in a restaurant is considered to be rude.


If 2 people are sitting at a table, they're expected to have a conversation. So, why can't I have a similar conversation with someone on my phone? I eat alone all the time and quite often have a phone conversation while in the restaurant waiting on my food.


Granted, I think you should keep your voice at a conversational level - something alot ot people on cell phones have difficulty doing for some reason. But, I'd say the same if it's 2 people sitting together at a table - neither should be yelling at the other.

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While I whole heartedly agree with most of your post, I don't understand why talking on a cell phone in a restaurant is considered to be rude.


If 2 people are sitting at a table, they're expected to have a conversation. So, why can't I have a similar conversation with someone on my phone? I eat alone all the time and quite often have a phone conversation while in the restaurant waiting on my food.


Granted, I think you should keep your voice at a conversational level - something alot ot people on cell phones have difficulty doing for some reason. But, I'd say the same if it's 2 people sitting together at a table - neither should be yelling at the other.

Now yer talkin' about one of MY pet peeves. I generally don't have a problem with people talking on cell phones in public places - but don't they understand there's a volume control on the damn thing? Why in the name of God's green earth do they have to shout like they're on stage at a conference without a microphone and project their end of the conversation?

Some of the one-sided conversations I've been forced to hear were incredibly embarrassing because of the personal nature of what was being discussed. I don't want to know about what arrangements others are making for the remainder of their day.

I hope the next "smart" phone will have a noise-canceling mic that negates/mutes the talker's voice. It'd be great if it gave ear-shattering feedback to the user when the loudness of their voice passed above a certain level. Like say, a whisper.

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If 2 people are sitting at a table, they're expected to have a conversation. So, why can't I have a similar conversation with someone on my phone? I eat alone all the time and quite often have a phone conversation while in the restaurant waiting on my food.



Generally, people seem not to keep the discussion at conversational level. Why? who knows? Keep in mind what set me off in this situation was a guy using his phone in speakerphone mode while in a public space. The point is that some people seem to simply shut their brain off when their cell phone goes into their hand. They act as though they have license to simply ignore everyone around them and the impact of their behavior on others.


Also, people generally do not set their phone to vibrate so they also have some obnoxious ring tone going off.


I have no issue with people like you who use their phones but are also considerate of their surroundings. I carry a blackberry with me all the time and use it frequently. Like you, I try to do so in a way that is mindful of others around me. For example, if I do get a call in a public space (my phone is always set to vibrate btw) I will either not take it if I will disrupt others or I will step out to an area (lobby for example) where my discussion will not disrupt people around me.


Etiquette and consideration for others are dying concepts in this country.

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Any one that has the ring tone on in a restaurant or movies should be thrown out.


I try very hard to remember this but sometimes I forget. :thumbsup: When I am at work, I do not want my PERSONAL cell phone to ring - especially in meetings.


To answer the original question, if people are tards they are tards.


The same people text on their phones, while fixing their hair, blasting their radio, picking sesame seeds out of their teeth, stretching a traffic light changing from yellow to red by ten seconds, while eating a sandwich and holding hot coffee in their crotch.


Can't blame the technology. Kind of like a "guns don't kill people...." scenario.

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Generally, people seem not to keep the discussion at conversational level. Why? who knows? Keep in mind what set me off in this situation was a guy using his phone in speakerphone mode while in a public space. The point is that some people seem to simply shut their brain off when their cell phone goes into their hand. They act as though they have license to simply ignore everyone around them and the impact of their behavior on others.


Also, people generally do not set their phone to vibrate so they also have some obnoxious ring tone going off.


I have no issue with people like you who use their phones but are also considerate of their surroundings. I carry a blackberry with me all the time and use it frequently. Like you, I try to do so in a way that is mindful of others around me. For example, if I do get a call in a public space (my phone is always set to vibrate btw) I will either not take it if I will disrupt others or I will step out to an area (lobby for example) where my discussion will not disrupt people around me.


Etiquette and consideration for others are dying concepts in this country.

Talking to loud on a cell phone is one of my pet peeves., too. My wife does it all the time... I have to remind her to use the inside voice.


I really don't get all the personalized ringtones with all the cools songs and stuff. Sure it's great if you're sittin around with buds, but does anyone ever look good with Tone-Loc's Wild Thing blasting when they get a call in public or in a meeting? Personally, I have some classical piece as my primary ring tone. Not that I like classical music, so much. But more so, because when I forget to turn it off, it sounds more understated and unobtrusive.


I agree, etiquette and consideration for others are all but lost. Go anywhere in public and it's obvious. Go to the store and watch the idiot standing in the middle of the isle, oblivious to the people that may want to walk by. Or the driving thread.

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no, but it would probably be a better idea to read entire posts and threads.... :thumbsup:


well i seriously doubt that those that i see in richmond are talking to folks in Prince Edward Island, Greenland, Iceland or Great Britain.....maybe i am just old fashioned...no phone calls before 8AM and if 8AM, it better be for business or very important


Soooo when my wifes water breaks when i am on the way to work at 7 am, i should pick up and say call back at 8, when business time starts?
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I was trying to enjoy my lunch today when some :thumbsup: idiot decides that he wants to participate in a conference call, on speaker while he is eating. Perhaps the fact that it helped to drown out the Celine Dion songs playing in the background should earn him a bye



Count your blessings

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