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Where Have All the Lefties Gone?

Chef Jim

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Sorry, you lost me at "Unemployment worse. False."


How is unemployment not worse today than it was on January 19?

Solution to health care reform, expensive, does not reduce costs, raises taxes. Also False.


Actually this one was my favorite :)

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My English major had a concentration in creative writing, I could fill the page too.


Oh come on, your falses are false. You're just here for the attention, right? Kinda full of yourself? I've yet to see you defend your position on anything. You're not as cute as you think you are. Come back when you're more informed.

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I honestly don't think I know enough about it have an informed opinion either way.


That said, a statement like that seems pretty speculative to me. I'd have to see the numbers that indicate that succussful small businesses are not hiring. Even then you'd be making some pretty big assumptions about the reasons for it. 'Obama's agenda' is such a vague term.


I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you're not laying it all out. All you're giving me is a sound bite.

Instead of assuming my take on this is speculative, take some time and talk to small business owners. Find out how their business is doing year over year. Find out what their plans are to hire over the next year (both to expand and replace). I talk to a number of small business owners from all over the country on a regular basis and I assure you that I am not speculating.


Small businesses hear two things over and over from the government (pushing Obama agendas): (1) we NEED health insurance reform and we NEED cap-n-trade and we NEED to spend our way out of this recession and we NEED to expand the amount of debt we can accumulate and we NEED to to fix the job market by expanding "green jobs." And every time someone in government says we NEED (fill in the blank), it takes us to (2) We're going to pay for this by taxing those making over $200K/year single or $250K/year married.


Guess who that includes? Small business owners out the wazoo.


This is no speculation. This is what is happening. If Obama keeps pushing these agendas when virtually NO ONE in the country wants them, and keeps taxing small business owners to pay for it, we'll be referring to his presidency as "historic" for some other reason than because he's black. Believe it.

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Instead of assuming my take on this is speculative, take some time and talk to small business owners. Find out how their business is doing year over year. Find out what their plans are to hire over the next year (both to expand and replace). I talk to a number of small business owners from all over the country on a regular basis and I assure you that I am not speculating.


Small businesses hear two things over and over from the government (pushing Obama agendas): (1) we NEED health insurance reform and we NEED cap-n-trade and we NEED to spend our way out of this recession and we NEED to expand the amount of debt we can accumulate and we NEED to to fix the job market by expanding "green jobs." And every time someone in government says we NEED (fill in the blank), it takes us to (2) We're going to pay for this by taxing those making over $200K/year single or $250K/year married.


Guess who that includes? Small business owners out the wazoo.


This is no speculation. This is what is happening. If Obama keeps pushing these agendas when virtually NO ONE in the country wants them, and keeps taxing small business owners to pay for it, we'll be referring to his presidency as "historic" for some other reason than because he's black. Believe it.

Again, not saying you're wrong, but your evidence is completely anecdotal. It's not very convincing if I need to take your word for it.


Incidentally, it's laughable to think that someone would do things to AVOID making more than $200K/year single or $250K/year married because they're scared of taxes. I do not have much sympathy for a person with such "problems".

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Am I supposed to be looking at the first month to month decline since November 07?


Stop acting like a hard ass.


So in your world because the rate of decline in the value of my home is less than it was last month it is somehow worth more that it was in January?

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Again, not saying you're wrong, but your evidence is completely anecdotal. It's not very convincing if I need to take your word for it.


Incidentally, it's laughable to think that someone would do things to AVOID making more than $200K/year single or $250K/year married because they're scared of taxes. I do not have much sympathy for a person with such "problems".


People generally won't avoid making $250K because they're scared of taxes. What they will avoid is adding another person to the payroll, because of higher taxes and regulations. At that point, the marginal benefit of working your existing employees a bit harder and maybe paying them a bit more is more efficient. That's how you make sure that 10% unemployment remains fixed.

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People generally won't avoid making $250K because they're scared of taxes. What they will avoid is adding another person to the payroll, because of higher taxes and regulations. At that point, the marginal benefit of working your existing employees a bit harder and maybe paying them a bit more is more efficient. That's how you make sure that 10% unemployment remains fixed.

I don't even know why you bother. You're talking to a guy who believes additionally taxing upper income earners will have no effect on the rest of the working population.

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I don't even know why you bother. You're talking to a guy who believes additionally taxing upper income earners will have no effect on the rest of the working population.

I like to maintain an optimistic outlook. I also realize that people with an agenda will skew numbers and make assumptions to fit their agenda. We'll see what happens I guess.


Anyone know any good unemployed ASP.NET developers in Rochester?

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Again, not saying you're wrong, but your evidence is completely anecdotal. It's not very convincing if I need to take your word for it.


Incidentally, it's laughable to think that someone would do things to AVOID making more than $200K/year single or $250K/year married because they're scared of taxes. I do not have much sympathy for a person with such "problems".

You won't take my word for it, you won't look into it for yourself and talk to small business owners and chamber of commerces, and in fact you'll do nothing determine if maybe the fear factor is why hiring is being frozen. As a result, it's only anectdotal, so no reason to feel like anything needs to be done to address this issue.


You have the Barack Obama playbook down page by page. All you need to do is raise the debt limit another $2 trillion and remind everyone how the only way out of debt is to spend more borrowed money on things that no one wants.


And incidentally, no one said people earning quarter million are trying to avoid that number (Hey, look, your own strawman argument...how bizarre). Actually, the simple fact that you sarcastically feel like people earning over $250K have a "problem" (I think that's in the whole "Oh, it's just a drop in the bucket to those people" argument) shows how unbelievably little you understand about small businesses, which is too bad because small business is what's going to fix the unemployment numbers, not more government jobs.


But let's keep ignoring them or admonishing them for trying to squeeze more margins out of fewer employees. Man, oh, man, now THERE'S a recipe for economic recovery.

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