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Press the button and someone dies...


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So can I press the button as much as I want and get a million every time?


I'll stop when I'm a billionaire, promise. The herd needs culling anyway.


Just something to think about:


You hit the button numerous times. You're rich. You rush home to tell the family, only to find out your spouse and your kids all died in a car crash.




Or how about:

as soon as you hit the button for the first time, you start suffering from a heart attack ....

Edited by Cynical
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Just something to think about:


You hit the button numerous times. You're rich. You rush home to tell the family, only to find out your spouse and your kids all died in a car crash.




Or how about:

as soon as you hit the button for the first time, you start suffering from a heart attack ....

According to the OP, someone you don't know dies. So, it would have to be your future wife, that you haven't met yet, dies in a car crash.


I imagine that's the plot twist, they push the button and someone that is seemingly irrelavant is slated to die. But then they realize this person was going to save the would or lead the Bills to the Super Bowl or some other such achievement.

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I imagine that's the plot twist, they push the button and someone that is seemingly irrelavant is slated to die. But then they realize this person was going to save the would or lead the Bills to the Super Bowl or some other such achievement.

I know this is a movie, but let's please keep this discussion within the realm of the possible. :(

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There's apparently a movie out (coming out?) that poses a moral question - you can press a button and get a million dollars, but someone in the world whom you do not know will die. Do you press the button?


This is a spoof. It's pretty funny, I think.




Is that premise: Someone you do not know? That seems pretty painless? What constitutes "knowing?"

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Just something to think about:


You hit the button numerous times. You're rich. You rush home to tell the family, only to find out your spouse and your kids all died in a car crash.




Or how about:

as soon as you hit the button for the first time, you start suffering from a heart attack ....



There was episode on the twighlight zone years ago where it was the same premise. Guy knocks on the door of some farm & offers the wife 1 mill if she presses the button with the conditions that someone will be killed that she does not know. Well the whole episode the husband & wife are arguing whether they should push it or not, the husband says it is not right to push it, the wife wants to. The wife justifies it saying that what happens if the person that is chosen is going to die anyways because they are terminally ill etc... The husband counters with what if it is a newborn baby just starting out in the world & it is not right to take that chance. Well the greedy B word finally pushes the button & sure enough the man shows up the next day with the 1 million. The wife asks the man, someone that I know really did not die because of this right. The man gets really serious & says, absolutely that was the deal. He then is about to leave & she says where are you going next. He looks at her with avery evil look & says "I am going to give another person the same option with the box as I gave you, & you could be assured that it will be someone that you do not know". The wife has this horrified look on her face as the episode ends.

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There was episode on the twighlight zone years ago where it was the same premise. Guy knocks on the door of some farm & offers the wife 1 mill if she presses the button with the conditions that someone will be killed that she does not know. Well the whole episode the husband & wife are arguing whether they should push it or not, the husband says it is not right to push it, the wife wants to. The wife justifies it saying that what happens if the person that is chosen is going to die anyways because they are terminally ill etc... The husband counters with what if it is a newborn baby just starting out in the world & it is not right to take that chance. Well the greedy B word finally pushes the button & sure enough the man shows up the next day with the 1 million. The wife asks the man, someone that I know really did not die because of this right. The man gets really serious & says, absolutely that was the deal. He then is about to leave & she says where are you going next. He looks at her with avery evil look & says "I am going to give another person the same option with the box as I gave you, & you could be assured that it will be someone that you do not know". The wife has this horrified look on her face as the episode ends.




Maybe it's my age, but it seems the Twilight zone always had some nice little plot twist with their stories.

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There was episode on the twighlight zone years ago where it was the same premise. Guy knocks on the door of some farm & offers the wife 1 mill if she presses the button with the conditions that someone will be killed that she does not know. Well the whole episode the husband & wife are arguing whether they should push it or not, the husband says it is not right to push it, the wife wants to. The wife justifies it saying that what happens if the person that is chosen is going to die anyways because they are terminally ill etc... The husband counters with what if it is a newborn baby just starting out in the world & it is not right to take that chance. Well the greedy B word finally pushes the button & sure enough the man shows up the next day with the 1 million. The wife asks the man, someone that I know really did not die because of this right. The man gets really serious & says, absolutely that was the deal. He then is about to leave & she says where are you going next. He looks at her with avery evil look & says "I am going to give another person the same option with the box as I gave you, & you could be assured that it will be someone that you do not know". The wife has this horrified look on her face as the episode ends.




So. I can walk across the street today and buy the farm.

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There was episode on the twighlight zone years ago where it was the same premise. Guy knocks on the door of some farm & offers the wife 1 mill if she presses the button with the conditions that someone will be killed that she does not know. Well the whole episode the husband & wife are arguing whether they should push it or not, the husband says it is not right to push it, the wife wants to. The wife justifies it saying that what happens if the person that is chosen is going to die anyways because they are terminally ill etc... The husband counters with what if it is a newborn baby just starting out in the world & it is not right to take that chance. Well the greedy B word finally pushes the button & sure enough the man shows up the next day with the 1 million. The wife asks the man, someone that I know really did not die because of this right. The man gets really serious & says, absolutely that was the deal. He then is about to leave & she says where are you going next. He looks at her with avery evil look & says "I am going to give another person the same option with the box as I gave you, & you could be assured that it will be someone that you do not know". The wife has this horrified look on her face as the episode ends.


The new ones or the Rod Serling ones?

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There was episode on the twighlight zone years ago where it was the same premise. Guy knocks on the door of some farm & offers the wife 1 mill if she presses the button with the conditions that someone will be killed that she does not know. Well the whole episode the husband & wife are arguing whether they should push it or not, the husband says it is not right to push it, the wife wants to. The wife justifies it saying that what happens if the person that is chosen is going to die anyways because they are terminally ill etc... The husband counters with what if it is a newborn baby just starting out in the world & it is not right to take that chance. Well the greedy B word finally pushes the button & sure enough the man shows up the next day with the 1 million. The wife asks the man, someone that I know really did not die because of this right. The man gets really serious & says, absolutely that was the deal. He then is about to leave & she says where are you going next. He looks at her with avery evil look & says "I am going to give another person the same option with the box as I gave you, & you could be assured that it will be someone that you do not know". The wife has this horrified look on her face as the episode ends.


Never saw the Twilight Zone show or even know much about this movie, but I figured that pushing the button probably kills the last person to push the button.


That's why after I push the button I'm going to destroy the box... :lol:

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