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  1. So when Trump wins - and Putin moves on to Poland and Germany under the guise of eradicating Nazis - will Trump pull the plug on NATO to appease Putin?
  2. Ah, so we don't need NATO. The threat from comrade Putin is idol. Right comrade? What Russian majority ethnic province do you hail from?
  3. Don’t you know? Biden with his superior reasoning skills is the one who brought nato together and made them stronger! His excellent leadership skills are what is holding this entire planet together! Bribem has brought the world together!
  4. I don’t understand the confidence that the guy who wants to destroy NATO, wants to resurrect Russian empire, has surrounded himself with sycophants, has killed or removed anyone who challenges him, who massively miscalculated the Ukraine invasion, wouldn’t, upon being triumphant in what he views as a war against the West, push the envelope for the goal he clearly seeks. I agree that it would be an incredibly stupid thing to do, but are we willing to risk WWIII on Putin being rational and tethered to reality when the evidence clearly cuts against that?
  5. So it was Trumps position on NATO that hurt this country? Here is one line from the Washington Journal regarding Trumps stance -" I found that people tend to focus only on what Mr. Trump says rather than what he does. He questioned the alliance publicly and badgered fellow leaders, but it was part of a calculated (and successful) strategy to get them to contribute more to defense." So he hurt the Country to have members of NATO start paying their way? You see this is the second time I have asked what Trump policy he made during his Presidency that hurt this country and while I thank at least one of you for responding, it was in fact not a policy of Trump to pull out of the NATO agreement. link to the WSJ article - https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-nato-foreign-policy-biden-6383f678
  6. I honestly have zero patience for people who have allowed themselves to be convinced that Russia will attempt to invade a NATO nation. With all due disrespect, you’re an idiot if you believe that.
  7. I don't answer for Trump or Putin. What I am familiar with, and from open source material, is the state of NATO at the date of Russia's invasion. Specifically, the gross disregard of NATO military agreements from Germany, Canada and a few others. All that aside, the funny thing about this site is that the reality of the issue is never discussed. Instead, people seem to think it's US politics that are the cornerstone. If you hate Trump, forget about NATO parties not living up to responsibilities, and the resultant commitment of disproportionate US money and potentially, lives. It's the way Trump packages it, and if anyone points those issues out, they must support Trump. Not true at all. The issue is not addressed. The political figures are. The sickening repetition never ends.
  8. I forget the song but it goes something like this... "There's 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth". If you talk to Ukraine and the West the Russians are intent on destroying democracy in Ukraine and invading Europe with the goal of re-uniting the former Soviet Union. If you talk to Russia, the west and NATO want to encircle and isolate their country with the intent of taking over and stealing their resources like oil and mineral resources. The truth might meet somewhere in between.
  9. Again you'd think the time for Putin to invade Ukraine would be when he has his "puppet" in Office who is "trying to destroy NATO."
  10. Trump invaded Ukraine? Bro? What? Who gives a ***** what europe wanted? Trump dislikes nato because as always the us puts up more than anyone else.
  11. This is the kind of disgusting response that people who don't live up their obligations opine. There is no treaty/formal codification of NATO obligations. There was definitely an understanding of an agreed to %of GDP expenditures. It could be more accurately stated: "We in NATO never signed a formal commitment regarding GDP % directed to maintain our military capability. We are quite happy to task the US taxpayer to uphold our deterrent threat," and we have done exactly that for a very long time.
  12. Truth hurts Karen Psyop - doesn’t? It all comes down to Trump you idiot - he gets in power again kiss NATO goodbye. idiots everywhere
  13. Forgive them. They've been told what to think. Trump "almost" destroyed NATO like the J6 protestors "almost" toppled the American government...
  14. Sometimes people need an extreme example/incident before they're moved to act. Like being told NATO won't support you if you don't pay up. Or if a country gets invaded.
  15. I know. Which is why it then inevitably changes to "well he didn't need to invade because he was doing Putin' bidding by trying to destroy NATO."
  16. The MAGA is doing exactly what what Putin wants…whether connected or not. In fact…probably so much more than he could have dreamed of. Destroy NATO …pulled the rug out of Ukraine support….Stupid is as stupid does.
  17. What do you think of Trump's comments about encouraging Russia? You complained that Biden's comments about Israel were dangerous, how about Trump, NATO and Russia?
  18. Putin didn’t need to do it under Trump‘s watch. Trump was already making waves about being in NATO as it was all Putin had to do was just sit back and wait. Except democracy happened
  19. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/18/1232263785/generations-after-its-heyday-isolationism-is-alive-and-kicking-up-controversy "Trump had stoked the discussion earlier this month when he told a rally in Conway, S.C., that he would "encourage" Russia to do "whatever the hell they want" to any NATO country he regarded as delinquent in its payments to the alliance. Disavowing mutual defense Beyond misrepresenting the way NATO is financed, Trump was disavowing the central purpose of the mutual defense pact. Article 5 of the 1949 treatystates that an attack on one member will be considered an attack on all."
  20. I disagree if your position is that America has no vital interest in Europe. Ukraine is a country in flux (politically, economically, socially). There is a war there for a reason. It is also a barrier between one of our big three rivals and NATO. No argument that our biggest threat is China. That is clear. However, Russia is a close number two and operates in a different, but not less effective manner than China. In the end, I feel for the Russian people in this scenario. They are being used brutally by a criminal dictator. I cannot imagine what would happen to Ukrainian citizens without our support. The crying here reflects no perception of reality IMO.
  21. "intersected"...big word for a troll and one that I never used. Go watch Marco Rubio lie for trump on CNN about NATO. You may learn some new disinformation tactics.
  22. hmmm. so what, in your learned opinion, was trump's reason for making his NATO statement at a rally in SC yesterday? Ask your handlers. They'll come up with some juicy disinformation....
  23. Trap? Hardly. I see you couldn’t back up your claim that Trump doesn’t want to destroy NATO. Let’s try this one: why do you want Russia to succeed so badly?
  24. I am against this conflict for many reasons. At this point I think that they should come to the table and negotiate but then immediately after that, Ukraine should be allowed to join NATO. Let’s see Russia do this ***** to a NATO country
  25. Russia would love to do this to a NATO country. If they succeed here, Moldova is probably next and then NATO countries are on the table. Not to mention that Ukraine isn’t ready for NATO membership anyway. The only thing Putin understands is power, so the only way that Ukraine comes away from this without becoming a Russian vassal is by making it abundantly clear that Russian aggression will end in failure.
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