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  1. Rosanne Barr, Scott Baio and Kid Rock not pulling their weight, Irv?
  2. lmao - you’re going to be very disappointed - as usual. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21165424-epstein-flight-logs-released-in-usa-vs-maxwell
  3. More from the actual program, for those intelligent enough to wonder. More from the Actual @60Minutes Transcript Scott Pelley: You bring up ideology, but you don't wanna talk about it. Your Twitter site brings up grooming and you don't wanna talk about that. And what your critics say is that you're trying to impose your values on all of the parents and schools in this country. Tina Descovich: So I addressed the ideology. So I'm gonna take this one because I addressed the ideology for you to say that we don't want to address it is fake. Scott Pelley: What ideologies do you disagree with? That was the question. Tina Descovich: Yeah, and I answered that, I said Children, parents do not want their Children, let me rephrase that clearer. Parents do not want their Children learning that they can change their gender in kindergarten through third grade. 70% of parents, we know that because of the polling. Parents do not want gender… Scott Pelley: So to be clear, transgender ideology is something you disagree to? Tiffany Justice: Gender ideology has no place in American public schools, no place. Tina Descovich: 70% of American parents agree with that. They want their Children to learn to read, write, do math, history and science. They don't want…. Scott Pelley: 30% of American parents, according to your statistic, who want that kind of teaching in their school.
  4. Mr. Plessy no doubt regretted his decision to fight that whole "separate but equal" thing. He really should have waited a hundred years or so when the composition of the Court was favorable to him. https://www.oyez.org/cases/1850-1900/163us537 Hell, for that matter, that foolish Dred Scott probably regrets not just returning to his slave master. He could've prevented the Civil War. Maybe even for another decade or so.
  5. so will you vote for him? Scott Jennings is a conservative R advisor: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/11/sotu-panel-d-full.cnn
  6. SLEEPERS, AWAKE! By Scott Johnson The new book by Victor Davis Hanson is The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation. It was published this past Tuesday. The New York Post extracted Victor’s thesis statement from the book for this column (the headline doesn’t come close to capturing the thesis). In the book Victor recounts the annihilation of Thebes, Carthage, Constantinople, and Tenochtitlan. Victor provides a précis in the publisher’s video below https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/05/sleepers-awake.php Wall Street Journal review of the book: https://www.wsj.com/arts-culture/books/the-end-of-everything-review-annals-of-total-destruction-c11777cc .
  7. Maritime Journalist Shares Early Analysis of Francis Scott Key Bridge Disaster From his link: “The vessel notified the MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control and a collision with the bridge was possible,” ABC quoted the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s report as saying. “The vessel struck the bridge, causing a complete collapse.” She struck the southwest support column at a speed of 7.6 knots (8.7 MPH). Cameras from the Vessel Traffic Service captured footage of the collision and subsequent collapse. The ship’s lights went out twice before the collision, indicating possible issues in the engine room. Despite the quick restoration of lighting, this suggests a full blackout occurred, prompting the emergency generator to restore basic electrical services and lighting. Without propulsion or tugboats, a ship this size is nearly impossible to stop. The emergency generator does not connect to propulsion but should support steering and navigation systems but the ships heading appears to have been pushed off course by the wind directly into the support column. Ships are not required to have tugboat escorts when passing under the Francis Scott Key Bridge so they have limited ability to slow down on their own when they lose power and can not put the propeller into reverse. https://gcaptain.com/ship-lost-control-before-hitting-baltimore-bridge/ https://twitchy.com/samj/2024/03/26/maritime-journalist-shares-early-analysis-of-francis-scott-key-bridge-disaster-n2394406 You can read Konrad's full analysis here.
  8. The drooling vegetable is fine. He has all his marbles. No worries. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/biden-says-he-took-the-train-over-collapsed-baltimore-francis-scott-key-bridge-even-though-it-never-had-tracks-president-makes-commuting-gaffe-as-vows-to-cover-the-full-cost-of-maryland-disaster/ar-BB1kCVj6?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=b27b365e424747d9bdee4471aa4e62f8&ei=19
  9. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime. Options Continuing to make the thread about himself. Meanwhile: 2 Rescued After Baltimore Bridge Collapse; Sonar Detected Multiple Submerged Vehicles By Jennifer Van Laar https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2024/03/26/breaking-francis-scott-key-bridge-in-baltimore-collapses-after-container-ship-crashes-into-support-n2171921
  10. I feel like Uniparty, while a real thing, is more of a federal issue. Moving from New York to the South is DRASTIC. For anyone center/center-right who likes warm weather, in a good way. Lower taxes, more freedom, less crime outside areas where you’d expect it, along with a much bigger focus on family & religion. The local/state politicians all reflect that. It’s the federal level i.e. a Lindsey Graham, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio who prioritize the big things similarly to Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff that give off the very evident reality of a Uniparty. Locally though.. no, party still matters.
  11. MORE: Georgia appeals court HALTS trial of Trump and codefendants so it can review 'conflict' challenge to Fani Willis based on her affair by Geoff Earle A Georgia appeals court has put one of Donald Trump's four criminal trials on hold, pausing his election interference case there to allow for a challenge based on Fulton County DA Fani Willis' affair with a prosecutor. The move comes after Georgia judge Scott McAfee issued a ruling allowing Willis to remain in her role as prosecutor after holding bombshell hearings on her affair with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade. The hearing featured dramatic testimony about lavish vacations and angry disputes about when the affair began and whether it had the potential to compromise the appearance or the fact of a fair trial. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13499297/Georgia-appeals-court-trial-Trump-codefendants-challenge-Fani-Willis-affair.html .
  12. Trump takes credit for Ronna McDaniel keeping her chair. Trump takes credit for Ronna McDaniel losing her chair. Trump pushes for Lara Trump to be co-chair. The only thing giving me any hope in this constant Trump-led circus of musical chairs is the fact Scott Pressler looks to be up for an actual role in the RNC.
  13. You are the one defending a scumbag who told us he would be dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter. When she was 16 he said: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” He also called his daughter “voluptuous’ and described her as “a piece of ass.” Same POS was sued twice for raping a 13 year old and spent an enormous amount of time partying w a later convicted pedophile and child trafficker. Trump even told us he knew Jeffrey likes them young - AND - when Trump was asked about Jeffrey’s co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, ‘I wish her well’ Sit the f down.
  14. Damn. is it her politics that bother you. or that she is a strong woman. Anyone that is his vice, is going to be a conservative. Tim Scott would make a great VP candidate.
  15. Not a terrible plan. My go-to news sources: WSJ and NYT digital subscriber. There's your center-right and center-left. Memeorandum as the best news aggregator to quickly browse. No Twitter account. No Facebook. No Tik-Tok. I just don't like getting inundated with stuff they think I'd like. Some blogs that point me to interesting stuff: marginalrevolution (right-libertarian leaning economists), themoneyillusion (Scott Sumner, economist, similar but also a good film critic on the side), astralcodexten ("Scott Alexander," very libertarian, just an interesting thinker about lots of things) TV: not an everday regular of any program, but I often check out CNBC (umm, waiting for Deirdre Bosa to appear while I get my financial news; I'm a fan of Rick Santelli too for very different reasons). I will watch the opening 10 minutes of a Morning Show (they all irritate me, but it's a quick news review); BBC America half hour evening news sometimes - much, much better international news coverage. Same with the CNN World coverage late at night if I'm up. MSNBC/Morning Joe last hour only sometimes (the hour aimed a DC newsmakers, not Joe's annoying rants with nodding head Mika). I also record Fareed Zakaria's GPS show. Pretty much avoid the other Sunday morning public affairs shows now.
  16. The GOP is not Trump. Trump is not the GOP. The people who are voting for trump, for the most part, do not like the GOP. They realize that it's a uniparty system at this point. They've been alienated by the Republican party dolts like Scott Walker, John McCain, and others over the last 10 years. Bush didn't do anyone any favors. The libertarian party took a left turn and not is radioactive. Trump is not the Republican party, for better or worse. The saddest part of all of this has become the tribalism that is the "magats" type statement where this is now acceptable to insult people who are your friends, family, and neighbors. It goes both ways. I don't like Trump but I loathe Democrats who are petulant children. I will never vote Democrat for what they have made of this political circus to persecute trump and what they did to Kavanaugh. If I was Republican I would beg everyone in power to go over every Democrats business record of 20 years for equal prosecution. Oh, and if I was Ohio I 100% would not put Biden on the ballot. Legally he should not be allowed.
  17. I believe Hunters drug problem started when he was an adult When did Donny Jr start w the white stuff? Unproven But if you’re pathetic enough to go there - you do realize the guy you fellate daily told us he would be dating Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter. When she was 16 he said: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” He also called his daughter “voluptuous’ and described her as “a piece of ass.” Same POS was sued twice for raping a 13 year old and spent an enormous amount of time partying w a later convicted pedophile and child trafficker. Trump even told us he knew Jeffrey likes them young - AND - when Trump was asked about Jeffrey’s co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, ‘I wish her well’ @LeviF - best to take your Christian teaching and shove it up Conald’s 🍑. These idiots never ever think.
  18. We need a thread for an (honest) discussion of who Donald Trump will pick as his running mate. He teased that he already knew it back in January, but no one seems to know who he meant, only that it will be a surprise. Who might Trump pick to be vice president? Here are 7 possibilities By Olivia Rinaldi The presidential primary season is over, and now that former President Donald Trump has secured the Republican nomination, he's getting questions about who's on his VP short list and what qualities he's looking for in a running mate. In February, while the primaries were still underway, Trump told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo that he wasn't planning to announce his choice "for awhile." He said he was looking for someone who's "able to be a good president" and told Bartiromo he had been talking to a number of people and mentioned South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. In January, he'd said of his potential running mate, "I know who it's going to be," but offered no further detail. Most candidates don't announce a running mate until the official nominating conventions are held in the summer, and Trump is expected to follow that precedent. Sources close to the Trump campaign say they have advised Trump to withhold announcing the nomination until the convention to build suspense and increase his leverage over candidates vying for the role. Potential picks whom sources within Trump's orbit have discussed for the role have been prominently featured on the campaign trail with the former president. Here are seven of them. (in depth discussion of each at the link) New York Rep. Elise Stefanik South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson Florida Sen. Marco Rubio https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-potential-vp-picks/ (I am aware that there was another thread started earlier, but it was Classic Frankish. A reasonable title followed by sarcastic, snarky filler disguised as "analysis" from CNN and him) I invite all sides of this issue to post their guesses and conjecture, I know the usual suspects will post their usual responses. .
  19. Who will Donald Trump choose as his running mate? What to know as potential VPs gather in Florida. David Jackson, Zac Anderson WASHINGTON Former President Donald Trump will spend part of his weekend hosting the latest episode of "The Apprentice," but this time it's the vice presidential edition. At least six contenders for the former president's running mate – Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.; Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio; Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.; South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and North Dakota Gov. Doug Bergum – will attend a Republican donor retreat Friday and Saturday in Palm Beach, Florida, in what looks like a series of auditions. "This is a wonderful opportunity for Republican leaders and supporters to come together," says the invitation to the event, which will also include panel discussions featuring campaign officials and Republican lawmakers that are closed to the press. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/03/donald-trump-vice-president-running-mate/73510077007/ .
  20. I don't think they hate their constituents , just the scumbags who turned on them in their own party to protect themselves. trump has them by the balls and they're too wimpy to fight back. Tim Scott is an embarrassment. btw, I don't think the Cheney's are hurting for money. Kinzinger strikes me as a regular guy.
  21. Our stupid politics. 1. This confused me: Renewed efforts by Congress to force TikTok to sell or face a ban in the US have the backing of the White House, even as President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign has started to use the platform to reach younger voters. I’m confused. If using Tiktok endangers national security, then why is Biden using TikTok? I get that his specific tweets don’t endanger security, but doesn’t his use make TikTok more popular? 2. I’m confused. Why would Trump try to ban TikTok in 2020, and then suddenly support TikTok after meeting a GOP investor who own’s $21 billion worth of TikTok, right after losing some legal cases that threaten to bankrupt him? That's from economist Scott Sumner at themoneyillusion.com.
  22. Idiots. PETA Pressures Jill Biden to Switch Eggs for Potatoes at Annual White House Easter Egg Roll by Anthony Scott People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is pressuring Jill Biden to forego eggs this Easter but instead use potatoes for the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll event. In a statement, PETA wrote, “Ahead of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, PETA sent a letter to Dr. Jill Biden today asking the first lady to modernize the celebration by replacing eggs with dyed Easter potatoes.” “Children love animals and would be sad to learn that the eggs used for fun and games at the White House come from tormented hens https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/peta-pressures-jill-biden-switch-eggs-potatoes-annual/
  23. Ok, so you HAVE been living under a rock. Cool! I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt since you have generally good Bills takes. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/26/1159580425/newspapers-have-dropped-the-dilbert-comic-strip-after-a-racist-rant-by-its-creat https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/scott-adams-dilbert-newspapers-cancelled-comic-strip/ Also, statist? Really? Libertarianism is just as bad as communism.
  24. Trump's lawyers and lawyer's pushing Trump's claims get themselves in trouble so often, it's hard to keep track. Thought it might be easier to just put the misfeasance in one place. I imagine I've missed a few but this is a good start. Lin Wood agreed to retire from law and surrender his Georgia law license to avoid disciplinary cases (NYT) Lin Wood was also sanctioned in Michigan (AP) Sidney Powell, Howard Kleinhandler, Julia Zsuzsa Haller, Scott Hagerstrom, Brandon Johnson, and Gregory Rohl were sanctioned and fined in Michigan (Reuters) Rudy Giuliani had his New York law license suspended (AP) DC ethics board recommended Rudy Giuliani to be disbarred (NBC) DC Bar officials recommend disbarment for Jeffrey Clark (Bloomberg Law) California bar court recommended disbarment for John Eastman (State Bar of California) Jenna Ellis was barred from practicing law in Colorado for three years (AP) Clifford Robert, Michael Farina, Christopher Kise, Michael Madaio, and Armen Morian were sanctioned in New York (NY Courts) Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and Ray Smith were indicted in Georgia (PBS) Stefanie Junttila and Matt DePerno were indicted in Michigan (Michigan Advance) Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty in Georgia (NYT) Kenneth Chesebro pleaded guilty in Georgia (NPR) Sidney Powell pleaded guilty in Georgia (NYT) Rudy Giuliani was indicted in Arizona (NBC) Christina Bobb, John Eastman, Boris Epshteyn, and Jenna Ellis were indicted in Arizona (Source NM) Alina Habba was sanctioned $1 million in Florida for filing frivolous lawsuits. (ABC - thanks @Scraps) Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations and other charges in New York (AP) Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay $148 million in Georgia defamation case (Reuters) Wisconsin AG charged Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis for the fake electors scheme. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) Maybe they should have taken Eric Herschmann's advice... Trump Lawyer Stats Lawyers in Trouble: Christina Bobb Kenneth Chesebro Jeffrey Clark Matt DePerno John Eastman Jenna Ellis Boris Epshteyn Michael Farina Rudy Giuliani Scott Hagerstrom Brandon Johnson Stefanie Junttila Christopher Kise Howard Kleinhandler Michael Madaio Armen Morian Sidney Powell Clifford Robert Gregory Rohl Ray Smith Jim Troupis Lin Wood Julia Zsuzsa Haller Jurisdictions / State Bars: 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals California State Bar Colorado State Bar Court of Appeals of Michigan DC Bar Georgia State Bar Georgia Supreme Court New York Attorney Grievance Committee US District Court Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division Superior Court of Fulton County (Georgia) Superior Court of the State of Arizona Supreme Court of the State of Colorado Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division Wisconsin Circuit Court
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