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  1. It was clearly NOT bs. It was from his own PAC, the one that's raised the most money for him. And the head of that PAC left to join the DeSantis campaign itself. I suspect you'll be seeing a lot of what's in that memo start to seep into the day-to-day DeSantis campaign now. He couldn't very well follow the script at the debate since Vivek would've been ready for a comeback on that.
  2. So what PAC is funding his run? and who is/what is funding that? https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-exceptionalism-institute/summary?id=D000073751 6 million war chest with no disclosure. So far American Exceptionalism PAC has spent $484,000 on ads, according to AdImpact. That's a fraction of the $92.9 million that GOP outside groups and candidates have spent on ads so far https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/-ramaswamy-super-pac-launches-new-ad-gop-debate-rcna101618
  3. Really? I did not realize that. They joined the Pac 12 a few years ago. That's interesting they will be in the same conference again. That's pretty cool, actually. I lived in Utah for a few years, but I have never followed college sports much. Just the NFL for me.
  4. I kind of did. removing Tax exempt status from Charities playing PAC could be a start. If you're going to be a PAC, be a PAC. With all its financial disclosure regs. shouldn't have charities pushing wedge issues while also being a partisan PAC. I am in the boat that publicly trades corporations should not be funding and promoting parties thought Charities and PACS. Cause we get what we have now, a government that's representative of those groups, vs us.
  5. None of those companies are private, they are publicly traded. You notice how much of the stimies went directly to Blackrock/Vanguard controlled companies? Same ones that also heavily support the left and the ESG, DEI movement. Its like a big circle. PACS get politicians elected, Politicians promote legislation and spending to Companies that PACS support. Companies fund the same PACS. maybe he is referencing removing tax exempt status from those groups (duel PAC/Charity) that rank and promote it. The duel "Political pac/charity" game is out of control.
  6. The folks in charge of the PAC-12 could not have messed this up any more than they did.
  7. It was deliberately leaked by his far and away dominant PAC. A PAC led by the same guy who has now been pulled into the immediate DeSantis campaign. It was leaked because it's illegal for these PACs to coordinate with campaigns. In other words, the PAC people can't call the DeSantis campaign people and say "you're doing it wrong; here's what our research shows would work better." So they posted - briefly, but long enough for everyone including the campaign to take notice - a strategy memo for everyone to see. Technically no "coordination" that way. There's nothing happenstance or "outsider" here.
  8. I understand that was the J6 and MSM narrative. doesn't make it fact. By that and franks logic. cops doing mob control would have the right to shoot to kill. Think how that would have worked in that PAC/corporate supported summer of rage.
  9. Maybe we can get him on tax fraud as well https://dnyuz.com/2023/08/17/how-trump-uses-supporters-donations-to-pay-his-legal-bills/ In 2021 and 2022, Save America spent $16 million on legal bills, The New York Times has reported. In the first six months of this year, almost a third of the money raised by his committees and the super PAC backing him has gone toward legal costs — more than $27 million, according to a Times analysis of federal records. The legal payments could have tax implications, some experts said, if the underlying legal matter were deemed by the Internal Revenue Service to be related to Mr. Trump personally, rather than to his official role. The payments could, in theory, count as taxable income for Mr. Trump.
  10. Every tax payer and was not supported by corporate funded pacs. Most of which have vanguard and black rock as the largest investors. Most corporations are not fortune 500. But the fortune 500 support blue Thinking and giving loans for higher education to everyone and anyone had severe consequences. Like the college bubble and current insane cost of it.
  11. Goal post move. If talking stimy, research and see if how much went to blue districts vs states. anything on your comment on the chips bill? RBG openly stated she wouldn't retire cause the law was so weak. And it was a DEM funded PAC that took row to the supreme court.
  12. Aw. Some highly edited videos provided by political pacs worked very good on you.
  13. Loosely organized coalition of operatives is code for highly funded PACS and their astroturf.
  14. Cause they hate the foundation of this country. and want to transform it. got to tear it down first. just look at the voices calling for a "insert group" bill of rights. but where the state provides the rights. They (PACS) attack the courts and laws from all angles. When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.“ – Benjamin Franklin “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they are going to have for lunch.“ – George Carlin I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.“ ― Benjamin Franklin Asked by a woman what kind of government had been decided upon -- a republic or a monarchy -- Franklin replied, "A republic, Madam, if you can keep it."
  15. That could be very true But natural return men like DeSean Jackson ... Took six back to the house in the pac-12... Mcelvin had eight He has zero... At UMass... Sure he might have some talent but I don't think he's a pure returner Sure he might surprise us... I just think he's a backup returner... Not the guy
  16. Started out on Space Invaders when it first came out. I was addicted to it and was pretty good at it. Played Asteriods occasionally but found it boring and wasn't very good at it. Played Pac Man then Ms. Pac Man. When Galaga came out, that became my favorite and I still play it whenever I am in a place that has one.
  17. So far, there is no wire fraud charge. I’m just guessing there might be in the future based on what we know. Trump has a PAC he set up to challenge the 2020 election and received tens of millions of dollars in donations. He seems to have been using that money for other things including paying for his personal attorneys. If he was using the money for things other than what the PAC’s stated purpose was, that would mean that he was inducing people to give him money under fraudulent pretenses. This is what Steve Bannon and the “Build the Wall PAC” people got in trouble for. From what we can tell, the Special Counsel has been asking witnesses about the PAC, so it’s on Smith’s radar. So I guess the questions are: was Trump a careful steward of other people’s money? If not, is there enough evidence to prove he wasn’t?
  18. I remember getting "Missile Command" on Atari 2600. It was terrible compared to the arcade game! That was a common trend with the 2600. All the arcade stuff sucked. Who remembers Pac Man on Atari 2600! LOL...but man I was so excited to get it when it came out.
  19. All of this movement between conferences is making college football less interesting instead of more interesting, for me anyway. Maybe Syracuse will join the PAC?
  20. Remember people gathered around Pac Man in a bar watching someone hit 10K (around 1980). When I lived in CA,lived about a make away from the bar where they put the first Pong Game in a bar. The next day,che bar owner called to tell Nolan Bushnell (Atari) that the machine was broken. Came out to fix it and found that the coin box was full. Bushnell also founded Chuck E. Cheese. Jobs and Wozniak met and got their first $ to start Apple by designing a Breakout game for Atari.Saw Wozniak state that on local access TV to a local Mac user group.
  21. I was close to the perfect age to literally grow up with the development of video games. Definitely remember PONG, Atari 2600, Intellivision, Colecovision, etc. My friend's older brother drilled a tiny hole in a quarter, tied string to it, and taught us how to lower it JUST ENOUGH into the PAC MAN machine at a nearby takeout pizza place to get tons of credits and play forever. One day the owner came out of the kitchen, unplugged the machine, plugged it back in, and told us to get out and don't come back. LOL.....good memories! My all time favorite arcade game is probably GALAGA. LOVE THAT GAME. I remember playing "KABOOM!" by Activision on Atari 2600 at a friend's house when that was brand new, and it BLEW MY MIND! 😂
  22. Be nice to know what "implicated in voter fraud" means. presumably means not arrested. At any rate, website wide open to visit and slick. $14 mil came from private donations to the PAC. All seems pretty reasonable altho I'm far from an expert. https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/black-pac/C00609388/summary/2022
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