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  1. https://www.campusreform.org/article?id=16344
  2. Weird. Cigna Responds to Claims That It Excludes White Men in the Hiring Process “Given the hiring practices they have in place where white, male candidates are blocked, regardless of qualifications, I have to say, ‘Yes, there’s obvious discrimination at this company,'” an anonymous employee told the Washington Examiner. An employee also suggested a candidate with years of industry experience, but the hiring manager said the candidate, a white man, could not be interviewed because he did not meet the diversity criteria. Before tibs and company trump trump trumps me...I see all around me - at every level of employment - federal, state, private and entertainment - many black employees, in some cases for instance my local MV, 90% of the employees are black females. Where's the racism?
  3. Behold - the fruit of NRA donations to Senators: dead brown bodies in a grocery store. Pro LIFE baby!
  4. It's unmistakable now on the Republican side -- the jockeying for position to be the 2024 nominee. (That doesn't mean the Democrats won't see it soon ... just not quite yet.) Some strategic distancing from Trump vs. 100% fealty to Trump and everywhere in between. Ben Sasse, young gun with a big anti-Trumpism streak: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/gop-sen-sasse-unleashes-scathing-attack-trump-tv-obsessed-narcissist-n1243701 My take: well-positioned IF Biden wins in a landslide and the Senate flips. That would be the death of Trumpism. Otherwise, not so much. Chris Christie: https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2020/10/15/chris-christie-wrong-not-wear-mask-prevent-covid-19/3671439001/ What? You thought he was going away? Threading the needle -- Trump supporter but not Trump toady. I don't see it happening, but who knows. Mitt Romney: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/romney-confirm-amy-coney-barrett-supreme-court A very young 70, positively spritely compared to our two candidates this year. Anti-Trump in some things, well positioned for a 2020 Dem landslide. Call him the Republicans 2024 version of the Dems' Biden 2020. Impeachment? Yes. ACB confirmation? Yes too. Bring those country club Republicans back into the Republican fold. Tom Cotton: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/09/think-donald-trump-is-bad-president-tom-cotton-would-be-even-more-terrifying Positioning himself as a smarter, younger Trump. The young anti-Ben Sasse. If Trump wins or its a fairly narrow defeat, he's right there to pick up the mantle. Oh, there'll be more ... lots more. Probably a Republican 2024 version of the 2020 Democratic primary circus ...
  5. At your request, Larry: Please list the institution you believe to be racist, and in what ways they are racist.
  6. Numerous examples over the years. This compilation notably leaves out his clean and articulate comment about Obama.
  7. An excellent short video, well worth your time, down to the last minute…enjoy…👍
  8. Time for a thread that won't be deleted. If possible, mods should merge the contaminated threads with this one to preserve its integrity... Tomorrow marks the start of the public "inquiry" (not impeachment, because the left doesn't want to let it go that far... since this is theater). It's so much theater in fact that Schiff, a proven liar and leaker, is letting an MSNBC contributor do the questioning. https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/04/adam-schiff-tapped-former-msnbc-contributor-to-question-key-ukraine-envoy/ Clown show will be in full swing this time tomorrow.
  9. Did you know that 8/11 threads on page 1 started by our biggest commie useless poster are about the great orange menace? It isn't in a TDS cult at all!
  10. Thoughts? Genuinely want to know why this is wrong from people who would disagree. I’m a millennial so, not far off from his post, but I’m assuming those on the left have rebuttals.
  11. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/special-election-george-santos-seat-pilip-suozzi-new-york-rcna138396 GREAT NECK, N.Y. — Tuesday’s special election in New York’s 3rd Congressional District might do more than replace disgraced GOP former Rep. George Santos in the House. It could also have implications beyond Long Island, from the House majority to November’s elections. Democratic former Rep. Tom Suozzi faces Republican Mazi Pilip, a Nassau County legislator and Ethiopian immigrant who served in the Israel Defense Forces. Suozzi entered the race with high name recognition — he represented the 3rd District before he made an unsuccessful run for governor in 2022. And while Suozzi and his Democratic allies have outspent Republicans on the airwaves, strategists in both parties expect a close race Tuesday.
  12. Commie shi.t poster report: Frequency of commie race hustler shi.t posting. As we all know a common tactic of the commie shi.t poster is to regularly and flippantly toss out accusations of racism. So who are our most frequent race hustlers at PPP? The data doesn't lie. Mentions of "racism" or "racist" mostly in context of specifically accusing others of being racist: 1. Tib-stain. 613 2. Billsfuk.c 197 3. Quack, MD 90 4. Finding Q. 42 5. Roundy. 26 Analysis: Tib-stain is far and away the TBD race hustling champ, which is a somewhat surprising result. Even more surprising was Roundy coming in dead last among the commie race hustlers that were studied. As we looked deeper into the data, it was noted that Roundy isn't one to outright call someone a racist, instead it relies on insinuating the accusation by using phrases like "you must hate brown people" or something similar. This of course a tactic of the spineless, gutless commie race hustler, not a proud one. Stay tuned for more PPP commie shi.t poster analytics updates.
  13. Racism like systemic racism? Or racial biases? Feels more like hate in all forms is high.
  14. DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT A THREAD TO DEBATE THE MVP AND WHO IT SHOULD BE. It is about is there a better way to conduct voting than just one vote at the end of the year. MVP voting is entirely too reliant on RECENCY BIAS and also heavily favors QB's. Games down the stretch too strongly sway votes. Not saying there isn't extra value in coming up big in say big games late in the season, because there is, but its too skewed to right now where voting is too impacted by the most recent games. For example - Lamar is the clear front runner to win because him and the Ravens had their 2 best games down the stretch beating the Niners and Miami (1 seed NFC and then 2 seed AFC) decisively in back to back weeks. They got hot at the right time, especially to help Lamar's MVP case even though the rest of the season wasn't as good as he was in those 2 games. On the flip side, Lamars big 2 weeks started against both Purdy and McCaffrey who had their own MVP cases but both are completely out of the race even though you can make a case that both Purdy and McCaffrey had better seasons than Lamar. Had this game took place say week 3, then Purdy and CMC might very well be in the thick of the race as would potentially other players considering Lamars overall season wasn't as good as his final 2 games played. So here is what I think would be a better way to do this: Season long MVP voting or scoring system Rather than have voters wait until the season ends to vote where the only thing fresh in their minds are the most recent showings, they should award points to candidates as the season progresses. I have 2 different ideas on how to do this...one pretty simple and straight forward, and one little more complex and interesting. First and simplest one: Vote for MVP every week starting after week 4. Only the players receiving top 10 votes receiver points Each player receiving votes will recieve points based on that vote. First place votes are worth 10, amount, 2nd place 9, and so on. Recognizing that late season games often are more important, have more at stake, more pressure etc as teams jockey for playoffs and seeding, you can weight the scoring on those weeks a little higher. Starting week 15 votes carry increased value - say something from 125% to 150% scoring value. Alternate - Maybe only the last vote carries more value say double points (200%) All votes remain sealed until the end of the season, so no one knows where the votes are to avoid influencing late season voting. Player who accumulates the most points from the voting process by season end will be MVP. In the event of a tie then CO-MVP's or let the NFL players vote amongst the tied players and person with most votes wins. NOTE: If you still want some additional weight or value for late season votes where maybe the games are bigger and more important Second one: Season long scoring system where you score the players every 3 weeks (6 times). Each voter lists their top 10 players of that 3 week period who were at an MVP level. They then score each player based on their performances. This would probably include some fixed scoring and opinion based scoring Fixed scoring examples: Win = 1 point, 0 points for a loss, .5 points for big game in a losing effort Opinion scoring example: MVP Score per game - 0.0 to 3.0 based on how you feel they played each game. Huge game maybe its a 2.9 or 3.0. Slow first half but big second half maybe its 2.2. Maybe that second half included some critical game winning play and that gets bumped up to a 2.4 or 2.6 for example. You can make the scoring as simple as this or as complex as you want with lots of scoring categories. But at the end of the day, what really matters is that there is a season long tally that will help determine who had the best season and should be the MVP of the league. Again, these scores remain sealed until the end of the season so voters don't feel compelled to try and sway voting in any one period. At the end of the season, the players finish the MVP race based on total scoring. In the event of a tie, you the NFL players vote on the tied finalist with most votes being MVP or you could simply have Co-MVPs in a tie as well. Personally, this would be better than just asking a bunch of voters to vote once the season is over where recency bias weighs to heavy. Plus, with a fair scoring system, this might actually give players OTHER than QB's a better chance to win MVP.
  15. You mentioned his race, not me. Why is that? Racist?
  16. It's a systemic race and sex based system. Why are you for it? Dei, crt, and lgbtq are not connected but you know that and intentionally muddy the waters
  17. Oh no! Racism running amok! Try not to be so afraid all the time. Here’s a racist for you. Doubt I will find any instances of you condemning her(not that I will look).
  18. Anti white racism too. Not sure how it became ok to only be openly racist towards whites and Jews but here we are
  19. The system is definitely imperfect. And I agree racial history with the LAPD played a role.
  20. And neither should josh. Ita not designed for him. It's designed to get people open quick and get YAC. It's designed for tua or purdy. Not josh. It was modified to work with josh but it's a scheme that relies on athletes winning 1 on 1 all the time or you take check down. See Tom brady. Early win or check it down. Daboll in college had one of the greatest teams ever so they often won early. Ruggs Smith Ridley Jeudy Hurts Tua Jacobs Harris Robinson ***** me. I could have won natty with that team. Dorsey tried to keep it and put twists on it. It didn't work. Brady focused on the simple stuff. Kind of worked. We need brady to implement his own system that produced 2x 1k receivers. 1k rusher. Dabolls system is actually *****. Relies on qb to run. Wrs to win quick. And rarely schemes people open. When we had bease brown and diggs it worked because someone always won quick. Now we have no one that wins quick so it's a check down offense. Good riddons. I'm excited to see josh on a system...not see a system that puts josh in it.
  21. Thank$ for making my point. Are you now saying systemic racism is really just because juries are comprised of humans. What do you and Teddy think about Daniel Perry?
  22. It's like you forgot the AstroTurf that was the summer of love. The constant narrative the system, cops, and courts were both racist and biased. Lmao. The same system in the same state doesn't do bail and doesn't charge. You and your msm logic.
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