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  1. Newsflash. Most of our forefathers were unabashed racists. So when do we tear down the Lincoln Memorial? But before you do, please first keep lecturing us about systemic racism and how our country has made zero advances on the issue of equality for all. Our 16th President Abraham Lincoln said... I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality ... I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman, or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men.
  2. It's not accusing Biden of racism, it's actually videos of him being racist. I wouldn't be friends with someone like this let alone vote for him for president
  3. You make some valid points, but you turn right back into the clown you are by bringing race into it. Shove your racist bvllshit up your azz.
  4. Racial biases and you ranting is not an example of systemic racism (actual racism) or racist institutions. Your reply just further proved you have no understanding of the topic your yelling about. But then again. That's your thing. Or saying for a reply. But that would make you a....
  5. Let's call this BLM movement what it really is. Yes, it is a Marxist movement, but the path to Marxism runs through the province of conflict. In this conflict the Bourgeoisie is comprised of those bestowed with "white privilege" and the Proletariat are the minorities oppressed by said privilege. It is noteworthy that the people relentlessly pushing to radicalize minorities with anti white sentiment are the same who gleefully remind us that white people are only a generation or two from being a minority. It seems that their vision of a utopian future is something vaguely resembling South Africa. Obviously, this will not occur overnight. In the interim we will regress to a form of racial discrimination similar to that which we emerged from in the 20th century. Racial identities are becoming prioritized. One's racial grouping is increasingly viewed as a collective consciousness unbroken by time, rather than a successive group of individuals who are separate and distinct from one another. The philosophy of intersectionality dictates that justice is served by attribution of guilt and grievances upon individuals based on group identity, thus holding one individual responsible to another for a debt he did not incur. The following piece details how this is already coming to fruition. https://townhall.com/columnists/patbuchanan/2020/07/10/the-new-systemic-racism-that-is-coming-n2572229
  6. I wouldn't. I'm just trying to square your Teddy quote saying no one is above or below the law and your usual opinion that blacks get screwed by the justice system and convicted greater than their percentage of the population. Teddy says they just need to shut up and take it. "...nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it." Seems contradictory unless you don't think the court system is systemically racist.
  7. Systemic racism can be identified and articulated. The answer would not be a question. In fact. If anything your trying to imply racial biases are systemic racism. Proving you don't really grasp a topic your yelling about. Again. None of your examples are even in the same sphere as systemic racism
  8. “..For women, DEI probably looks like a plus. For Black men, DEI is a huge source of systemic racism that didn’t need to happen.”
  9. Dems creating systemic racist systems all over. While calling others racist (that iron law).
  10. ⬆️ Racist. Undoubtedly. Racist.
  11. You don’t fight racism with more racism…so while “Anti-Racists” aren’t the whole problem, they certainly are a major part of the problem, as their ideology, unfortunately, now governs most of our institutions… And you’re right about the KKK agreeing with them, because both groups are extremist groups, that believe in discrimination and segregation of the races…👍
  12. 49 pages and still not one example of systemic racism. Outside the dei based hiring and promoting practices the left promotes. Now that's a system based on race.
  13. Let's hope this isn't racially motivated. So we can ignore it like the majority of mass shootings
  14. Ha! Try telling that to the “Anti-Racists”…They believe being racist is the ONLY way to end racism…🤣🤣🤣
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