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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Maybe he'll get some time in the second half, if the game seems pretty well in hand. Would be invaluable experience.
  2. Yeah, must be the playbook loses something in the translation to Arabic.
  3. Misplaced pity then; it's just the marvel of being human, that a person can have a number of conflicting, deep emotions coexisting at the same time.
  4. Indeed. Senility is so sad, isn't it? Hope I die before I get old.
  5. A Bills band of brothers...must be Trent was a chemistry major. "She (Shelby) is Wendy, keeping house for the Lost Boys." LOL...Trent, Lynch, Poz...lost boys. Poz saying "My cooking skills are limited".
  6. Damn, I was really looking forward to watching this game...why bother now that I know how it's gonna turn out?
  7. Damn, now I have to revise my opinion of Stroud.
  8. There was booing as the Bills ran off the field at the half this past Sunday. But I think you mean to say (correctly) that it's a whole different quality of sentiment with some of those other teams you mention. There's always an unshakable love behind the booing, when it happens, here. At the Comeback Game in '93 I remember the crowd loudly booing the Bills as they ran to the locker room at the half trailing 35-3...that made me feel even lower than I already was. But, damn, you know what? Those boos turned to cheers just 20 minutes later as they came out to start the second half...go figure!
  9. You say it as if there's something wrong with that.
  10. Ha, I see you've got the proper 2:1 Beer Variety to Screen Ratio down there, Doc!
  11. Good for him, good for us. He's had enough of losing and is willing to do whatever it takes, within the rules, to win. A great example for the younger guys, I'd say. Glad he's on our side.
  12. You know, when you get past some of the idiocy around here, you find there's a lot of folks with some astute football insights. Thanks for all those great answers.
  13. I wondered why Randy Moss was running around with a fork sticking out of his ass.
  14. Wow, all those folks in bar beast mode...absolutely awesome. I guess I'm naive, but I never realized there was so much support outside of here in Outer New York...it's very touching, really.
  15. Don't worry, it'll stop hurting in an hour or so. Now go and tell your buds not to mess with Langston Walker!
  16. “Give a lot of credit to the Oakland Raiders. They brought the pass rush and brought a ton of pressure in the first half that we really hadn’t practiced for , and it was just a great job defensively,” said Edwards. Is this why our offense came out looking flat, because we were surprised and weren't expecting the Raiders to actually show up and attack a young QB and a rusty Jason Peters? I know the team works hard the week leading up to the game, but to think they'd overlook something like this is hard to fathom.
  17. LOL, I was just about to post on this...same old Bruce. I think your paraphrase was pretty close...gotta love him though, he backed up the talk...and, give him credit, at the same time yesterday he was generous with his thanks to his family, fellow players, coaches, and the 12th Man.
  18. Smacking that fiberglass and aluminum is an incredibly effective noise-making addition to screaming your head off...wish everyone in the stadium would "beat the seat". BTW, how appropriate of Bruce to acknowledge and thank the 12th man in his speech today (his name is now on the wall just to the left of the "12th Man")...we helped his career stats quite a bit, and we helped with the win today.
  19. :lol: :lol: "Where Is The Commitment To Excellence?" "Damn, Damn, Damn" "Who Should Be The Next Raiders Head Coach?" "Screw Kiffin, Screw Ryan, James Lofton For Head Coach" "Fire Yourself" "Rob Ryan Sucks!" Gee, I feel so bad that we're the cause of so much pain...
  20. Why should anyone (except Raidah fans) care if they make excuses? A "W" is a "W".
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