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Bleed Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleed Bills Blue

  1. Yes, yes...very good. You like that feeling, don't you? Use that power, Tom, turn from the Dark Side.
  2. Dick Jauron won't rise to Marv's level until he's won some big games, of course; but he's also going to have to come up with a Bills fight song, a la Marv's "Go Bills for we are here to cheer for you". When he does, I hope one of the players records it and posts it on You Tube...I'm sure it'll be a barn burner.
  3. Yes. Then we can take care of Dallas next year. We have no lack of ghosts to exorcise.
  4. Logical! Or walk up to Donte after he just leveled a receiver and say: "It would appear he let his shields down, Captain."
  5. Dummy, in a tie for a playoff spot we win the tie breaker by strength of character...thanks, Marv!
  6. Wait just a minute guys...HEAR HIM OUT! You know, when Einstein first came out with the theory of relativity most people initially dismissed it too. I think if you give Crayola's revolutionary insight a little time to sink in you just may be able to wrap your minds around it. I guess it's true...a prophet is never appreciated on his own board.
  7. In another weird, karmic scenario we'd meet up in Tampa Bay this February with the Giants.
  8. I felt like relieving myself on Peters as he limped off the field.
  9. And that it as it should be. That appeared to be an intentional helmet to helmet shot. The MV squared of a fast-moving defender's helmet is a lot of energy to land on a stationary object.
  10. When writing or speaking, simpler is usually better. Mort would have been better off just saying: "Me douchebag".
  11. Yeah, didn't I see Looker brace for the hit as he saw it coming out of the corner of his eye?
  12. Looked to me like McClobber led with his shoulder...a perfectly timed and delivered hit, I'd say. See, this is what you get when Uncle Donte takes you under his personal tutelage.
  13. Somehow the beer tastes just a little sweeter tonight.
  14. I just hope the fans in attendance that day acquit themselves well and don't just sit on their hands. After all, they're representing us...I think.
  15. Like him or not, you've got to give Dick Jauron one thing: He's gotten where he is today without resorting to cheating!
  16. Another way to look at this is to imagine a head coach who would have posted a better record with the teams Jauron had to work with his first two years. You could argue that someone like, say, Tony Dungy might have come away with an extra win or two in those years, but I'm not at all convinced of that. Anyway, here's hoping that the Bills put together several strong winning seasons in a row and put an end to threads like this once and for all.
  17. Good point. I remember not all our playoff games were sellouts back in the day...used to drive me nuts, as I thought they were the most exciting games all year. But, for some, the weather, holidays and whatever just keeps them home. Me, I'd rather see a fanny in every seat, so welcome them with open arms. Besides...many of those rookie Toronto fans are probably in need of some real game experience. They have to learn how to go nuts and cheer properly at a Bills game, and here they can learn from the best. Then they can take what they've learned and fan that spark at the games up north.
  18. A better read on the N.F.L.’s popularity in Toronto will come in December when the Bills play a regular-season game against the Miami Dolphins at the Rogers Centre. Then, Sarama said, “It will be, ‘This is what it’s really going to be like, to watch our team play in another city.’ ” Ouch. For some reason that really hit home hard for the first time when I read that last sentence. Yeah, I've known the day was coming, but it's been down the road and below my radar.
  19. Wait a minute...pride only? So I'm wrong to feel a special hatred for the Giants, Cowboys and Redskins? Man, I've been such a deluded fool all these years!
  20. Wow, rest in peace indeed. An "ordinary" guy and larger than life.
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