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Lt. Dan's Revenge

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Everything posted by Lt. Dan's Revenge

  1. I've tried salvia multiple times, and IMO it can best be summed up by saying it is a more intense version of a trip while on mushrooms as far as the effects, but only lasts about 10 minutes or so as opposed to hours. When mixed with some of the green stuff, it has an even better, more intense result. It is a bit expensive as well.
  2. Awesome, thanks a lot for the link! The Avett Brothers did sound good. The John Butler Trio is up next and they are very good as well. Dave Matthews Band at 9 tonight.
  3. Celtics winning in 7 would mean that they beat the Lakers in LA for the series deciding game. Just don't see that happening. I do see it going the distance as well, though. Lakers in 7. #5 for KB24.
  4. The more I watch this series, and Lebron in general, the more I believe that the reason that he is still a step behind Kobe Bryant at this point in his career is due to his unselfishness. Particularly in the latter stages of games. He has to realize when to take over a game. He's the best player on the court every night, just like Bryant, and he has to demonstrate that he understands this when the Cavs need key buckets. Too many times I've watched him dish to guys like Varejo or Jamison for a jumper in this series late in the game, instead of just using his raw talent to create and finish for himself. He surely has the skills to do so. Kobe understands that there are certain times in the game that need to be put solely in his hands. MJ had the same mindset. Sometimes you need guys like them to be selfish to win games. Lebron is an unbelievable player, but he needs to understand this in order to win a championship.
  5. I watched the entire game, and that performance by Rondo was one of the best individual games by any player in the playoffs that I have ever saw. 29-18-13. Those numbers are absolutely ridiculous, especially the 18 boards coming from a point guard who is listed at 6'1 and might be 165 pounds soaking wet. Just an amazing effort. I don't think there is any question that he is one of the elite players in the league today.
  6. Super Bowl, without doubt in my mind. I love the Sabres and would be thrilled with a Stanley Cup, but I have an emotional connection to the Bills much more for whatever reason. Bringing a Super Bowl trophy to Buffalo would be absolutely incredible. It would mean so much to this city. I can only imagine what the weeks following it would be like around WNY.
  7. Slightly Stoopid - Really anything by them. 2 AM is one of my favorite chill ones. Dave Matthews Band - #41. 311 - Amber. Incubus - Stellar. Bob Marley and Ben Harper are always good. Looking Glass - Brandy.
  8. Gotta say I'm not exactly with you on this one, Beast Mode. I also heard Cowherd talking about the topic this morning on his radio show, and IMO he was spot on with most of the things he was saying about it. Some team, maybe Ireland's own Dolphins, were in the process of paying the guy $30-40 million. Along with him being a big factor in the franchise's future at every level possible. Bryant obviously has an extremely shady background, and if you are a potential employer that would be putting that much financial and tangible (W-L wise) risk into his selection, you have every right to investigate his background as deep as possible. That includes the background of his family life, and like Cowherd said, having a mother that has run into legal trouble as often as she has is a major issue that could easily have a negative affect on the player's character. This would include the possibility of her being a prostitute. Ireland's job, as well as other coaches, players, and front office personnel, could potentially be on the line if a pick like that blows up on them and sets the team back for multiple seasons. I think Colin put it best: I don't know if it's a question that I would have asked in that venue, but Ireland, as his role dictates as essentially a recruiter for a $40 million job, has every right to ask it if he wants.
  9. I'd write it somewhere on one of your wife's boobs. It's the only thing you're guaranteed to remember to look at the end of a long night of drinking in Vegas.
  10. How anyone can be high on Crompton is beyond me. Guy is brutal. One of the worst quarterbacks that somehow started consistently for a big 6 conference that I've watched in a long time. BTW, where did you hear that they're high on him?
  11. If we draft Clausen or Tebow and they become a Pro Bowl, two-time Super Bowl winning quarterback everyone around here would be doing back flips, and rightfully so. There's no guesswork to Roethlisberger's on the field game. That's the bottom line. There are some sort of off the field issues with half the guys in the league right now. If you can come up with something that works for both sides, pull the trigger.
  12. Very sorry to hear about this, Dean. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
  13. I think that was mostly because Bynum wasn't in the lineup. They played like a different team on both ends of the floor this afternoon with him out there. Not a bad game 1, but they need to find some way to control Russell Westbrook. That kid killed them the whole game, what a talent. Way too quick for Fisher to guard off the dribble.
  14. As far as their radio shows go, Cowherd > Rome, IMO. Rome keeps getting worse.
  15. That's exactly what I've been thinking too. If we do end up trading Lynch for a 2nd, use that on a defensive lineman. Wouldn't mind taking a shot at Dunlap if he's still available with one of those #2s.
  16. Sorry to hear that, Sage. It's always a tough thing to go through, but just try to focus on all of the good memories over the past decade+ and hopefully you will get another dog in the future who can help fill the void some!
  17. I think you're right about that. He does remind me of Jordan, Bird, others in that way. Perhaps you need to have that type of attitude to get to the pinnacle of a sport, though? Gotta decide between making lots of friends or winning lots of championships, maybe.
  18. It's pretty tough to simply turn off your competitive drive just minutes after playing in the biggest golf tournament in the world. Not the best moment to judge his character, or anyone's for that matter.
  19. That is absurd. 10+ years in prison, at the very least. Hopefully some of the local lesbo inmates work her out.
  20. Unless we take Clausen at #9 or McCoy later on, this is probably the sad truth IMO.
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