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Everything posted by VirginiaMike

  1. Some small details off the mark, but what they are saying is spot on. Having Williams & Dareus in the lineup working up the middle will improve the Bills. None of the D-Ends they have will make the necessary leap to good pass rusher so the need it absolutely there. Stevie is someone the Bills need to resign (and unfortunately I don't see it happening). We also need improvement there regardless -- look what having 3 "go to" receivers who can make a big play did for Manning & the Giants. The only other possible Big Play receiver the Bills have may be Parrish and that's stretching the definition of big play. He also is likely gone. You say off the mark -- I say spot on with the important info.
  2. I like that Upshaw has been an extremely productive player on a team that plays high level competition for more than one season. I do have a little concern withhis size and if he canplay DE in a 4-3, but I rate productivity over measurables in my evaluations. He has been productive. Has anyone heard what Dareus has said about him, if anything. They played together last year and his input would be valuable. I also like that his home town - EUFAULA, AL -- almost reads like BUFFALO, NY Not sure the weather will be similar.
  3. Congrats to JD! It's always good to hear about ex-Bills doing well! It beats the heck out of hearing about ex-players who went on a downward spiral physically, legally, or emotionally (i.e. Nate Newton)
  4. In the top 5 you have to have these 3 (in no particular orde: Bill Romanowski Conrad Dobler Andre Waters After that, it's a toss up with alot of guys working towards it
  5. Now we've gont out franchise Long Snapper. I was worried.
  6. Thanks -- forgot about Aaron Williams -- yes, he is one of the starters.
  7. In looking at the team the Bills will put on the field for 2012, I've tried to look at what they currently have and who amongst them should be in the starting line-up for 2012 and where they need to find someone who can fill that role. I've identified a few folks who, in my opinion, should be resigned in (). I've assumed a 4-3 defense and that our base offense is starting 3 wideouts. It would be different if we stick with a 3-4. what's your opinion. Those in () are folks I think need to be resigned and would start. A ? represents a hole. Offense WR (3) – (S Johnson); D. Nelson; ? – Nelson as a #3 TE – (S. Chandler) RB – F. Jackson or Spiller – both fit the task QB – R Fitzpatrick LT – (D. Bell) – question if he can stay healthy LG – A. Levitre C – E. Wood RG – K Urbik RT – E Pears Defense DE (2) – C Kelsay; ? – Most folks will not agree with Kelsay, but I think he is solid, but not spectacular DT (2) – K Williams; M. Dareus MLB - ? OLB (2) – N Barnett; ? CB (2) - ?; ? – Not sure that McGee can stay healthy and if Florence is really a solid starter SS – G. Wilson FS – J Byrd
  8. It might be prudent to clear up this weakness now and find the right long snapper in the 1st round. You can't take a chance on missing your guy. I think that we'll be able to identify who that is at the Combine.
  9. First off, the Dolphins we established in 1967, not 1960. Secondly, if you are going back to 1960 then go all the way back. The Bills had Jack Kemp and the Patriots had Babe Parilli who in their day were both "franchise" QBs. That said, youor argument that franchise QBs don't come along every day is correct. Of course, franchise QBs don't have to be taken in the 1st round. Neither Brady nor Griese were taken that high, but they made your list. The list of QBs taken in the first round is much higher that franchise QBs.
  10. First off, I don't believe he is a 1st round talent. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Secondly, we need to take someone in the 1st round that we believe wil step in and contribute day 1. I say believe, because god knows we have not picked wisely in the past. Believeing and doing are two different things. We are a team with multiple holes that need filling. let's fill those.
  11. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. It was not a catch -- could have been, but it wasn't. It's a shame for the Ravens who played well. They got bite twice -- a dropped TD and "wide Left" on a kick that should have been made. Why was Cundiff so late in getting on the field? He seemed to run out late and not get set before the kick.
  12. There are similarities, but I've been impressed with the big play capability of Cruz. He came out of no where to be a super wide receiver. Another demonstration of finding gold in the later rounds of the draft.
  13. This past weekend proved this false. 3 of the 4 teams still playing are there because their defense put them there. You need both offense and defense.
  14. In a NY minute if you could find someone dumb enough to offer one. I'd also trade Arthur Moats for a 1st rounder. The odds of either getting a 1st round offer are the same -- None.
  15. I agree about Kelsay -- he is a decent (i.e. average) NFL 4-3 DEnd, but a poor 3-4 OLB. I have an aversion to taking a player in college and immediately moving him to a new position. You are now guessing that he can make the move, rather than seeing it. Sometimes it's successful (see Brian Urlacher) and sometimes it's not (see many of the Bills picks). With a #10 pick, you need to be sure.
  16. The right answer is not an option. We would have won either less games or the same amount.
  17. Good point. It's a pass happy league, thanks to the rule changes benefiting QBs and receivers, The DB's are handcuffed. I'm willing to bet, although I don't have any stats to back it up, that ore pass interference penalties on the defense are called now that before. The theory now is chuck it up and if it's not completed, maybe you'll get a PI call.
  18. It is going to be a boring game with Pittsburgh easily winning. I would not be surprised if they pitched a shutout.
  19. They must have employeed a great photographer who provided pictures of the owner in compromising positions. How else can you explain how they have survuved.
  20. The Bills have needs in the following areas - in this order: 1. Wide receiver with speed 2. Pass rushing OLB or DEnd (depending upon if they stay 3-4 or go 4-3 3. Cornerback 4. Long term QB solution 5. O-Tackle depth
  21. Wishing Wade the best and that the Texans keep going in the playoffs! Wade needs to ease back, but the team needs to give him something to work for,
  22. I believe he'll be a top 5 pick this year. Unfortunately for the Bills he'll be gone by #10, as will RG III. The cost to go up to get either will be way to high for a team that needs sooo much.
  23. If RG III was available (and I do not believe there is anyway that will happen) it's a no brainer. I think the kid is going to be very, very good and has been able to bring a team like Baylor up from the depths to being pretty good.
  24. It was a Fumble, not an INT, but who cares. Maybe the Tebow lovers. It is still a turnover and a Bills TD!!!
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