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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. I agree that in order to build the team certain players at the top of your rooster must be kept. They may not be pro bowl but you cannot rebuild the entire rooster each year. example....Poz may not be the best LB in the AFC but we cannot fill that position and Dline and outside LB at the same time. However, as long as Overdorf controls the contracts and makes these type of personnel decisions we will NEVER build a team past a 5 or 6 win team...always in a learning mode for the first 8 games. Overdorf is the problem ans cancer in the front office. IMHO
  2. You make my point for me. If Whitner is not good enoug why the he$$ are we even talking to him at this point. If he is good enough to keep then why do we want to piss him off and other players at the same time. That is exactly what is wrong with the front office But Butler never negotiated during a season and screwed up the morale. Gailly and staff have the ship sailing in the right direction and the front office does what they can to screw it up. If this franchise is running the same as it did for the past 10 years then Nix may not even have a say in this process. That is my point. Why do we expect Overdorf and Littman to give up any power to another old man. I resepct Nix...it is the rest of the front office that is n uts.
  3. Just when some good feelings about this team begins to grow the real issues with the organization shows. Whitner is unhappy. That is not unusual. What is the real issue is the front office, who can pi$$ off players playing well during the season. John Butler, Bill Polian, would never let this happen. There is no need for this. Overdorf..Littman..Modrak, cannot run a football team. They cannot handle negotiations, drafting or hiring staff. History proves this. The record proves it. These are the guys that cut Langston Walker without telling the head coach. Not that he should not have been cut but that is a caoching decision not a $$$ money decision. We will never crawl above an 8 & 8 team until that part of the organization is fixed.
  4. love this one...at least it is the right color of Blue....the ones we have now are not Bills uni's they are Donahoes undershirts
  5. This is the best description of Maybin I have read. I have always thought that Maybin had no heart (you could say coward but I wouldn't get on that field) When he got his $$$$$$ he reached his goal...THE END
  6. the heart showed up last week when they finally benched Maybin
  7. Maybin is just playing along until the Bills cut him so he can keep his money. He has never been a player. He has taken lessons from his agent and fellow Penn alum, Arrington Who is stupid, Maybin or Ralph. I wonder when Overdorf is going to cut him like he did Walker and others.
  8. Maybin is the best example of Ralph, Littman and Overdorf run this team. Do not spend money on quality people who know how to run a team and then let them do it, but waste money on a player who had 1 season of football and pay him $27M guaranteed. Then they cry about it. We should have seen how questionable this pick was based on 1 yr and his agent JJ Arrington from Penn. Arrington was the same situation, big choice, hold out and then bust. Arrington tought Maybinb well. The decision on Maybin is, cut him now, or get some football people who can develop players.
  9. The only thing special for Maybin needs to be Special Teams play or he will be cut.
  10. he is the same person as his mentor...Arrington. He also was a bust and taught Maybe how to fool the Bills in their negotiations. Shame on the Bills for looking so stupid in this process.
  11. Toronto has never identified with Buffalo or the Bills. they see themselves as a world city not lunch bucket. Most people from Toronto think of Irv Weinstein and fires on the east side news in relating to Buffalo. Most NFL fans in Toronto follow the winners in the past..Miami, Dallas, Indy, These are the teams they saw on TV. IMHO
  12. he had this same problem last year I suspect the Bills doctors are incompetent at diagnosing or insisting on certain treatment We continually have these types of long term situations.
  13. As a non Native American I resent your people taking all the money away from my people in your casinos
  14. if I had a hat I would tip it...( picture John Wayne )
  15. Nix knows what game Schobel has been playing. What do you expect him to do? He is forcing him to wait as long as he can so he has less of s chance of getting on another team. Schobel has been lying since day one and if you blame this on the Bills you are nutts. I hope Nix plays as dirty as he can and then gets a draft choice..7th rounder would be more than enough... Schobel is a lying gutless guy... he sure teaches his kids well !!!
  16. IMHO the Bills would be better off without him. He is a decent player with no team concept in his head. He is detrimental to the emotion required to play top level football
  17. about time this team had enough good players that we can actually say this
  18. Work his a?? off in 2 a days then cut him. He is a terrible team guy who forgot how to work hard. He will never learn the new system.
  19. Solid is not what you want at #9 the only sure thing at 9 may be Spillner and then tackle in the second round
  20. Trent's biggest issues were not mechanical but mental. I believe that he has the physical tools but his concussion affected him severely in two ways. 1) his processing ability was affected and slower after the injury. There was no comparison from his early pre injury to post injury decisions. He constantly checked down because his processing time was slow and he forced his reads to be reduced to only primary and check down. 2) his personality changed and where was once confident and in control he became quiet. This was widely reported his huddle control in the early years was one of his strengths...he showed confidence and leadership. He changed to quiet and introverted. I hope the year of healing can bring him back...if not then it is time to say good bye.
  21. AS a season ticket holder I have treated as well as I expected from a Billion dollar industry. Donahoe was a total jerk and the failure of the team on the field ahs distroyed by relationship more than the Toronto game and other such crap. If I could tell one thing to Ralph it would be this. Since you have such a terrible record picking good football people, and the people that closely advise you like Littman and Overdorf, give you this sage advise, I would worry about your financial position. What makes Ralph think that Littman and the Detroit crew are any better than the people he has chossen to run his football operation. Ralph you may be broke now and you just dont know it.
  22. If Edwards can come back from his head injury (I am conviced that was his problem) he can still be the guy we need
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