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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. The latest step in the process, STH's will now have a second account executive to deal with for the new stadium, different than their current account rep. Just got this email...
  2. I'll always remember, back in the Empire Sports Network days, he was on the Paul Maquire show with Steve Christie. Paul mentions that Christie contract was up, and would have to be renewed. Christie laughs and throws his arm around John, but Butler has this shocked look on his face, like he did not know. That very next season Butler was gone to San Diego. My other JB story, Hall Of Fame induction for Jim Kelly, leaving the area on our bus we are following a car, and come across a police sawhorse blocking the road. The driver of the car in front of us gets out and moves it. As he turns to get back in his car, we realize it's John Butler. April, 2003.
  3. Cam Newton Brawl Video Took Place After 'Heated Game,' Trash Talk at Football Event
  4. There may be laws, or it's written into the contract, but think of it this way. When I was renting, a 10x10 was about $100/month. If I go three months without paying, and it goes to auction, if someone pays the storage site $2000 for the contents, the storage facility just made $1700 by sitting on a locker that only owed $300. Plus not having to take the time to deal with cleaning out a unit and selling all the stuff is a time saver too.
  5. I used to watch some of the storage auction shows years ago, yea there's some made up drama, but depending on the one you watch, it's pretty close to what actually happens. I did go to one accidently one time, I was at my own storage locker the same day they were doing an auction. The regulars do know each other and joke around about "so and so will buy that pile of crap." There was one locker I remember had only a couch in it, no cushions. I think it went for $1 to someone that had already bought another locker. If I were to get into it, with my luck I'd be the one paying $500 for a locker worth $20.
  6. This popped up on my FB feed today, going to High School in 1977
  7. Matt Rife is a good example. He got famous sharing his audience work at his comedy shows on TT. Started having sell out shows a year in advance, selling so many tickets, that venues were adding multiple shows. Then his Netflix special came out, and people saw how bad his actual comedy is, and now you really don't hear anything about him.
  8. Not this one... Dana Beattie On Becoming the First Woman Assistant Strength Coach for the Toronto Argos - SWSCD (seewhatshecando.com)
  9. Have you checked out Greg Garcia's other show "Guest Book"? If you liked MNIE, you'll like Guest Book.
  10. Was watching Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead last night with TW. I mentioned during the movie that it had a very 1980's soundtrack. She mentions it was made in 1991. I said it still has that 80's sound with all the background music.
  11. Saw this article today... 13 Of The Saddest Songs Ever Recorded, And People's Stories About How They Affected Them
  12. Now WhoTom, don't be greedy, let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a piece. One of my former coworkers had a black stapler that she labeled "This is my red stapler". I was shopping somewhere one day and saw a red Swingline stapler, so I bought it and gave it to her.
  13. They're tired of @CountryCletus throwing beaver pelts at the field after every score.
  14. There's going to be a sequel 'Repo Man' is getting a sequel with a 'Twilight' star (ew.com)
  15. Boston Common, it was a comedy on NBC, only lasted two seasons. Looks like full episodes are available on YT.
  16. Aldo Nova with Honeymoon Suite cancelled their Feb 23rd show in Rome, NY. Rumor is poor ticket sales.
  17. Eh, not worth it. I'm used to just missing out. One year I was in a pool for work. 3 out of the 4 quarters I would have won, but one of the teams would score 2-3 minutes before the end of the quarter. One person I know, was in a squares pool, that paid out every score. Half time and Final Score had set amounts, and the rest of the pool was split how every many times to payout the score changes.
  18. I was in one, $20 buy in, for a fundraiser so only half would be paid out in prizes. Got 9-9, so at the end of the 4th, would have got me $400 but they went by final score, not the end of the quarter. Happens to me a lot. I’ll have a win, only for a team to score right before the end of a quarter taking it away.
  19. That's what I've got to decide, having never been to a SB, do I go to it for the experience, or go to Buffalo with other fans like me.
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