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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. Got my cards today. And I can only remember one time where I forgot my tickets in the 15 years I've had seasons. it was easy enough to just go over to the ticket office and have them print me a generic ticket to get in.
  2. Myself, Lori, Jay Rosen, John Wawrow, Hammer, Pinto Kenny, R. Rich, Mead, SDS, AiO, Rockpile, are the ones that immediately come to mind that show up year after year. Usually start arriving after 7pm.
  3. Saturday dinner, or after dinner, stop by Dannys South where a lot of the TBD regulars usually gather in the bar area.
  4. There are NHL ones also, but no Sabres one shown... http://shop.nhl.com/Ugly_Sweaters
  5. Walmart has figured it out... http://www.wcpo.com/money/consumer/dont-waste-your-money/why-dont-ice-cream-sandwiches-melt-anymore
  6. The latest update http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/7-signs-the-Ralph-renovations-are-nearing-completion/92a3cf6f-4f8c-4c54-bed5-2b980a0b2309?campaign=fb_buf_article
  7. Several years ago I was getting Payday loans to make ends meet. Decided one time to switch from a company I felt was decent to one that promised more money (think of Indian backed commercials and you'll get it) Was very disappointed with how they run their loans. FF to several months ago, I get a letter they are in court and I'm eligible for a settlement. Reading through the paperwork it's so full of legal talk I'm not sure how much I might get, but I still submit the paperwork they want thinking I'd be lucky to get $100-$200. Get my check today, it's for a little over $1000. Yah Friday!
  8. Worst I ever had was back in 2007, six hours, on the plane, on the tarmac, while they fixed it, twice, before finally taking off.
  9. Sitting in the airport at Atlanta waiting for the storm to pass. Flight already delayed 1/2 hour.
  10. making prisoners wear uniforms they don't like.... http://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/index.ssf/2014/07/black_and_white_is_the_new_ora.html
  11. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-fill-roster-vacancies-with-CB-and-WR/62c98aa5-75ef-4a47-a659-b87151341a66
  12. Fine.... I'm sorry I wasted my time correcting you.
  13. http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2014/07/marquise_goodwin_fred_jackson_cars.html
  14. Deletions don't count, I've tested it myself.
  15. It's TBDAHOT dammit! Two Bills Drive Annual Home Opener Tailgate
  16. Try earlier this week... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/169018-just-watched-this-video [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  17. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/168378-see-honey-i-told-you-i-didnt-make-those-charges-on-the-card
  18. And your Syracuse brethren. The Congels never follow through on their grand plans. I'm still waiting for Destiny to be completed (it was promised to be done June, 2004)
  19. http://www.wkbw.com/news/Scott-Congel-Wants-to-Buy-the-Buffalo-Bills-267574591.html
  20. I never thought I'd say no to a redhead, or even two, but they both get a no from me.
  21. The receiver was this close to making the game winning catch!
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