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Everything posted by Moose

  1. I think the reality is that control-freak Donahoe does not want a coach he can't influence; that's why he has brought in neophytes without any head coaching experience. Maybe his problems with Cowher in Pittsburgh have something to do with it. That said, I think Marv would be great back in Buffalo. Perhaps when the Donahoe Era is over...
  2. Spotting the ball on the 3 would have dramatically changed USC's strategy for the last play, no doubt about it. I think they would have gone for the tie - and then it's a whole new ball game. I have a question for some of you more knowledgeable fans: Pete Carroll did that "we're gonna spike the ball" motion and I knew we was trying to dupe the defense... didn't he do that once when he coached in the NFL against the Jets or Dolphins? I distinctly remember something like that but I can't recall the teams now. Oh, and did I mention that I LOATHE Pete Carroll? One more thought about the Notre Dame game: at the next pep rally for the Irish, I think they should ceremoniously BURN and BURY those frickin' green jerseys!!!!! Okay, now I have a NCAA football rules question in regard to the Penn State game. On the last Michigan drive, a receiver caught the ball with his toe in bounds while his heel subsequently came down squarely on the line. The announcers said because his toe came down in bounds first, it's a catch. I think that's a flaming pile of monkey crap! In college football, a receiver has to get ONE FOOT in bounds - since when is the heel not a part of a foot? If the announcers' explanation is correct, how many fractions of a second can pass between the time the toe hits IN bounds and the heel lands OUT of bounds? You can always make the argument that the toe hit the ground first! BTW, there was no replay on that play either.
  3. Good post. I'm SO frickin' bummed about the ND game AND the Penn State game. It's days like these that I think I should just give up watching football for the sake of my health and sanity. BTW, I absolutely LOATHE Pete Carroll! ("Just give it to them!")
  4. Hmmm... inactive. How about Coy Wire? [ducking]
  5. Whenever I request player photos from the Buffalo Bills for the monthly wallpaper, it seems that they just send whatever I request. Seldom do they offer any suggestions when I leave it open-ended. So, this month I'm at a loss. I've considered requesting London Fletcher, Nate Clements or Rian Lindell... but I don't know if you all might think some other player is more deserving. I'm open to suggestions...
  6. You have my heartfelt condolences. I, too, have had to put my 18-year-old (orange) Maine Coon cat and my 12-year-old Chow Chow to sleep. It was important that I was there with them when the time came, but there are few things in life more difficult. Try to keep in mind that each of our pets will always hold a very special place in our hearts, at a very special time in our lives. But our lives move on, and there are more pets out there waiting for their special time with us. Here are two great websites to share stories about your favorite cats and dogs: Catster; Dogster. And, when you are ready to adopt a new pet who desperately needs a loving home, be sure to visit Petfinder. It's where I found my beloved Koko, my Chow-Newfie dog.
  7. I'm getting pretty adept at extracting people from their backgrounds. Are they pretty h-res photos? Send me a sample and give me an idea what you'd like done...
  8. I'm with you 100% on that thought! It's kind of scary that it just never, ever rains here (I'm in Stamford). The trees are looking really bad, all withered and brown. Yet no one says anything about it on the local news... no calls to conserve, etc. Even the stupid weathermen gleefully tell us week after week that we're in for a "great week" (meaning NO RAIN)! I hope we get moderate to heavy rain for an entire week straight!
  9. While I think the "Just give it to them" game was a sheer debacle of officiating, I do not think there is any conspiracy per se in favor of the Patsies. I think it's more a function of an unconscious support on the part of officials of what they perceive as the competence of the head coach and team. Refs are less likely to make a marginal call against coaches - or players - that they feel are legendary. Remember back when they never seemed to call any of those ticky-tack fouls against Shula's Dolphins, but the Bills would lose because of them? How many times did you see blatant offensive pass interference called against Rice? Do you ever remember Michael Jordan being whistled for traveling? (Different sport, same concept) Unfortunately for the rest of the AFC East, Belichick and Brady and the Patriettes are deservedly the pinnacle of the NFL right now and they are not going to get many game-deciding calls against them. But, as with all things, this too shall pass...
  10. Pat Robertson's rope slipped the pulley a long, long time ago.
  11. In the Boston Sunday Globe of November 10, 1940, Ambassador Joe Kennedy shared his opinion: "Democracy is finished in England. It may be here." "People call me a pessimist. I say, 'What is there to be gay about? Democracy is all done.'" Link Some apples don't fall far from the tree.
  12. If you're a Mac user, you have a pretty good start!
  13. Popeye, with Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall, who was simply born to play Olive Oyl! If, like me, you are a fan of the original comic strip by E.C. Segar, this film really captures the quirkiness of the old Thimble Theater gang! A distant second is "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", which was pretty entertaining for all its stupidity.
  14. I was a career counselor for a decade and helped hundreds of students with their resumes. It is very, very bad form to specifically list your race or religion or political party, etc. on your resume! Period. While it is acceptable to include work and volunteer experience that may give information about these personal attributes, even these things should be kept to a minimum, kept as generic as possible or omitted altogether. Many employers will not even give your resume any further consideration if you blatantly add such things. It is considered unprofessional. Don't do it!
  15. NO, NO, NO - don't use Cat's in the Cradle... it's very depressing. Kelly's suggestion of Dylan's "Forever Young" is a very good choice; I'd recommend Chrissie Hynde's rendition as the most beautiful I've heard. (Shhh... I can rip it for you if you like.) Also, I'd recommend "House at Pooh Corner" or, even better, "Return to Pooh Corner" by Kenny Loggins. (I have them both if you need them.) The latter also features Amy Grant and, after listening to it just now, it choked me up a little. -Gina P.S. Even though I rarely post, I do lurk a little every now and then.
  16. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family, Greg. Your post is a gentle reminder to keep all things in the proper perspective. You are in my thoughts and prayers, -Gina
  17. Hi, All I'm just making a quick cameo appearance here to let you know they've posted the new June wallpaper, along with a throwback version with the old standing buffalo logo in keeping with the Celebration of Champions events. I'll try my best to add more as time allows. (Work has been a real bear lately so I haven't had much luxury free time.) Hope you enjoy! -Gina Wallpaper! By the way, does anyone know who Gary Scherer is?
  18. Good thing I moved from New York State to Connecticut! I wonder if they take into consideration that, in CT, you pay local taxes on your vehicles! I pay nearly as much tax on my two-year old SUV as I do on my house back in Elmira. A long time ago, I read a fascinating article about how the average American pays more cumulative taxes than the pre-Revolution colonists paid to the King! Of course, it was burdensome taxes - without representation - that sparked the Revolution in the first place. At least today we supposedly have representation.
  19. BINGO! BTW, what's with all the "biting" references in this thread?
  20. 42.089N; -76.808W / 46.45 / 41.053N; -73.539W
  21. I liked Flutie - he was fun to watch and he was the last Bills QB since Kelly to have a winning record. But why on earth go back, especially now that he's older? Let history be history and move on. Besides, someone else is wearing #7 now.
  22. One of the nuns at Marywood (where I went to school) went to Fordham. She was the scariest woman I ever met - like a tank with eyes!
  23. I doubt any player will ever dethrone my personal favorite: Darryl Talley, the personification of Buffalo's blue collar "relentless" attitude.
  24. I don't know about this year's draft, but I would really LOVE for the Bills to pick up THIS guy at center in two years. He's awesome as a sophomore... and I know him personally. He's a great kid who was offered scholarships everywhere, including Miami, Penn State and Ohio State. (He chose Notre Dame because that's where he always wanted to go to school.) Keep on eye on this kid, folks!
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