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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. We did it. Racism had been solved! https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurenorsini/2020/06/10/magic-the-gathering-removes-racist-cards-from-the-game/amp/
  2. Remember last week when we hated politicians posing for photo ops?
  3. 5 people that don't drink. Then I'd have 10 beers.
  4. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
  5. Charlie Brown wasn't black. You're thinking of Franklin Armstrong.
  6. You're a disingenuous piece of *****. Words have meanings. Words have consequences. Everything that's happening now is acceptable because it doesn't matter what the real truth was in the initial incident or the truth about what large portions of people are suggesting happen next.
  7. We wouldn't be having this discussion in a thread about disbanding three Minneapolis police if his motive wasn't assumed to be racism. It absolutely matters. If this isn't about racism, there is nothing new to stand on to suggest systemic racism which means there's no reason for new protests and certainly no reason for riots. The truth always matters.
  8. We don't even know if it was racially motivated or not. But the country has been turned upside down with death and property destruction because of an unsubstantiated claim. Obviously motives matter since his assumed motive is what's started all this.
  9. That just proves racism. Obviously whites are too racist to even know any black people. If they weren't so racist they would know more black people and then kill them. They're secretly racist to hide their overt racism. It's science.
  10. Wait until his first interview where he has to try to repeat what he's told his answer is on this subject. That should be amazing.
  11. The protests might have a good amount of support in this country and may help defeat Trump in November. Pushing to disband the police will undo all of that.
  12. There’s too much stupid in the Democratic party today. We need a new overflow third party to handle that much stupid.
  13. You and all the rest of the people here keep away from her. I saw her first. ?
  14. But Twitter definitely isn't a publisher...?
  15. I'm pretty sure if anyone wants to have an honest discussion about education, crime, or any other bad looking statistics that we would agree there are many problems and many factors that play into them. Bad/poorly thought out laws, poor administration leadership, corrupt administration leadership, Union issues, bad candidate selection, keeping low performers employed, etc.. Are all issues that plague most govt establishments. Economic, family, culture, drugs, low expectations, etc... are all issues that plague most of our communities. Combining govt issues and community issues are going to result in bad outcomes far too often for anyone to be happy about. Is racism a problem in both areas, sure. But it's not the leading cause of these issues.
  16. I'm waiting until we can start discussing the problem about having racist teachers in our schools. If you look at the statistics, black students don't perform the same as white students and are disproportionately undereducated. This can only be attributed to racist teachers. This is assuming that all the disproportionate law enforcement statistics can be attributed to racist cops. Obviously the same assumption has to exist for teachers.
  17. I think we all know that George Washington started slavery when he and his capitalist pig friends fought an unjust war to found America on the patriarchy that is Western Civilization.
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