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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. It literally says Not Peer Reviewed on each page of the link.
  2. There are numerous studies that question the effectiveness of cloth masks. Some even show that cloth masks raise the chance of infection. Why do we question the effectiveness of some medicines and measures but not others?
  3. It didn't. But only because Trump resigned in his first year just like everyone predicted.
  4. I’m curious how close the 88% number is for the same demographic that then gets pneumonia.
  5. Could anyone else stand watching the draft coverage this weekend? Holy crap am I sick and tired of hearing "we're all in this together" and "we got this." Maybe it's just me but I didn't have the draft on in the background to continually hear this garbage. I was actually hoping for more footage of BB's dog so I didn't have to listen to their constant togetherness mantra.
  6. Talk about the virus mutating.... Scary.
  7. Would you say it came in like a wrecking ball?
  8. 1) Ma'am, are you saying that your ***** is infected? 2) Oh, usually I'm not the one that needs a mask 3) Have you tried shaving it? 4) Was it hanging around the Siamese? 5) Don't worry, it won't be hard to quarantine that *****.
  9. Ok, this is a pretty impressive troll job. I admit, you had me going for a bit.
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/politics/joe-biden-when-a-woman-alleges-sexual-assault-presume-she-is-telling-the-truth/2018/09/17/7718c532-badd-11e8-a8aa-860695e7f3fc_story.html%3foutputType=amp
  11. This seems correct. I remember reading about the Gestapo's 1% fatality rate.
  12. Do we realize that neither side has actually conducted enough clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of this 1 way or another? But it is funny that the idiots screaming about Trump promoting something unproven are also promoting something unproven.
  13. Can you imagine getting stuck behind some jackass on a treadmill?
  14. Last comment and I'm out. Your full faith is in the science of others. You are a true believer. Any attempt to make you question the science you defend will be met with more quotes of scripture and verse from said science. The idea that you even remotely support the green new deal shines as a bright beacon of your faith. Peace be with you.
  15. I don't disagree with any of that. My intention isn't to suggest that this thing is being overblown in anyway. I'm saying that the numbers aren't 100% in either direction and it would be nice if we could gain some accuracy. At the very least it would hopefully put to bed arguments and mistrust that we see in the public
  16. That's quite an oversimplified analysis. The major assumption being that the ONLY cause for an increase in deaths of that small of a sample size is Corona. Without looking at any other factors during that period of time, or having any way to control any of the other factors It's quick and it's easy ands it probably gets you pretty close to the actual number, but it's not a 100%. Maybe it's better to present the death numbers like poll numbers? Give a margin of error.
  17. Please define "very few" so we can all do the math and put this number question to bed.
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