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Everything posted by billsintaiwan

  1. Let us now channel the 2004 Steelers second team. Even though the jets winning is probably the best thing for us going forward, ***** the jets.
  2. Jets are a team with nothing to lose, they are dirty, and Allen is a ripe target. I think we all agree it is dumb to have him out there.
  3. We will eat their livers. Texan or chief. We shall feast on their entrails. Have been drinking rum all night. Shut up.
  4. indeed the Bills have done well to avoid signing established maniacs. no ab, no obj, no worries. would love big talented receiver, but no nut jobs. they do exist. larry fitzgerald and jerry rice come to mind. michael thomas.
  5. He made several nice tackles Sunday night. Probably the weakest link but you're right he isn't awful.
  6. The second year of Rex is when I almost lost it. I have been watching games in Hawaii at seven a.m. and in Taiwan at one or two a.m. for almost twenty years. I was very close, late at night, deprived of sleep, watching rex's team bumbling about with no discernible bright future. I admit to almost wanting them to leave at one point so I would be free of basically the last thing in my life over which I have no control that I allow to emotionally manipulate me. However, starting in the early 80s Bills games were the one day a week when my father, grandfather, uncles, friends, etc...were all together in the same room. Through the turbulent teenage years, no matter how rough our relationships might have gotten, we always watched the Bills game together. I am 45 now and I will cry like a small child when we finally win the big one.
  7. Exactly. The perfect narrative is Fitzmagic delivering us the AFC east! Would love that.
  8. Like a very vocal minority on the game day thread. I am very happy that this team is more resilient than some of its fans.
  9. Road win in Pittsburgh. Ugly but we will take it every time.
  10. You're right that it didn't come down to Allen v. Jackson. But Jackson hit the big pass and Allen didn't. I love Allen and I think, despite the evidence so far, that he will start hitting brown and foster when they have a step on their defender. I also agree that we are a year away. Give Allen a true number one with size, speed, and catch radius and I think he will absolutely shine. And I reckon we get that guy in the draft this year. Team should be fun to watch for years to come.
  11. Did the umpire just delay the start so a giants guy could run off the field?
  12. Bad optics because of the distorted eyes of the viewers. Guerilla Tactics!
  13. I can neither like nor dislike this post. It may be the most bizarre post I've ever read. Well done, in a way.
  14. i read "restrained" at first and thought, well, maybe. Ha. but retained? aye, no doubt.
  15. Worth rousing myself at 5:30 in the bloody morning. Great start to the day. And I have numerous drinks coming to me from a bunch of cowboy fan airplane mechanics who were in my restaurant last night.
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