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Mike formerly from Florida

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Everything posted by Mike formerly from Florida

  1. Not to be picky, we need a bigger linebacker to offset our smallish tackles. Also, we need a guard to TAKE OVER preston's spot--not compete for it. I like the draft--but, wtf do I know??!
  2. This was a very TELLING game for us because it points out where we really need to get better agianst the best. When you play shi& teams like Miami, things don't really reflect where you are strong. or where the weaknesses lie. This loss will be a blessing in disguise.
  3. Really! But to be fair, this is a board for discussion and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Some are realistic and others have an agenda. Frankly, I thought this was a damn good draft. We had six starters: Whitner, Simpson, Ellison (who looks like something special, IMO), Pennington (who held his own playing next to a weak player), Kyle Williams (another great pick), and McCargo, who would have played a lot in the rotation (and the verdict is still out on him). We also have Youboty waiting in the wings who may be a steal. The facts are, first year players who are talented, and start as rookies make great strides in their second year after acclimating to the NFL's longer season. I think we will be pleasantly surprised as Whitner becomes an impact player next year, and Kyle Williams puts on some weight and gets stronger. Nobody can judge a draft after the first season, but I would go on record and say that Marv is off to a good start. Next April, with Fletcher-Baker likely gone (who seems bitter), we will need to draft a middle linebacker who is a big tackling machine, a guard (who has to step right in and start--no doubt about it), a tall receiver to be a threat in the red zone, and I believe, a third down back in the mold of Leon Washington to give JP more options on third-and-medium-range downs. Those to me are the priorities. I don't believe the Bills will take another DT. I think they expect Williams and McCargo to get bigger and better. JMO.
  4. Bills never had a chance against Ravens. They couldn't run the ball a shi%, and JP had too much pressure on him. "Barring two bad int's and an underthrown pass," I would say that great defense had something to do with it. If we played that game 100 times over, we'd lose 99 of them. Our O line was totally overmatched...period!
  5. Exactamundo! But, I would like to see JP roll out more and use his running ability. How many first downs did Jeff Garcia get on his own in Dallas. I kept wondering, "Why can't we do that?" Is it me, or is JP not as fast as we thought he was? How many times do we see DLman track him down or get a hit on him (before he escapes)?
  6. I agree Willis is not as good as we expected him to be, but nobody can tell me Willis doesn't run hard on every play. All I see from him is busting his hump to stretch out for two or three more yards the line can never give him. He gets a lot of his yards from his own effort. I put all of it on our run-blocking. This has been one of the worst run-blocking team in Buffalo history (I go back to 1975). Sorry if that offends you.
  7. If the league and networks (basically the same entity) had their way, the Bills would just go away.
  8. We don't need 2 DL. We have two young studs in McCargo and the white guy (my mind went blank on the name). They will get bigger and stronger. We probably need 2 OL, but I expect only one, because they will bring back Reyes on one side and add a new guy on the other. I agree we need a Drew Bennett-type to play along with Evans. Maybe even Drew Bennett himself. If we don't sign Fletcher, we will need to bring in a big, hard-nosed linebacker just in case Spikes doesn't work out. Ellison and Crowell are find on the outside spots. I think we need a Leon Washington type 3rd down back as well. He would give the Bills a different look than Willis.
  9. Well said. Besides, he had a a hammy and other minor injuries which impeded his progress. Where's the freakin' loyalty? He deserves another season!
  10. I don't think TO would ever play on a Marv Levy team nor do i think that egotistical immature idiot would play for Buffalo.
  11. You echo my sentiments about Spikes. It's not fair to judge him until he has one more full pre-season. I don't agree with you about Ellison. This kid looks like quite a player. He is very fast and has great instincts around the ball. He will be a starter for many years. I already consider him better than Crowell who is not half-bad himself.
  12. Exactly. We need run blockers. There were very few holes open this year for Willis to break. Willis, I thought, did good job of punishing tacklers for the extra yards. Nope, Willis is not the problem. Draft a solid guard to replace Preston. Reyes will be back next year to replace Gandy--a slight upgrade, but one nevertheless. Anybody watch Philly yesterday? Their line was the difference in that game. Westbrook wasn't touched until he was five yards downfield. Upgrade this line, draft a tall receiver and you won't have to worry about the defense wearing down.
  13. We need a tall possession receiver as much as any other position. It would also help JP since the angle of his throws would be higher since he gets a lot of them blocked. We need to keep the sticks moving.
  14. Not so much responding to your thread as much as to the subject of this thread: The Bills won't resign Nate. He is a me-first player. Historically, Ralph will not dish out the big $$ no matter how good the player is (see Pat Williams) which is why the Bills never ever get over the top. You can argue what you want, but Ralphy is cheap. I don't care how many FAs we signed last year, if he wasn't cheap, he would have signed Hutch, not Reyes. The Bills drafted Youboty to replace Nate..end of story! I believe we will re-sign London because he is older and will not get the money he is looking for elsewhere. Kelsay as well. Saying all that, I have no idea who we will sign in FA, but I don't expect the Bills to break the bank trying to get Lance Briggs or Steinbach. So we should stop dreaming about it. We will make small underwhelming signings to increase our depth and not much more. I believe we will go into the season with 15MM+ left in open cap space. Ralph has pretty much made it clear this year about the state of the Bills' finances and we should not expect much from him as he will keep the shackles on Marv. Another source of debate is Spikes. A lot of you know more about football than I do, but I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt and we should give him one more offseason and see how he responds next pre-season. His progress was slowed down by a hammy and various other injuries. Give the guy a chance...he is a warrior. The Bills lost some of these games at the end of the games because the O couldn't get the crucial first down necessary to stay on the field and eat up the clock. It actually happened in both halves on Sunday and in San Diego. Saying that, we need a tall possession receiver, and a quick pass-receiving third back (see Leon Washington) to go along with a solid guard in the draft. Reyes will be back to replace Preston next year slightly upgrading the other guard position. I think we will have to live with Fowler. They seem to like him. I believe this will have to be enough to go into the season on O next year. On Defense, I think the Bills will push Kyle Williams to gain 10 to 15 pounds. I really don't see them changing their philosophy and drafting another D-lineman. I think they will expect the young guys to get better. But, I do think this will be a mistake. Keith Ellison is an upcoming stud and is already better than Crowell and will start. But Crowell is a good player, just not the run-stuffing type linebacker we need. Both are light players as is London, and if Spikes especially, is not what he once was, we will need a bulldog tackling machine to replace one of the backers in the starting rotation. If we are not going to get bigger in the middle of the d-line, we better get bigger at the backer position...Fletcher or no Fletcher! Also, expect the Bills to draft a corner as well because Marv always believed you can't have enough d-backs. This is how I see the draft going by "Marv's" priorities based on these conditions and not considering the players available at the time of their draft position (and considering they do not sign any FAs): 1. Linebacker 2. Wide Receiver 3. Guard 4. Runningback 5. Cornerback 6. Linebacker
  15. Phil Hansen was overrated? Exposed after Bruce left? You are an aszclown.
  16. Nice post but it won't matter. Bills have very little chance next week. I think Baltimore can beat SD and win it all. Although you state good points and my instincts tell me you are correct, I'll take the improved draft position. It could mean four spots. Saying all that, I'll still be rooting for them.
  17. Typical NFL propaganda trying to act like we don't exist. They don't even want to give us coverage when we are eliminated.
  18. The Bills are fine at linebacker especially if we sign London. We need to get a big fat lineman on both sides of the line: one a run-stopper, and the other a roadpaver. The Bills do not open enough holes for Willis. He gets a LOT of yards on his own. We need a speedy third down back who can catch and a tall receiver for the red zone.
  19. Maybe the human bowling ball Travis Henry and the 6'5 230 lb QB that runs a 4.4 have something to do with it.
  20. Young is already better and gets the job done. It might have to do with his mental make-up. Why compare him to Vick, might I ask?
  21. Vince Young is a MONSTER...plain and simple. He creates so many problems for the defense. The guy is a winner. He will be an MVP three times before his career is over. Maybe he should be this year...nah not yet.
  22. No, he's right. The flags on top of the goalpost appeared to be still right before the fourth down play. That was why I was flabbergasted they went for it. But, I don't doubt the coaches. They were there, I wasn't, and they were able to provide us with a meaningful game. That's all I can ask. We had about a 1% chance of winning next week any way.
  23. I understand it was a very tense game, and we all have knee-jerk reactions, but let's put things in perspective. There's a mess out in the Middle East. The Bills will be back, but some families' children won't be.
  24. I believe the direction of the field is decided at the start of the game. The Bills won the toss...taking the the ball. The Titans took the direction of the field with the wind behind them. They get the wind in the first and fourth quarter. The team winning the kickoff gets it in the second and third. Nothing changes at half-time. Can someone positively confirm this?
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