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Everything posted by MattM

  1. Is Dareus coming back from rehab this year? Serious question (and I'm too lazy to review the whole Dareus thread for that info).
  2. This is clearly the Pegulas saying "enough with this ****--we won't be made the laughing stocks of the the League." No matter how they dress it up, this was not a football decision.
  3. So far I just watched the first Cheats* drive--two hand offs and an incomplete short pass thrown behind Dobson. From the timing in the box score, it does look like his stats came largely after the Bears starters were out. I did, however, watch the first 2 Bears series and they absolutely lit up the Pats* D, which was supposed to be good this year. The first two series yielded 11 points in the first quarter. Sheard didn't play, but most other starters did. Something tells me they're going to miss Jones and Easely up front more than Belicheat thought....
  4. Apparently there's no $10m buyout payment if cut after this year--even better deal for the Bills: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/08/17/tyrod-taylor-deal-gives-player-more-money-now-team-more-flexibility-later/ Sorry if others above noted this, but I'm too lazy to search the whole thread.
  5. Thank you very much for the excellent write ups--keeps us out of towners up to date on our team!
  6. He'll also be 34 years old in 2017--pretty old for a DT who relies on his quicks for penetration. I like KW, but it's a business and paying an old vet that much rather than investing in younger players doesn't sound like a good move to me.
  7. Kraft bought the team in '94. They had a losing record the previous season, but brought in Parcells in '94 (hence the optimism/ticket sales) and then went 10-6 and made the playoffs in '94, thereby stoking the fanbase's optimism for '95 when they had a losing season, the years following which they had winning seasons and went to a Super Bowl. All in a metro area of 5 million people. Not selling out there would be kind of like the Jets or Giants not selling out (which rarely happens). See, it's not so hard if you keep up.....
  8. You just made my case for me there if Kraft had nothing to do with Parcells. It's pretty clear (at least to me), that the Parcells hire is what largely drove those ticket sales. Bringing in a HOF coach will tend to do that. Fans don't give a crap who the owner is (and I'd wager at least 20% of seated fans in some cities couldn't even name theirs). Winning (and the increased chances of winning, like the next year coming off that 10-6 record and playoff appearance) tends to put fannies in seats. Hiring a HOF coach tends to increase your chances of winning. Not that tough to see. Let's see where their ticket sales go after they go 4-12 for a couple of years in a row.
  9. They also went 10-6 that year and, more importantly, had brought in Bill Parcells as coach (much more likely to draw in fans than a change in ownership, although admittedly Kraft hired Parcells). Let's see how they do once the winning stops, Bob Kraft or no. And I don't know what to tell you if you can't figure out why it might be easier to sell 70,000 seats in a 5 million person metro area vs a 1 million person metro area.
  10. Interesting "weak sauce" sleuthing on the true origins of our "guest". Looks like that term wasn't used before 2004, so we've either got the hippest grandpa around gracing our threads or a guy living in mom's basement watching Adult Swim--I'll let you make the call-// https://www.quora.com/Where-did-the-phrase-weak-sauce-come-from
  11. Go !@#$ yourself. I lived in Boston (really Cambridge--you do that math) back then. Nary a Pats* fan to be found. Nothing like winning to bring out the "true fans". I loved the story here a few years back of a Bills fan winning Patriot* trivia bets with Pate* "fans" who couldn't even tell him who their starting QB was in the '85 SB......
  12. RIP--like most others here, I, too really liked his work, The stories about his battling depression are incredibly sad and troubling. Here's hoping he's at peace....
  13. It wasn't the arrival of a new owner--it was winning. Biggest bandwagon fan base in sports, as we'll see as soon as Brady retires (or, hopefully, even before then--it would be nice to see some payback for things like his love of blowing out opponents (read his Esquire interview from a few years back)). We both know that the Bills could consistently put a loser on the field and still not dip below 30k in season ticket sales, once again, in a city about a quarter the sour of Beantown.
  14. And just a few years before that, they had less than 20,000 season ticket holders, in a city probably about 5 times the size of Buffalo.....
  15. And if they aren't, they should be. Even scarier to them is the idea that the player pipeline dries up more slowly over the years as fewer kids play the sport, kind of like boxing's slow fall 50-60 years ago.....
  16. I think he's (in my mind, correctly) worried about losing him at the same time we lose KW, which would mean that if something should also happen to Shady during camp we'd be back to the undrafted FA, waiver wire guys starting at RB. For a run first team, that's not ideal generally, but particularly not a great way to start the season. Considering how well Whaley's done with mid-rounders (like KW) the last few years, some of us are also very interested to see how someone like JW (a high talent mid-round pick at a devalued position who slipped largely due to injury concerns) was going to fit with our rushing attack. Personally, if I had to guess, I'd say JW's case doesn't go to trial until at least our bye week. The system isn't set up to try people in a month as a general matter and considering that JW lives and works in another state I'd bet the judge allows things to slip back until then, when JW will have the time to go back to AR. We'll see in time what happens.
  17. Ahh, Joe Gibbs. One of the several coaches that BB took his getting caught in Spygate frustration out on during their 18 and D'oh season by needlessly and embarrassingly running up the score. Here's hoping that what goes around, comes around and that we're among the ones (hopefully many) doing the piling on.....
  18. What's kind of funny is how he always takes the exact opposite tack when it's players from a certain team from the Boston area with a reputation for, how shall I say this delicately, CHEATING.....
  19. Hey, WEO--how's that Alfonzo Dennard suspension looking? You surely remember that--the Pats* DB with a bunch of priors who got popped with a DWI just like JW here at about the same time of the season and who NEVER got suspended, much less immediately. Not even when he pled out in Dec that year. Seems that with Browners PED suspension and injuries early that season the Cheats needed him to play the beginning of the year, maybe that explains it. Admittedly that was before the 2014 rule change, but once again, to paraphrase Orwell, while all teams are equal, some teams are more equal than others.....
  20. Or maybe Tommy Boy sees more than his old buddy, Alex? Ever wonder who Dr. Galea was visiting in Boston the summer after Tommy's knee injury? I know I certainly wonder about that.... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/05/AR2010060503547.html
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