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Everything posted by NorthWesternBill

  1. yeh there is a petition there that people have been signing to bring back the old boards.... kinda funny, somebody got paid a crapload of money to redesign it.. and everybody hates it...low chance of job and / or customer satisfaction!
  2. thank you for the reply... and i will check dilligently for the deal! GO BILLS!!
  3. Hey spekaing on uinforms... and i didnt really want to create a new thread.. but where in the world can i get a bills uni other than bledsoe/milloy/adams/williams? and oh yah i like mcgahee alot but my buddy already has that jersey and i kinda wanted something diffrent? I have seen them for about $224 or printscreened for like 75.. but i swear there must be a best option type answer for this sorta thing? Maybe somebody has a used jersey that they would want to sell? or maybe somebody knows a good outlet for them.. any help is greatly appreciated!
  4. see, ebay hosts auctions, and normally prices start low, so what this is would amount to a bad ebay auction.... ie high start price = lower chance of interested bidders. you sell at the higher price when people feel like the other bidder is "gonna win", and they bid the price up so that they "can win". Don't get defensive, it's just your entering a market where your competitors are providing the same service for considerably less, (fezmid removes the commercials though too), without justifing the higher price. Furthermore it's all about concentration and placment.( Ok that last part was generic)
  5. Well call me an reTard, or call me a fan... After reading all theese posts one way or another... I still think the bills will surely surpass 5-11 this year.. and be a pleasant surprise to even the most negative of nancy's. Maybe it is this fresh Oregon air I get to breath that allows me to think this way?
  6. IN the thread where you win dinners i predicted 10-6 as well... cross my fingers i suppose.. GO BILLS! oh yah.. where did that thread go anyway?
  7. We still need to watch him play this year to be absolutly sure but MAybe...just Maybe... JP is not the worst thing to happen to the Bills as so many on this board suggest.... GO JP, prove the critics wrong!
  8. I agree, we all hope he ends up being pro bowl caliber but uhhhhhh this is unrealistic , the success of a player in the NFL is BY NO MEANS a function of what pick they were selected at!! Not even close to one really. This was a solid pick, regardless of what "value" people feel we should have gotten with the #8.
  9. no, seriously, I too have sprained my ankle to the point where it would have been less painful and would have healed almost the same rate as a break. This was told to me by doctor as well. It was baaaad! took like 2 months before the color and pain went away. Damn skateboards.... it depends on the severity of the sprain bu they are not always less painful/ time consuming than breaks. Edit: I did not, however, recieve any pain killers... but at 17 or 18 the doctors know you would like that all too much...
  10. Exactly, you see, I can see where he gets his other opinions from, and it is possble for the bills to be the worst team in the division, but when he states that Raplh voted against it because he didnt understand it.. well, he lost me there, this guy OBV does not understand it! He is repeating what he heard from other people...
  11. Wanna break down afc east? heres how this guy see's buffalo.. notice where he says Ralph didn't understand the new CBA.. "When breaking down the AFC East it’s best to start at the bottom, so let’s head to Buffalo. Shortly after Bills owner Ralph Wilson admitted publicly that he voted against the current CBA because he didn’t understand it, the team showed they know even less about the free agency process by paying way too much money for receiver Peerless Price. The Bills apparently couldn’t let a receiver who caught six passes last year go to the one other team that was interested in him, so they decided to vastly overpay him. The Bills should be better on defense this year with the return of Takeo Spikes but with an abysmal offensive line and the trio of Kelly Holcomb, J.P. Losman and Craig Nall battling to be the team’s starting quarterback, it’s not a surprise no one knows where Willis McGahee is these days. Buffalo has a better chance of challenging the Frankfurt Galaxy than they do the Patriots this year." link : http://www.patriots.com/news/index.cfm?ac=...d=19404&pcid=41
  12. I watched it!! I got soo lucky didnt even know it was on but flipped to it towards the beginnning. Let's see they interviewed Jim kelly , he seemed to think that marv realkly wanted to coach , but GM was maybe as close as hew was gonna get... Andre reed and carriuchi ( spelling?) were interviewed at the same time, Reed was saying just how smart marv is and that no matter what he said, there was always a meaning behind it, not that he always understood it, but that there was meaning. Cariucchi (or whatever) went on the say that if marv had the opportunity to coach eagin he thinks it would be just fine and that marv has that capability. It showed marv alll running around a track which was pretty funny...he def looks like he is in good shape for his age. They talked about the bills bad season last year, showed some clips of losman getting sacked( mind you the OL broke down in the clips hardcore) , was a really good show and kinda " satisfied" a thirst I have for info on the bills. If this is on again I would make sure to watch it, you kinda get this feeling that this team is gonna do something this year, nobody has a "smarter" GM HC duo than the bills, and everybody interviewed had only good things to say. Was so nice to get away from all the negativity. Hope this was good enough summary, there was lots more but alas, I am only one man. EDIT: oh yah, when asked about the Donte Whitner pick , Marv said that he was the highest rated DB on their list , and could they have gotten him at 14, Maybe? but that wasn't good enough, he wanted yes.
  13. Alright article on the NFL's younger players, two runningbacks metioned, Portis and McGahee. http://nfl.com/news/story/9477712 At least one Bill is getting some attention....GO BILLS!!!!!!!!
  14. so why didnt you put " make it to the playoffs" in your survey?
  15. I like this it's pretty funny, not taking sides it's just a funny way to respond to somebody.
  16. I picked up wilford last year in FF for a short period of time and he had about 3 or 4 good games , fantasy footbalwise.. he was ok
  17. I would hate to live there and be a bills fan as it clearly makes people more depressed than the rain does to people here in oregon... go figure... Psychologists were wrong WNY is the most depressed area in the US.. Pathetic
  18. Ouch sabres......wish they could have proven people wrong
  19. I'm with you, people are wrong to take such a strong stance on our suckiness.
  20. Whats the matter? Did I sunshine on your rain? WTF is your problem? anybody wanna pure example of whats wrong with these boards check the quote above. It's a sad day when somebody accuses me of being high beacause I was rooting for my favorite sports team...
  21. Actually i belive he meant cut the crap, as in stop BSing, when he said cut the mularkey. cause he wanted a substance bearing report on the show.
  22. YESS!!!! GO MUTHA FING BILLS!!!!!!!!!! GO MARTIN NANCE!!!! GO OLD MAN LEVY!!!!!!!! GO MF'ing "(insert bills player name here)" THIS YEAR IS GOING TO ROCK LIKE WINGER BABY!!!!!!!
  23. just my luck i get the hummer ad then it plays... the hummer ad again and keeps clicking thru diffrent clips ... must be some kind of WMP problem
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