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Everything posted by NorthWesternBill

  1. do you think an mp3 is a computer virus??? there is a teen who would love to laugh at you ... adopt a child
  2. I'm just glad to see the bills moving the ball after crossing into the red zone... we really messed up that part of the game last year
  3. Thing is.. I thought at first that my #36 Whitner jersey was gonna end up being unusual.... but now that I think of it everybody who ordered these to sell out of their store (or catalog) now probably has a good amount of them... I may be pissed that I bought one Reebok Whitner 36 jersey, but Eastbay is freakin' pis$ed about their fresh stock of about 1400 of 'em!! (but really)
  4. nice, yah im pretty flexible so whatever you decide I'm down for...now to decide what to do with my #36 whitner jersey...
  5. Well I have already got my whitner jersey, #36, is this a good or a bad thing? I am still gonna wear it It's the only jersey i have ever bought.. maybe it will be a rrared commodity if he becomes a pro bowler...
  6. Heeeeey just joined the league, hope it fills up i dont see why it would not, is it possible to delay the draft time like 10 min?? or how much time do they give you to make your pick?? I probably can make it it's just i get off work at 3:30 pacific and i get home like ten minutes later... maybe it will just pick the highest rated player for me that first pick? anyway i am excited to get this thing goin on
  7. Yea I'm getting very upset....mainly because I already have the whitner jersey!! DOOOOOOH!
  8. this is good news, harrison was a terror for the bills last year...I can't friggin wait, I hope we beat them in foxborough!
  9. Basicly this complaint is just an exension of the fact that we did not pull in any big nametrench free agents... or pick a trencher with our 1st overall.. plus the fact that we fired/ or lost to FA the trenchers that underachieved and made alot of money the last two years. If we still had MW then there would be more money tied up in the O-line. I understand your concern, I just am much more willing to wait and watch what happens this year instead of asserting I know what is best for the team. Marv has a plan, let's let them play some football.
  10. Yeh so that whitner jersey arrived... it is all sewn tackle twill but the sleeves are not fitted like the real ones... Oh well it was 65 bucks and still is pretty nice.. but the real deal is certainly better.. does anybody know about that type of jersey? It has all the reebok patches and the NFL emblem and everything.. but is not quite authentic...has theese like almost rubbery thin bands at the end of each sleeve?
  11. This statment has no less than 85% solid undeniable truth to it.
  12. So was huff taken too early as well? what are you saying? Even if he ends up a very good player marv is not vindicated>? Marv does not need to be vindicated in the first place. How has he done this team wrong to the point of payback,? "vindiction", HA! thats funny we havent even played a game or so much as had one day of training camp and you feel there is payback to be had. Anyway besides that your argument that rodney harrison and john lynch were found in later rounds, well you could say that same thing about any and every position in this game. At the same time, more than likely the majority of "good" safties are drafted in earlier rounds. And don't assume it is a fact that somebody with equal talent could have been found later in the draft, there is NO way to know that at this point.
  13. I hope that this truth chain-reacts in the form of realization, and the fog that no doubt haunts theese boards may thin out a touch...
  14. are you serious???? wow that is crazy if it's true.. but thank you for not bidding cause my maximum bid was for 100 and it stayed at 57! there will be another one on there soon though...he sells one every 10 days or so (78 dollar avg sale price)
  15. they somehow think that bennie anderson is still on the team....
  16. hate to say it but I found a Whitner authentic on Ebay for $57 plus 7.99 shipping... the same dude will almost definitly have another one up for auction within the next couple days.. seller name is "sjcc" somethineranother. He sells tons of jerseys all authentic all sewn and has 99.5% positive feedback so its not a joke...jim kelly is the only other Bills gear he has but man, it's way better than paying hundreds of dollars!
  17. I just scored a whiter authentic for 65 bucks on ebay!!! I can't wait for it to arrive!! I hope he pans out!!!
  18. not true, this must have been written before the 2005 season where he caught 14 TD passes from josh betts.. which is the record for miami(ohio) ....also racked up over 1100 yards.. so id say he proved to be effective without big ben. Def could end up being real good who knows...
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