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Everything posted by NorthWesternBill

  1. 2006 Strength Of Schedule Team Winning Percentage Opp. Total Wins Opp. Total Losses Saints .566 145 111 Buccaneers .550 132 108 Giants .543 139 117 Bengals .543 139 117 Steelers .531 136 120 Titans .527 135 121 Chiefs .527 135 121 Texans .523 134 122 Ravens .523 134 122 Eagles .520 133 123 Redskins .516 132 124 Broncos .516 132 124 Raiders .516 132 124 Browns .512 131 125 Falcons .508 130 126 Rams .508 130 126 Panthers .504 129 127 Cowboys .504 129 127 Cardinals .500 128 128 Chargers .488 125 131 Colts .484 124 132 Jaguars .484 124 132 49ers .477 122 134 Bills .477 122 134 Lions .473 121 135 Patriots .473 121 135 Dolphins .469 120 136 Jets .465 119 137 Vikings .457 117 139 Seahawks .457 117 139 Packers .449 115 141 Bears .445 114 142 Looks like the whole AFC east indeed has it easy, bills the toughest of them all. I hope we take it. Seahawks have it pretty easy. I have started to carve out the idea that the NFL knows the seahawks got screwed by the officials in SBXL so they are giving them a small push off, nudge type benefit.
  2. say it aint so.. there must be more to this trade....seems like the media will report whatever it can so long as it's first to a story..
  3. no, your not crazy. Just as long as bush does not score every other carry that is... And willis better start playin more like he was in the end of '04, cause he was very exciting to watch and was putting people on the ground with the stiff arm on a regular basis. we can improve our O-line and what not, not sure if thats the entire problem, I just want that premier willis back!
  4. mostly disagree. For one, football, in the end is a spectator sport owned privately by rich people. Fans goto the stadium and spend big money, and when they do so, the stadium mortgage gets paid for. You make the front row seats to your kids middleschool talent show worth $400- see how fast the school gets upgraded...
  5. hopefully this is a 4th round which , from the texans, is basiclly a 3rd. I'm content with this trade and who knows, maybe that extra pick will be the one that ends up in the pro bowl.
  6. Truth be told, I agree completely. ( with chicagoRic ). If JP is realeased and I am wrong, i shall shave one eyebrow entirely off.
  7. This is the best article i have read in 6 months... it also changes my view of eric's situation..how big is the paycut they want him to take? If it is not drastic then he is either being silly or just does not want to play in buffalo.
  8. well it looks like the cards figured it was worth it.. they matched didnt they? Also what marv is doing here is not typical. He is bringing in some character guys since he has a strong belief that such is a must to have a winning team. Talent is suspect without character. Before we deem theese prices for royal and tripplett and bowen( did you mention bowen as well?) too high, we shoud see if there are benefits here that would be hard to measure before they actually get on the field.
  9. Didnt the stupid lions play last turkey day??? WTF at least change it up.. cards should be a good team to watch.. give them some non- mexican primetime
  10. Drew brees? 2006: 18 td's , 14 int's, 2100 yds, NO goes 4-12. personally i think the 49's will do even worse, 3 wins max.
  11. To whom it may concern down under... Yes most bills fans on this forum are cranky and they may or may not have good reason for it. But i'm with you. I still think the bills are goin to be good this year and i'm excited about the moves being made. Its better than nothing. Truth may come out of error but never from confusion. Marv is putting his money on little known free agents but at least he is not going to be confused like mularkey obv was at the end of the season. Cheers buddy in aussieville... Hopefully we can be contagious with our forward optimistic thinking. p.s i live in oregon and i have never been to a bills game.. i feel your pain.
  12. mu hhahaaa hahah.... muuuu haha hahahah..... wait, that would stink to get players we didnt actually want. But on the bright side we would have ourselves a OL and as of now we need need need.
  13. "Interesting point but in the KC game after being benched, he came in and throw two beautiful passes to Evans. But that's why I think he playing alot somewhere else will only calm him down. He just needs to experience a little success. But that's just my two cents" Oh that is right, freakin awsome. It was funny, the other bills fan here in OR( we know eachother) spilled his beer when that was happening... But yah real good chance if they give him a chance and he tastes success just a bit more maybe the team and the man himself will gain trust in his abilities.
  14. So say we give offer sheets to multiple UFA's around the league, mainly teams which would be looking to get some OL in the upcoming draft. By causing them to sign multiple-year contracts with the OL we sign to offer sheets, do we drop their desire to draft OL? Could we end up with a better draft because other teams were strategicly not interested?
  15. JP's problems are in his head. Those are the type of problems that can be fixed. I say break the man down by benching him if he does not win the # 1 spot. After another year or two of sitting around maybe he can start to release his demons and produce like he is capable of(potentially).
  16. My question really focused on her ability to perform in this position and/ if this would cause ripples to change other ideas, ( the common female opinion of football, affirmative action etc.. it's like one of the first post's) One thing is for sure and that is your knowledge and/ OR expierience with economics. I am able to write programs in java, but i am not able to argue with you on this level regarding bush's econ outlook. I Have to just re- iterate, this is football, not a government. A private Franchise or chain of such need not apply to everyday democratic economic ideology. I could be wrong, but it just seems like apples and oranges to me.
  17. Hey since I watch oregon football every year i can add a lil perspective. Everybody I know that talked about oregon this year (fans) raved about the defense. Almost always the next thing outta their mouth would be some comment on Ngata with raised eyebrows.I personally saw ngata block one kick, in a game where the commentaters had been already talking about him. I am no pro scout but the feeling around here (75 miles from eugene) is that he is a very solid player and played a huge part in the sucess of the ducks. The only loss they suffered in regular season was against USC!!! I can't tell you if he is worth top ten money, but if it is a question of him being an impact or not, i billeve he would be.
  18. i fail to see the about face... maybe she does not view the nfl with the same outlook as a government... she was the one who gave the notion to us bystanders..
  19. Link now works.. behold!! ( actually its not that interesting)
  20. It took them 7 months to find tags after the last commissioner left... oh and this busts my idea i guess... Report
  21. Im sorry but this merits some recognition... this was a good one!!! ( sound of knee bein slapped)
  22. Well it hasn't so much happened as it appears to have happened... cantank if you don't get NFL network... research on this subject becomes difficult..
  23. Dirty tricks like this will get you nothing but bad karma...lookout vikings fans, the collective power of the seattle voodoo association (CPSVDA) May just even the tide with some sketchy curse!
  24. Yea and the new NFL commissioner has nothing to do with football...guess i should have taken a nap...
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