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Everything posted by NorthWesternBill

  1. It's not like there is a brick wall in between the Bills and the playoffs... It's not likely to happen but not impossible (ie brick wall..) NO shot?, rather a slim chance but that is better than no shot! you may die early for nothing! Worry and toil!!!
  2. I really do feel as though this team will do better next year and I have a hard time buying into the gloomy train of thought that we will have the first pick in the next draft.... losing spikes hurt us alot, our coaching was terrible, and I seem to remember alot of the games we lost we were close in! So if we were on the verge of winning even around 7 games, given that we HAVE improved this year, AND we have a bettter schedule, WE WILL DO BETTER THIS YEAR!!!!
  3. good, fair enough, I did not realize that this was not the everyday thing for you to do. Some people have made it theirs. Time will tell and I wish people could just trust that. I should let you know that I am not one that posts JP love posts a bunch, in fact I only post strong posts concerning him when I feel somebody is being ridiculous, I am behind whoever wins the starting job.
  4. watch that pass to Evans in the KC game in slow mo and tell me he has "no" accuracy.... he's not productive by nfl standards yet but nobody claims he is. Give the guy a chance and stop making it seem as though he would fail no matter what.
  5. Willis will most likely run for 1300+ this season and everybody will not care if he is a football fan or not.
  6. I dont think we shold abandon hope in this guy at all since like somebody stated earlier, all this means jack sh*t if he runs for 1500 and 10+ tds....but i will say that i am not impressed at all and a lil bit dissapointed cause this is more bad publicity for the bills. Nobody would dare talk about beating KC or cinncinatti IN cincy....... and much less that JP came into that KC game and played well enough to bag the win. I hate this bias almost as much as the radical liberal media. If you have an argument, great. But ignoring the argument of your opponent completely makes you come off as a complete dipsh*t!
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH holy Sh*t this has got to be the wittiest post I have seen in a verrrry long time!!! sorry (holcombs arm / dawwg), but understand I am laughing at the context and content, not any negative intnet.
  8. ok, agreed nobody should do research for me. I suppose i was hoping sombody just "knew" the general answer to my question through prior personal inquiry. Thank you for giving me a direct response, they can be hard to come by.
  9. I am 23 years old and don't remember how elway, Bart, or bradshaw started their careers. I know many Qb's struggled, but were they "handed" the starting job? If JP should not have been "handed" the starting job, I need some clarification on stuff I was not aware of or alive for before I can "conjure" effectively.
  10. well I will watch that situation closely( i live west coast so they roll chargers games all the time). It doesn't seem like head coaches do this sort of thing very often...
  11. I am real real excited for the start of the season, for all the Q's turned to A's, naysayers to quiet, worshippers to humble. But something else i want to look at, is other teams and their first year starters. Phillip Rivers for instance, i wonder how he will do, and if the coaches their will take him out if he has a couple low passing yardage games. are they not "handing" him the starting position? If anybody could find message board topics on an issue similar to this, lemme know. I am trying to gauge the importance of the outcome of JP's run in the pro's. If possible ( so as to not have this be just another JP bash or praise thread) , try to bring an external example of this type of situation with your post, or at least a response to somebody else's. EDIT: I know this is a fairly specific question but there seems to be some pretty damn knowledgable people on here so i thought i would try..
  12. Boy this forum really has dropped off in the last week, latic acid built up after all the angry draft backlash that was here? I need the damn training camps to open up so there will be actual TOPICS! EDIT: Is there a better forum out there?
  13. Did i miss something?? Last time i checked willis had ONE, yes that's O-N-E fumble last year! FYI Travis Henry had SEVEN, that's 7, fumbles in 2003. Now im not saying WM is better than TH. What I am saying is that your comment makes me angry cause although it is your opinion, I could say in FACT that TH fumbled seven times the amount that WM did, in both their respective last full seasons with the bills.
  14. you can bet your a$$ they do.. jungle people lie so that there will be more monkey for themselves..
  15. Well since not one person responded without sarcasm i just might.... The secret of our sucess in the future will hinge on the primal urge and machine that re-directing criticism creates. People on espn talk so much crap that it becomes merely fuel for our "charactor" players to burn and unleash on the football field, lightning will strike 16 times.... every sunday at 10AM PST!!! How do i know? I looked at the schedule!!!!
  16. Against NE last year he had a 40 + yard TD reception that was only 10 or 15 in the air the rest he ran for.. it was the most impressive YAC we had...was snowing if you remember
  17. well in the sociological pessimistic atheist view, we will suck. I am a realist, i feel we will surely do beter than last year, which doesnt suck.
  18. So, after seing the results, the general case, is the average case. These message boards need to throw a curveball out once in a while. Marv can do it, we can do it.
  19. I knew Eric would not like it there!! He is probably mad about having to play alongside joe jerevicous! I mean who wouldnt be!!!!
  20. I got it from a diffrent board before i even saw you with it... in fact i thought you took it from me and mentioned that earlier this week in a post
  21. Didn't your mother ever tell you, if you don't have anything good to say....
  22. well thank goodness he is gone then, i hope our replacement has slightly better ability. also, in this next video, jon smith cant seem to find anybody to block...given this was one of those OBV playcalls he could have at least slowed vasher down a touch.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=2_rxPVzkjWQ&sea...buffalo%20bills
  23. Ok so if you look at this closely, there is a guard i think that is pulling and he completely misses the block, which allows lance briggs to terrorize WM. Who is # 70 last year...? Now it's tutan reyes but who WAS it? http://youtube.com/watch?v=UBe-OigaOqE&sea...buffalo%20bills
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