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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. Duffy’s has a great atmosphere during the Bills games! Hope you check it out this year! (I’m the guy in the Thomas Jersey in the first post.)
  2. Unfortunately we can't kick the occasional Giants or Jets fan out of the bar. They aren't allowed to order the Josh Allen drink special though!
  3. I love that idea. Never get tired of seeing photos of the various Bills groups. Our club has really grown over the last few years. Can’t wait for Thursday! We also have a big tailgate along with the NYC backer groups at the Bills vs Jets game if anyone going to that game would like to join us.
  4. I’m always impressed with the various Bills communities throughout the country. No matter where you are on game day, you can find a great bunch of Bills fans to watch the game with! With that said, where is everyone watching the Bills games this season? As the VP of the North Jersey Bills Backers, I’ll be at Duffy’s in Paterson. If you are nearby, we would love to have you join us. It’s a great atmosphere with some new specials and Bills decor this season. We even have a real Buffalo mounted on the wall! I just ordered mugs for our new for 2022 Labatt special. Post a picture of your Bills game day crew!
  5. This is not true. MJD had 1600 yards rushing and nearly 2000 yards from scrimmage that year . Ray Rice had over 1300 rushing and over 2000 yards from scrimmage. There were several RBs that were better than Fred Jackson in 2011.
  6. They have a young qb who should improve significantly entering year 2. - Why? Many people think he was at his ceiling coming out of college. He had the best coaching, facilities, etc from high school through college. They have lost stars on defense, but Belichick always finds a way to put his young players in a position to be successful. - You mean like the last 2 games against Buffalo where they didn't force a single punt?
  7. Complete garbage. There is no way 12 players are better than Josh Allen. I would bet big $ that at least half the GMs in the league would choose Allen as their #1 player to start a team with. I know that isn’t the criteria for this list.
  8. Tim Graham is a weasel and an incedibly unlikeable person. I'm glad he had a tantrum and left TBD years ago when his feelings got hurt.
  9. Sometimes people even go so far as to create screen names of players that sexually assaulted 17 year olds! Disgusting! *Someone with the screen name C. Biscuit97 might want to tone down the judgement or google Cornelius Bennet sexual assualt.
  10. The thing that I found interesting is that the police reported gathering 3 terabytes of digital evidence. I would imagine there would be some pretty conclusive texts, emails or voicemails in that evidence. I would be willing to bet that if/when that digital info is released, this incident will become much clearer one way or another. Is it possible that the civil trial is being pushed so hard right now by the prosecution lawyer because they know that the evidence is going to hurt their case when it does get released? Contrary to what was initially reported, it appears that law enforcement has done a ton of investigating into this case with multiple search warrants and interviews. If the reports are to be believed, criminal charges should be filed soon against one or more individual.
  11. I think it is more likely that he is doing this now as opposed to earlier because Araiza is now the entrenched starter for the Bills.
  12. "This bush league t.v. appearance by media hungry lawyer hurt his client". Does this guy even read what he types?! The guy is tweeting his entire case out and accusing others of bush league, media hungry tactics. It is shocking how incompetent this moron is making himself look.
  13. It just shocks me that a lawyer is airing this stuff on twitter. It seems so desperate and amateur. If you have a strong case, why would you pull idiotic stunts like this? It seems his main concern is about winning in the court of public opinion.
  14. No, I base my assumption on the fact that the Bills trounced them in every game last season that didn't involve 50 MPH wind.
  15. How sad is it that Clay led the team in receiving yards (558) in 2017! Talk about a sad bunch of pass catchers!
  16. So far I’ve seen Blackshear compared to Thurman Thomas and Tom Brady. It really is ridiculous.
  17. Had Blackshear been a better player, he might have been drafted in the 2nd round.
  18. Interesting logic... 3rd string RBs aren't important. That is why there are 0 in the HOF.
  19. This was a very interesting documentary. The two main things that I took away from it were that Manti is insanely naive and gullible and Ronaiah/Naya is a truly horrible person. I don't understand how someone could go 3 years without so much as a video chat. I get the impression that the idea and perception of a having a girlfriend was more important than actually having a girlfriend to Manti. He had to have serious suspicions for most of the relationship and just chose not to dig too deep.
  20. I realize the Blackshear hype train is now at unstoppable speed, but comparing an undrafted guy that has only played against 2nd and 3rd stringers in the preseason to a hall of famer like Thurman!?
  21. Congrats! If the hospital job doesn't work out, I heard there is an odd shortage of massage therapists in Cleveland now and they are paying top dollar for therapists with "discretion".
  22. Crazy that they didn’t fire the coordinator of the #1 ranked defense in the NFL.
  23. The NFL could have easily circumvented the “6 games is standard punishment for this situation according to the conduct policy” by simply applying 6 games per credible accusation. Hell, even just using the 4 accusers that the judge deemed believable, that would have amounted to 24 games. *I see Rochesterfan best me to that idea.
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