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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. Yep, I was going by the info in the story. I guess they probably won't top 57,000.
  2. Have they set aside enough seats for season ticket customers to surpass the old record? I think they would need to sell a little more than 53,000.
  3. That picture of EZC was taken like 2 years ago. He looks much different now.
  4. No, the game is sold out. I think the only chance to buy more is when they release the unsold seats reserved for season tix.
  5. The Inn On The Lake is very nice in Canandaigua. They have an outdoor bar and as the name implies, it is right on the lake. Nice rooms and restaurant too. The Culinary Center is right next to the Inn and has some interesting seminars and tastings.
  6. I didn't know Marshal Faulk was writing predictions for the Sporting News.
  7. Anything that has to wait for an invitiation to enter your home and kill you can't be that tough! Salems Lot still creeps me out.
  8. I heard aligator meat is tasty. Never tried it.
  9. Have you seen "I am Legend"? If the SHTF deer hunting skills will be very usefull! (Along with a good zombie killing strategy!)
  10. Are you high right now, because you seem to have forgotten what you typed a few minutes ago. "To answer your question though, I do live in a decent sized place and maybe I do use more electricity then is needed BUT what I don't do is B word about the price of electricity. I take responsibility for my A/C and washer dryer bills and never complain." And yes, you did hit a nerve with the hunting comment. Do a little research and you'll find that the hunters you are mocking contribute more money and time to environmental conservation than all the journalists and internet bloggers that sit back and make fun of the truck drivers "goin huntin".
  11. What does hunting have to do with your argument? Actually hunting is better for the environment than buying farm raised food. Hunters in general do more for the environment than all the whiney internet activists will ever think of doing. Now if I'm understanding your position, it is OK to hurt the environment by wasting energy if you don't complain about the prices YOU are paying. You get bonus points if you call out others for wasting energy in ways that don't affect you. I have nothing against people owning big houses and living the good life, I just find the hypocrisy very amusing when one of those people go after big bad pickup truck drivers.
  12. I must have missed the part where you were only directing this at people that are complaining about fuel prices. "Exception of coarse to big families or those that need these trucks for work. Other then that though the average single guy or gal that drives a Hummer or Expedition is either an idiot or doesn't care about the effect they have on the economy or the world we live in." So wasting gas makes me a planet killing idiot, but wasting other energy resources is fine? Awesome logic...and very typical.
  13. If I win the lottery, I am going to pay some global warming hack scientist to "find" that patchouli oil is the cause of global warming. Can you imagine the uproar.
  14. Is your house/apartment any bigger than it absolutely has to be? Do you have unnecesary windows that leak heat? do you have air conditioning? If so then you must be an idiot too? Let's analyze your possesions and make stupid judgements. I certainly don't know your situation, but the "activists" and celebrities that shove their hybrid car in everyones face usually live in a big house (or several) and heat and cool much more space than is necessary. It is much easier to buy a small car and B word about the hard working guy who uses his pickup truck for occasional hunting/camping/tailgating trips than to make a change that affects your own lifestyle or comfort. I would love to be able to afford a small car for commuting and a truck for recreation, but unfortunately I don't have activist money. I love being judged by a guy with a drug themed avatar!
  15. We have dealt with the super loud "DJ" tailgates too. For some reason they think everyone wants to hear them make bad jokes and pretend to be Casey Casem. We bring a radio to listen to pre-game and we actually like to have conversations. There have also been very courteous groups that set up away from the people that arrive before them and ask us if the music is too loud. At least anyone who parks close to them at that point knows that they are in for loud music. It sounds like Cajunbillsbacker has a large enough group that they take up a good amount of space and all agree on the festivities. Most people I run into at the tailgates don't like the obnoxiously loud music that carries across half the lot. Play what you want at your tailgate loud enough to enjoy it, but let the rest of us pick our own music. Or find a spot where everyone enjoys your "entertainment".
  16. We do wings every game in the turkey fryer with Anchor Bar sauce and mix up the other entree. Venison tenderloin for the opener this year! Beer brats are always good if you have a big enough grill. Grill 'em and soak them in beer in a foil pan on the grill. We bought this grill last year and love it. http://www.bradsdeals.com/brinkmann-tailga...-pid-10057.html It folds flat and has a ton of space to cook on. A canopy makes every tailgate better, especially in the rain or cold. We also have a heater that attaches to a propane tank that helps during the really cold games. For any single guys, women flock to the heaters! Flag poles are nice touch too.
  17. I tend to do the opposite. Absolutely no Sam Adams during Patriettes* games! I'm going to try to get the wife to make * shaped cookies for the game and hand them out to any visiting NE fans. We will also be flying a * flag.
  18. When logged in to account manager, the list of games shows "sold out" instead of having a button to click on to purchase tix.
  19. On the Bills website, the Monday night game is listed as sold out. I wonder if this will boost season ticket sales even more? I think they are holding seats for those who buy seasons. How expensive do scalped tix have to be before it makes more sense to just buy the whole season?
  20. I have not been able to even log in to account manager yet. Very annoying.
  21. Was watching Family Guy last night and they had a "see you next tuesday" reference. On the poster for the school lesbian club meeting welcoming Meg.
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