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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. You don't fail a class if you go along with the professor's left wing views.
  2. Why are they wasting time in DC arguing this? They should have just asked the law student who did a paper on it.
  3. I don't think anyone has said he pointed it at his father. Everything I read said he "was armed" or "pulled out his gun".
  4. Was Hardy on his family's private property? If he was I would think he could pull out his gun in the open without breaking any law.
  5. "Police then arrested Hardy's father for an outstanding warrant in Kosciusko County, where he's wanted for failing to appear on a violation of driving with a suspended license. He was booked into Allen County Lockup but was no longer at the facility this morning." Sounds like he was making a citizens arrest?
  6. You equated owning multiple guns with criminal behavior. So yes, I am sensitive when ignorant blanket statements attempt to paint gun owners as criminals. The huge majority of guns in this country are owned by law abiding citizens who will never commit a crime with them. Harrison is being investigated because he may have committed a crime, not because he owned a lot of legal guns.
  7. At least the rampant speculation has subsided.
  8. You should never draw a gun on someone unless you feel your life is in danger and you intend to kill that person. Did Hardy feel this way? None of us really know for sure.
  9. You make a statement like this and call gun owners retards? Can you defend yourself and your family from a knife or gun wielding criminal with your abundance of confidence? What does the fifth amendment have to do with this argument? You don't even know the correct amendment but yet I'm an irational ( or iration according to your word) idiot? I would be willing to bet that you would not call me or many of my gun owning friends "puzzies, cowards and idiots" if you were not nestled safely behind a keyboard.
  10. Most of the people I know with concealed carry permits carry all the time as long as they are not going somewhere that guns are prohibited. If you only carried when you expected to have your life threatened, why would you go to those places in the first place.
  11. Why don't you ask the families of any murder victim if they felt like they were going to be shot or robbed at the mall, school, park, etc. If you could predict where robberies and crimes would be committed, we would have no innocent victims. You don't carry a gun because you think you will need it, you carry it in case you do.
  12. Great point! the more handguns you have LEGALLY REGISTERED the bigger thug you are. All the people I know who have many LEGAL HANDGUNS including myself have never committed any crimes, but let's group them with criminals because you feel that nobody needs a bunch of LEGAL guns.
  13. How much energy does the entire plastic recycling process including transportation take? Make sure you include all the oil that the employees use to drive to work at the plant, the energy involved in running the recycling plant, etc. I would bet you are not saving nearly as much oil as you think. I guess you should only harvest plants that grow quickly? Great logic. I have some asparagus in my garden that grows much faster than any of the other vegetables. Am I hurting the environment by eating the other vegetables? After all, some of them take a whole summer to grow! When a parcel of land is logged, it is replanted with new trees that will go to the end of the logging rotation. It doesn't matter how long it takes, because you have parts of the forest at all different levels of maturity. Logging companies and land owners in this country are probably much more concerned about the viability of the land than any militant recycler. Nobody is saying we should dump plastic into the ocean, simply properly dispose of it. Has the albatross story replaced the "dolphin with a six pack plastic ring around it's mouth" story? Man is part of nature and so is extinction of species. Of course I hate seeing animals die due to pollutants, but pretending that recycling is always the most efficient answer to the world's waste issues is naive. Sometimes you waste more energy and cause more pollutants in the recycling process than you would if we just disposed of the products in a proper landfill. You talk a big game about the world being "better off if man never existed", but yet you continue to exist and drain precious resources. Do you really need to be wasting energy typing on a plastic computer? Wasting time and electricity that could be spent helping the albatross? Don't be part of the "Al Gore do as I say not as I do" environmental police. Recycling some products makes sense. Blindly recycling everything just because it makes you feel like you are saving the environment is great for your conscience, but not worth much to the environment.
  14. Try explaining that trees are a crop like any other plant to some ranting hippie. For a while it seemed like loggers were worse than baby seal clubbers to some activists.
  15. I love the Penn and Teller Bullsh!t series. The recycling, Wal-Mart, and Gun Control episodes are some of my favorites.
  16. Awesome. I may actually listen to WGR on Monday to hear the whiney cries of Jeremy White and Schoop regarding the article.
  17. How is choosing not to spend $200 on a game you cannot tailgate at "punishing yourself"? The Toronto game will be the first "home" game in 6 years that I will not attend simply due to the price and lack of festivities. I don't think BillsPride12 or I care if the people of Toronto will miss us.
  18. If you can't pony up $285 to kick some Canuck ass you must be a communist! Kidding.
  19. "Buyer beware? It's more like buyer take cover. No, wait. It's buyer is either very wealthy or fairly desperate (OK, stupid) to spend that kind of money to watch J.P. Losman miss receivers or Jorge Posada not throw out guys at second base. Me? I've forever been amazed, generally, by the crowd sizes at our games . . . and that was before buying a ticket to them wasn't roughly equivalent to the financial trauma of purchasing a Caribbean island. Ducats . . . parking . . . concessions . . . traffic flow . . . drunks in the next seat? This all makes for a pretty steep price to watch people drop passes or fail to lay down bunts. When one considers that so many games are on television, mostly for free, the mystery grows even more. And now, specifically, we have the Bills and the Yankees, who don't go in for any of that hooey about their fans being part of the extended family. Nah, they see those poor saps for what they've become: Sheep in need of shearing. And they, the Bills and Yankees, have some very sharp clippers in hand." Does this idiot realize that Buffalo has had the lowest ticket prices in the NFL for many years? Way to stick it to your fans Buffalo! He apparently still thinks JP is the starting QB too.
  20. Just watched Cloverfield and gave my sub quite a workout. Not very impressed with the movie, but lots of explosions! Luckily there were thunderstorms in the area or I might have had a noise complaint from a neighbor.
  21. You stated: "I am partially deaf. And I find it very hard to tell what someone is saying if I can't see their lips while they're speaking. The way things are now, a cop standing behind me could say "Freeze. Hands up, now." When I did not comply in .0000045 seconds, he can then shoot me 167 times and ... get off? I think not. Oh, don't take that the wrong way... He probably WOULD get off." You are beyond stupid if you think a cop will walk up behind you in a non-threatening situation and shoot you in the back because you didn't hear him say stop. You then go on to claim that he would be exonerated. Now if you are fighting at a known drug and prostitution house, tell your friend to go get your gun, drive your car at a cop and don't hear him say stop, he will rightfully shoot you and be exonerated.
  22. The officer investigating the sex abuse claim is Major Cummings!
  23. Good to know. If I ever have to shoot someone in self defense and it only takes 2 shots to put them down, I will fire once more...or 4 times...or 7. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.
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