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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Got to forgo kicking on this side of the field. Too windy. Bass over-corrected from Tucker’s miss.
  2. I’m guessing the wind that’s stuffing the punts is carrying Allen’s passes.
  3. They invested a small fortune invested in their O-line after getting Andrew Luck pummeled into retirement. They are very good.
  4. Brett Favre used to break his receivers fingers with the speed he chucked balls. These guys are professionals, they should catch them.
  5. I feel sick to my stomach right now. Why can’t the Bills make anything easy?!
  6. Why can’t our defense at least make them work the clock down?!
  7. I eat all the crow from wanting to have Bass cut after week 3.
  8. Did anyone not see the Colts blow a 21 point lead against the Steelers? Lots of football left.
  9. Can we talk about that 24 yard dart he threw to John Brown that was negated by yet another dumb penalty by the offense? Kid's a playmaker. He's Brett Favre 2.0 and he's gonna throw some unfortunate picks. But when the chips are down, and he gets the ball last, he's going to finish.
  10. This loss sucks but it's not like the Cards haven't had their share of heartbreaking losses this season. Heck, they lost to the Dolphins last week when their usually automatic kicker waffled the tying field goal 5 yards short.
  11. People are wondering what "happened" to Josh Allen? What happened was a pussified playcalling effort which saw 27 pass plays called all game. They never let JA get into a rhythm, and it showed.
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