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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. He honestly had NO time for a deep play to develop.
  2. Honestly, this loss is fully on Beane and doing nothing to fix the offensive line.
  3. On the plus side, Josh is going to save a lot of money not having to buy gifts for these bums on the o-line.
  4. There has been two “highlights”. The Jags fumble and the Allen INT. Literally no other highlights. No nice catches, no nice throws, nothing.
  5. Dude hits a 55 yarder with 20 yards to spare but misses 3 in a throw between 40-50 yards. Go figure.
  6. Now how is that hit any different than the one that was called on Edmunds?!
  7. From what I’m seeing, he’s being doubled. And other than Beasley, our other WRs like Davis and Saunders aren’t finding space. Davis has been a disappointment this season so far.
  8. Everyone take a deep breath. They don’t give out the Super Bowl in Week 10. But management needs to fix the glaring flaws on this team. Because Billy B in Boston is dissecting those weaknesses right now.
  9. the play previous, they flung him to the ground. No call.
  10. Just garbage officiating. Like someone take the clown out of this game please.
  11. This is genuinely an unwatchable game because of these officials.
  12. I think we’re all learning in real time how good a blocker Knox is…
  13. Because our O-line is worse than theirs. It’s terrible and it’s going to cost us unless they can fix it.
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