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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. The king and queen of Canada, Eh? (In case you are being serious and really not sure, Geddy Lee of Rush who is seen many times a season, and 'Home Plate Lady's who is seen at every game in Toronto sitting behind home plate. Geddy Lee is there once in a while with his score card watching them play)
  2. And the fans have already packed the stadium to watch the game with 2 staples at the Rogers Centre in there seats
  3. Considering how much money he has, we could always call it the "Rich Ralph Stadium"....... Think of the money the Pegulas would save with this! The stadium could be repainted in a few hours, they wouldn't need a janitorial staff to clean the floors or glass..... With Ralph Lauren we would be the best dressed team and fans. All the players would have collared polo jerseys, the price of merchandise would probably triple though with his logo being added to everything.
  4. True From my understanding reading the article, since the shipping companies owner basically abandoned the ship instead of going through whatever trouble they were in that caused them to get docked there, and then the company that was to receive the shipment also abandoned it, they said the crew is responsible for it since they were the ones actually moving it and Lebanon was detaining the members of the crew until things were resolved. Seems like alot of shadyness going on if thats true It seems weird, doesn't appear to be getting much coverage around here though that you assume a massive explosion like that would get.....
  5. According to what I read earlier, a ship carrying it was flagged in the area and forced to dock in that port. The owner of the ship ended up abandoning it along with the owner of the shipment. It stayed on the ship along with 6 crew members who were forced to stay there until it was resolved. They warned about it being a danger and the materials were moved to a warehouse. The crew was still forced to stay with the ship and were eventually told that since it was abandoned they would be responsible to sell it off which they couldn't do because their ship had the communications devices removed. They were dealing with lawyers to try and get the off to go back game but said there was alot of corruption with the company and lawyers. If true, sounds like a messed up situation that is going to have some huge consequences, or should if they can do it without any corruption.....
  6. You can sleep? After hearing about it falling off I don't think I could, I'm worried about it happening now...
  7. I had been to a few places that were like that. Years ago when I was off on some training for work, a Hooters in the area had all you can eat wings and they gave you rules before you started. You would get 8 at a time and could only order more when you finished the last ones. Another play did something similar too. There are also some sushi places here that have 'All you can eat' and they have a menu you pick and choose from and they continue to bring you whatever you want until your done. These were all pre-Covid, but I would expect most places would go this route for All you can eat until things can go back to 'pre-Covid', if ever. As a kid I could do buffets and feel like I got my money's worth, now forget about it. I will fill a plate and struggle to finish it.
  8. Years ago I worked in a different town and had to deal with a complaint about someone having chickens on their property. The one owner complained because an owner of a neighboring property set up a chicken coup that they werent allowed to have. The owner complaining had a massive property with. Huge house that he lived at for only a few weeks a year. Along the edge of his property there were a few small lots owned by others. The one owner decided he would use the property for some chickens because the property was too small to build on right now. If the property was a couple streets over zoning would allow it, but they were just on the edge do the urban boundary and they weren't allowing chickens in the urban areas. Find out later on a neighbor across the street had them too but the coup was hidden behind trees and bushes. I remember it being much bigger a few years ago, not so much now.
  9. There was some video where you can see in the fire some flashes going off that look like fireworks. I don't think that's all they were doing in that building, that explosion didn't look right......
  10. I don't think $15mil is that much of a problem for him to front. He can just do another movie or a few appearances for Vince and make it right back.....
  11. Your assuming the Jets have provide all of the players on their roster at the start of camp with their full playbooks which will remain unchanged into the season.....
  12. Can he own the XFL as the Owner of the Chiefs?
  13. I just heard the other day, Pauls original guitar, which his father bought him for around $5 because he wanted to play an instrument that would allow him to sing too, sold at auction for over $400k
  14. You enjoyed the taste of fresh bugs in your teeth?
  15. The reason everyone around here was doing it was because the government program bought back the extra hydro you put into the grid, at an amount more then they charged you for hydro, so people would have them installed, still run everything on hydro from the grid, and sell back as mush as they could from what the solar generated. There were farmers putting up barns for the sole purpose of having more roof space for panels to get on the government program. That government is no longer in power and the current one cut all those programs so now solar and wind turbine companies are disappearing and it's getting rare to see people wanting solar panels
  16. That's because they don't know more then it being a possibility because an actual decision hasn't been made. Well they are owned by Rogers, one of the largest telecommunications companies in Canada, that's been notorious for penny pinching, so there's a good chance they have the crews on standby to remove it all....
  17. And for every one of these you can find multiple stories of an officer putting their life on the line to save someone and doing good. It's ok to stereotype and hate as long as it's not certain groups who can stereotype and hate others, got it......
  18. And I am sure you could pull up Millions of documented evidence that people of a specific race have committed similar crimes or worse, or have done things that fit into a negative stereotype, yet you get to pick and chose which groups of people you can stereotype and hate against, and some are ok to do it to while others will get you blackballed from society for.
  19. So why is it ok that people can paint all police officers with a single brush and call them all thugs and murders because of what a few of them have done, but when that same approach is taken to Blacks or any other race its Racist? Stereotyping is cool if its something/someone you don't like?
  20. Wouldn't that make him over qualified then? The ones with the medical degrees seem to be getting ignored........
  21. Out here I have yet to see a geothermal install done. I have read up on them and I guess it really depends on land/area. I believe the vertical install method can be much more expensive but works for smaller lots then the horizontal install. They were offering courses around here about them because they thought they were going to take off but it hasn't happened. As for solar, definitely something you want to have a system designed for, by someone who knows what they are doing. A few years ago, I used to see alot of them being done because of the incentives they were giving out for them. I knew someone who had it done and his son just bought a house and applied for the same. He said the bank had no problem giving him more on his mortgage to cover it when he was approved for the incentives because they knew the incentives paid for it and then some. There were alot of companies popping up doing them, some were going door to door getting home owners to sign leases for their roof where the company would come in, pay you an amount per month and they would use your roof to install panels. These companies seem to have vanished now that the incentives were taken away by the government and I barely see them being installed when you have to pay for it yourself. I think off you have the money, and it's a place you plan to stay at for a long time, it's definitely a good expense. The only downfall is probably maintenance and repair costs years down the road when things need repair or replacing. With solar, if it's installed on your roof, it's going to cost more to replace your roof because there's the extra labour of having to work around or remove the panels to replace the roof.
  22. It's possible they were mailed in just an envelope and not some package so it would be easy to get in the mail and open it. But why would you just plant them of you don't know or it doesnt say what they are?
  23. Well the first game was going to be against the Marlins........ After the first week, 2 teams have had a week off, and 5 series have had to be rescheduled. Atleast 3 teams have had positive cases hit their staff. It's not looking good. It will be interesting to see after this weekend if the 'bubble' sports do any better. Hockey sounds like it could work, basketball is iffy because they have had multiple cases of people sneaking out of the bubble before they even started playing.
  24. Except for the horses that will refuse to wear one because it infringes on their rights.......
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